(Credits in Inkitt and Webnovel)205Please respect copyright.PENANA8XbRGAlmPV
205Please respect copyright.PENANAGvmtcBCMIB
Jungkook’s POV205Please respect copyright.PENANAX7ocRyXimX
“Mr Jeon. Mr Jeon.”205Please respect copyright.PENANAodKrbvZM4M
I was woken up by the nurse taking care of my sister. She has brought lunch over for my sister even though that mini kiddo of my sister is still fast asleep.205Please respect copyright.PENANAuwdRN76sja
“Mhm?” I rubbed my eyes looking at her confused. “Officer Shin wants to see you.” She tells me.205Please respect copyright.PENANAgM8PzteF0q
I immediately got up from the couch I slept on looking at her extremely confused. “Officer Shin Yoo?” I asked her and she nods her head.205Please respect copyright.PENANAlbDwmyY3i7
I stood up and went to the counter where the nurse tells me he is. “Hello Officer Shin” I greeted him a little. “Hello! How things going for you all the past 3 days?” He then greets me back.205Please respect copyright.PENANApSOEwd3z88
“Good. Not much problems. Safe.” I shyly scratched my head saying. “Good to hear.” Officer Shin smiles. “Anything looking for me for?” I then asked him205Please respect copyright.PENANAHWkuEafPVn
“Ah yes, in regards to your sister’s cafe shooting case and attempted assassination case, we are working on it concurrently. “ He nods his head with a smile before proceeding to give me updates of the cases.205Please respect copyright.PENANADZQl0eWYqW
“The cafe shooting case will be put on hold because Song Cheoljin, the shooter, has also previous charges he have to face in court for.” He then first gave me the update for the cafe shooting.205Please respect copyright.PENANAP4wGku82WX
“Understood.” I nodded my head understanding whilst worrying I may have to inform Bora when she comes over later.205Please respect copyright.PENANAjjCcjWcorw
I know Bora isn’t at fault with the cafe shooting, her own half-brother really needs to pay for what he did. Song Cheoljin is a mockery to all men in the world205Please respect copyright.PENANAsLFY0fKXbG
“As for the attempted assassination case, there are 2 plotted by Miss Anong Suwan, Chariya Gibbs and Rebecca Min.” He then proceeds telling me about the second case.205Please respect copyright.PENANAMr2V0LTuDR
“They are still on the run, officially wanted and the crimes they have committed against your sister prior will also be used against them in court.” He tells me. “As in the assault, bullying stuff?” I asked and he nods his head.205Please respect copyright.PENANA4ebSZZv5q6
“As they are fugitives and repeated offenders here, most likely the prosecution will get them long sentences and request deportation.” He tells me.205Please respect copyright.PENANA7VmAvAYn5u
I can’t help sighing in relief despite the fact I have the fearful thoughts once of being in the same industry as these creeps who put my sister through so much unimaginable misery.205Please respect copyright.PENANAyeocnyDNps
“Another thing is…” He starts becoming truly hesitant looking at me after finishing the updates, as if what he is going to say next205Please respect copyright.PENANAJoKizIY6pW
“Yes?” I ask. “There is a person by John McForbes who would like to visit your sister. Are you permitting it?” He then softly speak up asking me.205Please respect copyright.PENANAa2n5SgjJ2q
“Can this person be trusted?” I ask. He nods his head. “He says he knows your sister.” He then tells me.205Please respect copyright.PENANAEAwpPae03B
“Tell him to come here.” I say. Officer Shin then brought him and another gentleman in.205Please respect copyright.PENANA1Hh9kxUk4Z
“Sorry you need to speak a little louder next time cause Mr McForbes has a very bad hearing some days.” The other gentlemen explained to Officer Shin205Please respect copyright.PENANAre3qf0rzpx
“How do you know my sister?” I ask. The other men offered to translate to him in English.205Please respect copyright.PENANAxvq1R51i8J
“He says he’s your sister’s ex boss, he has just quit the FBI in 2018.” The other guy explains to me back in Korean after asking Mr McForbes205Please respect copyright.PENANAd9w2NKuK3R
I look at him. Should I? “Can I have your name also Sir?” Officer Shin asks the translator.205Please respect copyright.PENANA4GXIJf2DG5
“Michael Fox. My Korean name is Choi Minjae.” The translator introduced himself205Please respect copyright.PENANA3inUAupgDm
“You both can go in but if my sister gets upset, I will chase you guys out myself.” I said to them both walking in first to my sister already awake205Please respect copyright.PENANAcX4o9X35Zh
