I wake up in a dark alley. I have no idea where I am, just that it's cold and dark, and the only thing I have now are the clothes on my back. Someone must have cut my hair too, because I can feel it dusting my shoulders lightly. I wonder what I look like. I haven't had the pleasure of looking in a mirror for months.
When I try to get up, I feel a sharp pain in my side. I gasp and fall back to the ground. I squeeze my eyes shut and crawl to my knees, clutching at my injured side. I hear quiet footsteps around me, and when I open my eyes I find myself looking into a small, kind face with big, bright blue eyes. The little girl stares at me for a few seconds and then offers me a hand. I take it, and she pulls me to my feet.
I let out a small groan when she touches it delicately with her surprisingly clean fingers. I gaze at her with wide eyes. She pulls out a roll of gauze and lifts my shirt up to my mid chest. My side it a dirty, bloody mess. She wipes most of the dirt away with her hand and starts to bandage up my side while I wince uncontrollably.
When it's done, I smile and thank her.
"What's your name?" I ask her politely, whispering so no one else hears me.
"Elissa. What about you?" She whispers back, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
"My name is Lilac. Pleased to meet you." I answer, a slow grin covering my face.
"What happened to you? Do you know?" She gazes at me hesitantly.
"All I can remember is that I tripped on a rock and lost consciousness. I honestly have no idea how I ended up here." I try to make my sentence not sound as silly as it really is.
"Well, welcome to Sunset City. The supposed promised land. Too bad they didn't keep any of their promises!" She gives me a mock smile and then breaks into a deep sigh.
Wait... This is Sunset City? The checkpoint city? My heart suddenly fills with dread at the realization. This means they don't have a cure. They don't even have protection for their citizens! My heart breaks and I collapse on the hard concrete floor of the alleyway.
Elissa calls my name, but I can't see her. A blurry veil of tears streams down my face and blocks out everything. I become very tired very quickly. Having this sudden exhaustion makes me feel less weepy and I soon find myself asleep.