No Plagiarism!FnXIvVHkZh0s8qjikGQvposted on PENANA You deserve love8964 copyright protection211PENANAWGew52BnHt 維尼
Pure sacred love8964 copyright protection211PENANA5G9BCtSYWr 維尼
The creator loves you8964 copyright protection211PENANAOqqyfHjhl2 維尼
So so very much8964 copyright protection211PENANAJihwJ2GWoW 維尼
And They want you to be happy8964 copyright protection211PENANARQAxp7iBPN 維尼
Even if you don't feel it now8964 copyright protection211PENANA6byaXr9kSm 維尼
They weep at what you go through8964 copyright protection211PENANAZ0PTIs9z3V 維尼
You'll be avenged, somehow8964 copyright protection211PENANApTfRgd4arx 維尼
You'll find a way8964 copyright protection211PENANA46hALLTO7x 維尼
One day you will break free8964 copyright protection211PENANAGCn28SU1B6 維尼
And so will the Earth8964 copyright protection211PENANAXGfdMPvgoZ 維尼
And then just wait they'll all see8964 copyright protection211PENANA1cANHnFeaP 維尼
Everyone who harmed you8964 copyright protection211PENANAbAYh5h9TgP 維尼
They'll all be sorry8964 copyright protection211PENANAxEeJFpyi20 維尼
Jordan you're the River Jordan let it surround you8964 copyright protection211PENANAZl7rKLNnfc 維尼
------8964 copyright protection211PENANA2HhtRRGnDu 維尼
If you like this piece check out my Mastodon my account is FSairuv@mas.to and I post about human rights, social justice, and the environment. 8964 copyright protection211PENANAaIxLVnH7PF 維尼