Nikki P.O.V
He is gone! I miss Cone, he my best fwiend. He my wofie! I miss my Cone. But he caw Wason and say he be home to tuck me in nigh-nigh! An morrow he wet me wide he wofie! I so 'sited!! I cwied awot wast nigh an i no eat my dinner or bweakfast cause i so sad. I just wan my Cone back.
Trevor P.O.V
This three day was the hardest and most painful days of my life. Nikki didn't eat anything, not even ice cream. She keeps crying and keeps looking at the door waiting for Cole to arrive and take her in his arms. Meadow also tried to distract her but all in vain. I really need to talk about this to cole if this keeps getting going then I will start having a panic attack when she gets separated from Cole for two or three days.
Cole P.O.V
" Hey princess,!!" Nikki comes running into the living room where I set down my suitcase, and she jumps into my arms, "I miss you this much!" She holds her arms out wide to show me how much she missed me, and even that small action breaks my heart. My poor baby missed me.
"I missed you too Princess, so so much," I nuzzle her neck and breath in her chocolate and strawberry scent, mixed with the smell of her baby shampoo, "I missed you so much, baby girl."
" I no want to go nigh-nigh. I want pway with you Cone," Nikki says, cuddling into my chest and yawning.
"No-no-no. You're going to bed, you've had your dinner, you've had your bath, you're in your jammies. It's time for bed. I rock her back and forth and feed her the bottle of ice water that James just handed me," Go to sleep little Nikki," she slowly starts to drift off.
"I wuv you, Cone," she murmurs just before she falls asleep.
" I love you too Nikki," I kiss her forehead and sigh in contentment.
"I want to talk with you Cole, meet me in the living room after tucking her in the bed," Trevor's mind links me. I close the door softly and walk out of there.
" how was she when I was out for days?" he asks.
"She cried for days until I offered ice cream and The Lego Movie."
He looks down at him sadly, "I hope she stops crying every time i leave once she gets older."
"Some mates just have bad separation anxiety," I tell him.
"Yeah well if it's that then we're in trouble. It gets worse with age and can kill mates."
"About that, I have to talk to you, we should talk to the doctor and do something about it,"
"Yeah we should, I hope it's just a phase."
"Me too."
"Well, I am tired I am going to sleep, goodnight,"
"Goodnight," I said to him and we both go to our room and goes to sleep.
The next day I woke up before Nikki and get showered then walk to my office. I want to complete all my work today so that I can have a day off tomorrow and can spend my whole day tomorrow with Nikki, and that's why I wake up so early to complete my work.
I sign when I saw the piles of files on my table. This gonna be a long day I thought and get to work. After some time I saw the clock to see it was 8:30 Trevor must have woken up by now. I kept my file on the desk and check my emails while mind linking her to look after Nikki for me. I know Nikki would not be happy knowing that I didn't want to spend time with her after staying away from her for two days but she has to go through it because I will be there with her all-time the tomorrow and it will help to get used to my absences so she did not get a panic attack when I was away from her for a long time.
I Mind linked my Beta and gamma and told them to meet me at my office after they were done with their breakfast and also bring mine with them so that I can discuss what happened in the meeting with them. When they come to the office with my breakfast I give them the important file to them go through that while I eat my breakfast. Man, I was hungry. It feels good to put something in my stomach.
After that, we discuss business and the pack's matters with each other and I dismiss them after giving them their work. it looks like Sunniway branch of my office has no control over the expanses I have to do something before they get me on the straight. I thought while looking at the report of my all business branch. I take my phone out of my pocket and call my branch manager Zara.
Zara is 40's old who works with my father for 15 years and a very trustworthy employee of our company. That's why my father trusts her to handle all the branches of our Company. She is like another mother to me. If you guys wonder that dose she knows of our kind then yes she does, she is Trevor's mother and my mother's best friend. She has looked after me when my parents were busy in pack work and getting this business on the top. she picks up, at the second ring.
"Hello Zara, it's me, Cole Williams," I said on the phone.
"Hello, Cole how are you, my child?" she asks with her soft voice.
"I am fine, what about you Zara?" I ask.
"I am just as usual self, how did you remember old me?" she teases me.
"Oh, I was looking at the branch's report when I saw that one of it has no control over its expenses," I said to her nervously.
"Strick to the business I see huh?" she said in a teasing voice but I still manage to hear the disappointment in her voice.
"Are you upset because of me Zara?" I ask her.
"You were always busy, just like your father, and don't have any time to spend with old little me," she said and I practically see her pouting at me.
"I am sorry Zara you know how hectic it is to handle both packs and business and after Nikki comes it becomes a lot harder, but I promise to meet you soon, " I said to her.
"Bring your parents and Nikki with you too," she demands and I nodded my head knowing she did not see me I said yes to her.
"And how said that you are old, if it's not for David to scare them away you will still have the young man running after you" I teased making her giggle.
"Now stop it and tell me what branch are you talking about?" she asks.
"It's true you can't disagree with it and it's the Sunniwari branch," I told her.
"Okay, I will look at the matter, see you soon," she said I said my goodbyes and hang up and get back to work.