I stared up at this figure who was around my height if not a bit taller. She was wearing what looked like tight black clothing, the only source of real color I had right now was the darker red jepei aura that spilled off her shoulders, as well as the spotless white mask she was wearing. “What are you doing outside so late at night?” She spoke again, there was something almost mechanical sounding about her voice. “What are you doing near the master’s office?”
I made a weak attempt to stand but froze as in a flash she held a long single edged saber against my chin. “I was looking for a bathroom, and stumbled into his office by accident.” I said in a soft voice. “Then those two guys came and I got scared, and hid outside until they left.”
“I am sure your master told you, do not go where you are not welcomed.” She did not pull back her blade but rather dug it a bit deeper on my chin, just enough to draw a tiny bead of blood. I watched as that small bead ran down the blade like a small trickle of water. “I am sure you know where the bathroom is. So let me ask you again, what were you doing-” I blur of bright purple slammed into her, tackling her to the ground! They rolled for a moment and this figure managed to slip out from underneath Aisu and back to her feet, now holding her blade in a protective stance across her chest.
“Aisu come back,” I said immediately, turning her back into smoke to be absorbed back into my gemstone. “Let me handle this, we can’t let her get a good look at you.”
“I am coming out if she tries to hurt you too much.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
“Cheap trick,” I looked at as this girl began to walk towards me. Her hips low to the ground and her blade now resting across her shoulders. It was at least four feet long, and with a large handle, almost like a large greatsword. “Let’s see what you can do and maybe I will show you some mercy. I don’t want to hurt one of my mistress friends.”
“Who are you?” I asked, holding my hand out and just for my own safety I summoned my own netrix weapon. A long naginata with a small orb on the bottom of it in case I didn’t want to hurt someone when sparring. However tonight, I think the long blade was gonna be needed more. I think I just found out who had been doing the killing with Katherine.
“None of your business.”
I didn’t want to risk waking another in the house up. So I ran around the side of the house, keeping close track of the footsteps that were following behind. We now stood in her large backyard with only the moonlight and our weapons lighting the space. As soon as I spun around, she swung down with her blade. I barely had enough time to lift my own weapon up to block, but the force was enough to send me flying backwards and through one of the wooden arm chairs that rested out there. I flipped back up to my feet and she was gone! I felt my heart starting to race in my chest as I spun around in a slow circle, keeping my eyes open for any movement, my ears open for any footsteps. I could see brief flickers of dark red jepei fluttering around me. She was much faster than she looked.
Finally I felt her and spun around just in time to block her next swing, but this time she didn’t knock me aside. I had used the protection aura to surround my weapon in a fierce purple glow. Spars of dark red and violet flew into the sky like fireflies as she stood there, and while I couldn’t see her face. Judging from the tone of her voice, she sounded amused. “You're quick, and your protection coating is pretty strong.” I felt my feet starting to sink into the grass a bit. I let out a grunt as she started to increase her strength, I could see very faint bits of dark red starting to spread the veins in her arms. She was using amplification to get stronger. I let out a cry as she forced me down onto my knees that now were filled with a dull pain. “Yet still not that strong, I suppose you are still a little rookie aren’t you.”
My stomach exploded in pain as she kicked me in my chest, sending me rolling across the ground. I spilled off the side and landed with a loud splash into Trinity’s pool! The once warm water from the sunny day we had been given, now were now chilly and cold. It did wonders in waking me up more. I quickly unsummoned my weapon and swam back up to the surface, where someone took a hard hold of my hair and dragged me out of the water. I let out a loud scream of pain as my braids were pulled back on my scalp as I was lifted up and thrown onto the ground.
“What is happening?!” I thought to myself as I spun up to my face, trying to ignore the pain starting to gather in my stomach. “Calm down,” I heard my momma’s voice creep onto the back of my head. I see myself when she began to retrain my mental state from Katherine’s sick lessons. “Stay down and keep your protection aura up, get your mind back, get your head together and relax. It’s okay to be knocked down, it's how well you get back up that changes a fight.” I let out a long exhale before raising back to my feet, my eyes narrowed into a deep glare. They locked onto my opponent who seemed to have given me a chance to get up.
