Once upon a time in a land so far away... There lived a girl who is far too sheltered in her home. Her room was on the 2nd floor and she can only get out of her room when the servants unlocked her door. Her parents did everything for her to lived in a safe world. They provide her needs. They showered her with affections but her life was full of restrictions and the word fun was out of her dictionary. Her home became her cage and her entertainment are the birds chirping freely in the sky. She doesn't know how to smile. She doesn't know how her world works. The only thing she knew is that her parents is the one who truly loves her. Her only hobby was to look in her window and hum without a care in the world.
One day when she was once again looking outside her window and humming a song she made, someone's voice joins her hum. So, she stopped and the voice also comes to a halt. "who is there?" she cautiously asked while looking around.
"I'm Eloise. Who are you?" answered the voice. The girl was shocked. She wanted to answer the mysterious voice but she knows her parents wouldn't like it. And so she pouted like a duck and furrows her brows.
"My parents wouldn't want me to give my name to others." she told the voice. The voice, Eloise makes a hum.
"Alrght... That's fine. Your voice sounds amazing though. Do you want to do a duet with me?" Eloise suggested. The girl furrows her eyebrows and is confused by what Eloise have said.
"what is.... A duet? Is that a type of food?" Eloise immediately laughed at her question. This made her pissed at the boy. Who is he to laughed at her? No one even dared to do it before.
"No.. Sorry for offending you but do you seriously don't know what is the meaning of duet? We already done it the minute before." the boy giggled and hums her song. Wait... It is her favorite song. The one she always sings. Her face instantly brightens and happily hums with the boy.
Everyday, Eloise will visit her and together hum and sing a song without a care in the world. Sometimes, Eloise would teach her somethings she never knew exists. Those days made her realize that the world has still beautiful things it can offer than her parents would. Now she knows how to laugh and how to smile genuinely. Eloise changed her world more than the boy could ever imagine. But there is still one mystery that is not solved yet. And that is her name. She didn't tell him her name yet. But now she will. She is now ready to tell him her name. And so at the time where they would always met, she waited for him to come.
She waited.....
And waited.....
And waited......
She waited for him to come but no one came. But instead of giving up, she still waited for him to come under her window. Every single day is not missed. She waited every single day even if the sun goes down. She waited even if the moon is up. What happened to him? Why is he not coming? Did something happened? But all the answers in those questions would not be known. As she is still caged in her own world..... BAD ENDING...
Try again?