They both nod as I walked in and help my sister whose struggling to get the bed up. “Thank you.” She says as she saw the two gentlemen behind me.205Please respect copyright.PENANA26860Wd2aG
“Investigator McForbes? Agent Fox?” She greeted them in shock. “How you’re doing Jennifer?” They asks her205Please respect copyright.PENANAmJ4NJXDCZe
“Alright.” My sister says with a small smile. “How about you both?” She asks them. “Alright there. More worried when I read the news about what happened.” The McForbes guy speak to her.205Please respect copyright.PENANAtpt6NzQKqP
The Fox guy came forward to me as I watched my sister. I’m unsure is it because I’m struggling to understand the conversation but being around these people that know my sister is really weird205Please respect copyright.PENANAcRwsBExTrO
“Are you okay?” I quietly ask her. “I should be the one asking whether you’re alright cause you look scared.” My sister quietly answers back205Please respect copyright.PENANAmyFcP7Qa37
“Can he be trusted?” I ask her. She nods her head.205Please respect copyright.PENANAWqecGw3grf
“You must be Jennifer’s idol brother. Oh my gosh! You look extremely handsome~” Fox compliments me in Korean205Please respect copyright.PENANAF1WwQeNboi
‘Okay this one speaks good Korean. Unexpected.’ I think to myself at Fox’s compliments. “Thank you.” I say shyly as I watched everything ongoing.205Please respect copyright.PENANAWXOOuHkmp6
Junghwa’s POV205Please respect copyright.PENANASrT7RvmfO8
“Long time no see!” Investigator McForbes sits down on the chair telling me.205Please respect copyright.PENANAZCc9qk5QV2
“Really long time no see.” I smiled. “Good choice on you getting Mike with you.” I tell him with a giggle205Please respect copyright.PENANADagoP76VRj
He giggles as well. “You really survived a lot didnt you?” He then asks me. I nodded my head. “From the drug war to everything to this shooting, it’s really just trials.” I said205Please respect copyright.PENANA2abILsN1lb
He nods. “How have you been?” He asks. “Alright here except a couple of times the wound reopens.” I tell him.205Please respect copyright.PENANA2Q43Upnd7l
“Just take it easy.” He says. “I know. You and Antonio always say that to me.” I said with a smile thinking of poor old Antonio.205Please respect copyright.PENANAbhPeRpPeW9
“Yep! I’m glad you still remember.” He chuckles. I chuckle as well.205Please respect copyright.PENANAr9ZcfnnSYi
“So why are you really here?” I ask. “Check on how you are doing.” He says. “And also pass you this.” He adds on giving me a ring box of the sorts.205Please respect copyright.PENANAiVJJkwyB6g
“Open it only if you want to.” He tells me. I look at it, shocked. “I-I don’t need to open it now right?” I asked him awkwardly205Please respect copyright.PENANAvtRxmfQfZV
“Open it when you want.” He says. “And Victor wants me sending his regards to you also.” He also says.205Please respect copyright.PENANA5d1x0V7bDu
‘He still not forgetting after all these years.’ I think to myself as I remember the last conversation we had after his dad was gone.205Please respect copyright.PENANAPH4BLK06Ko
“Okay.” I say. “Just help me send my regards when you return to the states please.” I looked at him saying softly205Please respect copyright.PENANAyANtbI3baL
He nods, and smiles, “I will.” He says. “Got a boyfriend?” He then looks at me with a smirk, I just chuckle already know who this question came from.205Please respect copyright.PENANA9EQRnYXFqg
“Alicia asks you to ask me that right?” I giggled back. He nods, “Maybe its a me question.” He says. “Tell her to call me about it instead.” I softly laughed to him after finishing the last bit of my lunch205Please respect copyright.PENANAFv90ts8SNK
He laughs as well. “I will.” He tells me. The nurse came in collecting my empty tray and passing me the medicine in return.205Please respect copyright.PENANAGvucKV6g9q
I groan, she just smiles. “I see you still struggle with medicines.” Investigator McForbes giggles along with Agent Fox205Please respect copyright.PENANAESgjs2EvCM
I nod. “Big time.” I pout at the nurse. The nurse giggles leaving us alone.205Please respect copyright.PENANA6Z68XtcDkz
“Need any drink?” My brother then asks with his best English. “Just long black for me, latte for Mr McForbes.” Fox tells him giggling205Please respect copyright.PENANA5h9TGTqUN6