“Did you enjoy your swim?” She held her hand up and I could see about ten of my thin braids were in her hand. I suddenly understood why part of my scalp was burning. “I am gonna ask you one more time before I really start hurting you. What were you doing in the master’s office?”
“I-I already told you,” I spat out the last of the water that had entered my lungs. “I-I’m sorry,” I bit the back of my lip as I slowly lowered down onto my knees and held my hands out in front of me. “Sometimes it’s not worth fighting to gather information, sometimes submission can get you everything you need.” Now my daddy’s words echoed across my head. “I didn’t mean to go where I wasn’t supposed to. I was foolish and I was tired, I am sorry.”
I closed my eyes for a moment tensing slightly as I heard this figure’s footsteps come marching towards me. “Interesting,” she hummed as she put a hand on my chin. “So you can make a netrix weapon but you have no real talent in it, you can fight but still are learning, there is a difference between sparring and truly fighting. A lesson I am sure you will not make again.” I hesitantly opened my eyes to see this figure kneeling in front of me. Her blade stills resting on her shoulders and if it wasn’t for that mask, I was sure I would be face to face with a proud smirk. “Tell you what, I will keep this little meeting between us. Mistress Trinity likes you a lot, so I don’t want her new friend to not come back to play again. However, if you do this again, then a mother will be missing a child, a father will be without his daughter, and siblings will be missing a sister. Do not let this happen again.”
My head suddenly exploded in pain as something hard hit me knocking me to the ground. THe world was growing darker than it had been before, not even the moonlight was helping right now. As I let this darkness consume me, at least I knew one thing was certain. This girl was not Trinity.
That or Trinity was an actor worthy of an Oscar.
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“That stupid bitch!” my eyes were starting to flutter open, my head was hurting in two separate places. “Hurry up already!” I heard Trinity whine towards someone. “How did no one see anything, someone get something on her injuries already!”
“Ow,” whoever was screaming went silent and my eyes finally opened. My vision was blurred but I was sure that this was not Trinity’s room. The colors were darker, a large television was hung across from me. I was resting on a much larger bed with black covers and pillows, I turned my head to see a doorway that led into a bathroom. I looked the other way and I could see a large walk in closet with a lot of clothes and watches. “W-Where am I?” I finally asked, trying to sit up but a gentle hand was placed on my chest, a warm hand that felt amazing on my cold bare chest.
Wait bare chest?
My eyes fully snapped open as I sat up grabbing the edges of this blanket to cover myself fully. It took me a moment to realize that I was naked now. “What happened!?” I snapped as I looked around at the figures around the room. One of them was Ms. Raymond who was dressed in white pajamas and currently had a house robe over her large frame. Beside her was a skinny looking girl maybe 23 years old, she stood taller than Ms. Raymond was in black shorts and a tank top. She was currently grinding something in a stone bowl. However standing there clad in the pajamas she wore last night, her face absolutely drenched in sweat, was Trinity. As soon as she saw me her face went from worried, to scared, and then back to anger all in a few moments, however the one it settled on was relief.
“Mistress wait-” Trinity ignored Ms. Raymond, and crawled up onto this large bed and threw her arms around me in a tight hug.
“I-I’m sorry,” she whispered, it took me a moment to realize that she was crying and she was shaking. “I’m so sorry,” she whimpered, increasing her death grip around me. Her warm body felt wonderful against my freezing neck. She was so warm that I both snuggled closer into her embrace to calm her down and try to absorb some of this heat.
“W-What happened?” I asked once we broke the hug and I lay back down to cover my body a bit more. While the room was filled with women, it was still horribly embarrassing to be like this right now.
While Trinity had left to get some new clothes for me. Ms. Raymond had explained a bit more. “We were gonna ask you the same thing. We found you outside by the pool in soaking wet clothes, you are lucky that you don’t have a cold young lady. We tried to check the camera we had outside but someone had deleted the footage.”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “Last night I needed to go to the bathroom, but I guess I was so tired that I didn’t know where I was and got lost. I ended up in Mr. Wallace’s office I think and I heard people coming, so I hid outside on the railing. WHen they left I tried to climb back in, but someone kicked me out of the window. If it wasn’t for a technique called protection I would have been really badly injured. That was when I saw someone come out of the window, she was wearing all black and had on a scary white mask. I tried to fight her but she beat me and threw me into the pool. I think she tore out some of my braids too. I said sorry and she knocked me out not before warning me to watch where I was going.”
