(Cole P.O.V)
"Nikki, baby I am sorry please forgive me," I pleaded to her.
"No," she said and look away from me while licking his lollipop.
"Come on princess, what about if I give you ice cream," I plead, trying to bribe a 2-year-old to stop being mad at me with ice cream. An all-time low for me.
"Trevor aweady give me ice cweam," she informs me, bouncing happily on Trevor lap," an' I wad at you Cole, an Ro too."
"Nikki please princess, I'll give you anything you want in the whole wide
She looks at me with a devious look on her little face, "Anything?..." and I look at her with shock to evil for her age I thought.
"Anything.." I said with a sigh.
"Yay, I wan pat, now take me to a pet shop," she said to me. I hold my hands in front of her to come in my arms but she refuses it.
"No, I'll not come until you get me a pet," she said while hiding her face in Trevor's neck.
"Fine," I said and we walk to my car and I drive away to the p[et shop.
"tank you! tank you! tank you!" Nikki screams, cuddling her new kitten to her face.
"I said anything you wanted didn't I?" I say, blank-faced. I. HATE. CATS.
"Didn't think that something would be a cat did you?" Trevor smirks and I stare daggers at him.
"I name him Madol!" Nikki declares, petting the poor thing half to death.
"Be gentle with him Nikki, he's just a baby," I tell her, kissing her forehead, glad that she's forgiven me.
"He sweep in my woom?" she asks hopefully.
"Of course, he can sleep in your room, he's your kitten."
"I gonna feed him, and give him bafs and wawk him!"
"He's a cat, not a dog," Trevor laughs and Nikki pouts at him.
"Cats pway outside too!"
"Of course, they do little princess," I look at the clock, 9 pm, past Nikki's bedtime, "now come on, it's bath time," I set the kitten down and pick up Nikki, carrying her to her bathroom with the kitten following. I take my shirt away to bathe her so that it didn't get wet due to her splashing water on me. After that, I remove her clothes and started to give her a bath.
"Why my bewwy button wook diffent?" Nikki asks, inspecting my belly button and then her own.
"Because you're a baby and babies have outies, it might change to look like mine when you're older," I tell her, rinsing her hair.
Roy-Imagine mate is naked as an adult.
Roy says, smirking in my mind.
Stop it, Roy, she's just a baby. This is why we never give her baths. I should have just let Courtney do it like normal.
"Roy-No! I'll behave, I promise! I like being with a little mate.
"I no baby! I two! I use big kid potty now!" Nikki argues.
"Ok Nikki, then maybe you just have an outie," I sigh, there really is no arguing with a two-year-old, especially when it's a spoiled one like my adorable little mate.
"oh, where's Melow?" she asks, looking behind my back for the kitten.
"He's sleeping in your bed waiting for you princess. Let's join him," I lift her out of the tub and quickly dry her off, putting her in pink footie PJ's.
She runs out of the bathroom and into her toddler bed, covering up and cuddling with Bubbles.
"Do you need to go potty before bed?" I ask her, tucking her in.
"No, I went before baf," She says, patting my cheek so I lean down so she can kiss my cheek goodnight, "I wuv you cone. I wad no more. Tank you for my kitty."
"anything for you more princess, now go to sleep," I kiss her forehead, turn on her night light and walk towards the door, "I love you, Nikki," I say before I close the door behind me.
After completing some work I go back to my room to go and sleep with my little mate. I take Mellow and place Mellow beside me then fall asleep.
After some time I feel some wait on my face like someone was trying to suffocate me and kill me. I put my hand on my face to feel some hair and I know it was Mellow on my face I pick it up on from my face then she scratches me on my face then goes to the couch and falls asleep on it.
I get up from bed with a grown to wash my face to wipe some blood from my face. That's why I hate cats they are wild and unpredictable. When I go back to my bed I feel my face fully healed all thanks to my werewolf healing. I cradle Nikki in my arms and fall asleep peacefully in my arms.