“Water.” My brother says as fox said it in english. “Ah oh yes please sorry 2 please!” Fox shyly apologised.205Please respect copyright.PENANAuCjT6LwBPY
Investigator McForbes then rolled his eyes as always at Agent Fox205Please respect copyright.PENANA8Z85D3C76Q
But to our shock he does come back with their drinks. “Remind me to pay you back.” I tell my brother softly205Please respect copyright.PENANAvUXYMmcOXf
“No need.” He tells me sitting back down. “I know you won’t like this but the Wolf trial has been concluded.” Agent Fox tells me shyly.205Please respect copyright.PENANA1RKBZMZQ73
I nodded my head telling him to proceed. “Jerky Wolf has been convicted and send to prison for life. Ty Wolf has also been convicted and given the same sentence.” He then tells me.205Please respect copyright.PENANAIuKSIKRwvL
“Good.” I nodded my head in relief. I look at him. “Hopefully they wont cause any more trouble.” I say. “Yup” he nods his head agreeing.205Please respect copyright.PENANA3d01LGcjUf
After a while of conversation and me taking the awful meds, the two took their leave.205Please respect copyright.PENANA4bCjmlCu6a
I looked at my brother and he looks at me. “You don’t seem enjoying their presence.” I said. “Your not wrong.” He tells me. “I don’t like them.” He then admits pouting.205Please respect copyright.PENANA1jreH9128E
“Do you want me to make sure they dont come again?” I ask him. He nods his head still pouting which I can’t help giggling cause I find it cute.205Please respect copyright.PENANAqFwT4ws3vq
“So cute~” I sing. “Yah!! Jeon Junghwa!! I’m 2 years older than you!!” He looks at the door before telling me silently.205Please respect copyright.PENANAj1O0Vmgcav
I just roll my tongue at him. “Go back to sleep.” He tells me. I just laugh and lie down. “Close your eyes.” He tells me and I shook my head cheekily205Please respect copyright.PENANAJKDXFsRFjx
He laughs. “There got to be some way making you sleep” He giggles. I shake my head, smiling. After a while of light tickling, I finally yawned somehow205Please respect copyright.PENANAvF2OGPu9A8
“Ready for sleep now?” He asks me. I nodded my head closing my eyes snuggling onto him. He pulls the blanket up and it took me soon to fall asleep.205Please respect copyright.PENANALGQq7Sk284
Jungkook’s POV205Please respect copyright.PENANAowsMhlvkmb
My members shortly came after my sister has fallen asleep205Please respect copyright.PENANAdBfe4LvofX
“Shhh.” I tell them. They nodded their heads understanding as I ended up treating them food at the hospital foodcourt downstairs205Please respect copyright.PENANAVWAJTvxQGF
“Great day?” JHope asks me. “You can say that.” I tell them as I order a normal coffee. “Your face says different though?” Chanyi looks at me205Please respect copyright.PENANArDq68Fp7jA
“Some people from Jen’s old work place showed up.” I explain. “Who?” Jimin asks me.205Please respect copyright.PENANA4iB98Usjfv
“One ex-boss and the other is also still in the FBI but he translates and speaks good Korean.” I tell him205Please respect copyright.PENANA75hJBYabAv
“Have you told Jen?” Chanyi asks. “She knows already from my expression and before I can say anything” I tell Chanyi205Please respect copyright.PENANAP4x4y34gz7
He nods. “I don’t even know how much more rocks they have put her through in the FBI so they are not to be trusted.” I said to them all. “We know. Your family. Arent you allowd to say who visits?” V asks.205Please respect copyright.PENANAHmu2BMKbC7
“I’ve talked about not letting some visit so far. But I’m deciding to limit it to all of you, Chan’s group and Blake’s group.” I said as the nurse walks over saying hi to us with her lunch205Please respect copyright.PENANAIojidpre2x
“Hi.” We say as we let her sit with us. “Just call me Nurse Siyeon.” She introduces herself to us.205Please respect copyright.PENANA5ihI6NnlQJ
“Thank you for taking care of my sister these whole time.” I thanked her205Please respect copyright.PENANAzadque8DY8
“No worries. As a nurse its my job to do so.” She smiles. We all just smile.205Please respect copyright.PENANATsaov6c33R
“I was just thinking of asking you if more visitors can be limited now for my sister’s case.” I then proceed asking her205Please respect copyright.PENANACMtzHxY8dW
She nods as I give her the list. “I can sure help on that.” I said. “So only you guys, Stray Kids, Sixteen, Seventeen, Gyu Aro, Song Bora and Hwang Inhye.” She reads out softly the list. I nod. “Nice! I will get this work out.” She reassured us as she continue eating her lunch.