When I finished telling my tale, I noticed that Ms. Raymond and this other girl who had dark brown hair and a round face shared a glance. “D-Do you know who did this?”
“I’m sorry,” Ms. Raymond began. “That young lady is someone whom we don’t usually talk about. I have only seen her a few times, the last time being with Katherine yesterday. She is some girl that Katherine has kept close to her. I think a body guard or something, she was probably with those two gentlemen that came to collect those records. Probably thought you were trying to steal from them.”
“And I paid the price for it,” I said with a small wince as the pain was still very much there. “I am sorry for causing trouble.”
“I am sorry that she went too far.” Ms. Raymond said, as she stood to go get me something warm to drink, I heard her mumble under her breath. “I am sick and tired of this shit, she didn’t deserve that.”
“I kinda did,” I thought to myself.
As Ms. Raymond left, Trinity came rushing back in a nightgown for me to least throw on while the rest of my stuff was drying. “Get out!” she snapped towards the other younger woman who hesitated at first but then Trinity roared at her. “I said get out or I will fire you! Get out!” That was enough for this woman to leave the bowl and very quickly rush out of the room. “Stupid bitch!” Trinity slammed the door shut and quickly took the stone bowl and went back to grinding the already half made paste that was inside. However, it didn’t take long to see that she really was doing it wrong.
“Trinity.” I said, turning her attention to me. “Relax your hand, you're just mashing it around and that is just gonna bruise those herbs.” Trinity nodded her head and now with a much more careful grip she was doing a good job. “This is my fault, Trinity. I got lost and went somewhere.”
“That is not an excuse for that stupid girl’s actions!” I flitched a bit at Trinity’s harsh tone. “She knew that you were my friend, yet she still hurt you for no reason. I hate her, I hate her!”
“Who is she?”
“She is Katherine’s bodyguard or something, some girl that showed up a few months ago to guard Katherine during the night. I don’t even know what she looks like, she always has on that stupid mask.”
“Did you know she was coming tonight?”
“I didn’t even know she was back in the city.”
“Ms. Raymond said that she was here yesterday during your training.”
“Then she probably waited inside or somewhere I couldn’t see. I was too busy getting my butt kicked to notice!” Trinity went quiet as she focused more on the ointment she was making, and while she was distracted I used this time to slip this nightgown over my head. Once she had finished making that paste she slid up onto the bed and with a gentle hand began to rub it where my braids used to be. I let out a loud yelp having forgotten just how much this stupid paste stung! “Please, please, please, don’t hate me for this. I didn’t know this would happen, please don’t hate me!”
“I don’t hate you,” her hand came to a stop against my scalp and I could once again hear her sniffling. “I’m not mad at you for what happened, a bit scared, cold, hurting but I am gonna be okay.”
“You mean it?”
“Yes I do,” I said with a small smile. “Now please don’t take this the wrong way, but I want to go home.” Her face fell immediately as I said that. “I need to get some rest and I kinda want my daddy right now. I promise I will come back and we can have fun with Aaliyah I promise.”
“Okay… b-but you have to promise you are gonna come back.”
“I already did,” I smiled at her. “Also can we maybe check to see if my clothes are done? I would rather not go anywhere without a pair of underwear…”
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When I got back to my hotel room, after another five block walk, I found that my daddy was waiting on the couch with a cup of coffee. Joshua was sitting in a chair with a tower over his eyes and from the sound of it he was fast asleep. “Are you okay?” My daddy asked, lifting me up so I didn’t have to walk anymore.
“I am messing about ten of my braids but I am gonna be fine, Daddy.” I said resting my head against his chest. He had been calling me since I hung up last night and he was relieved when I told him I was okay an hour ago. Once I explained everything that happened last night, I than added. “Katherine's bodyguard was the one that has been killing people with Katherine and not Trinity.”
“What would explain a few things,” My daddy said quietly. “Last night during our raid against those ships that came into port. Joshua was attacked from behind by the same figure that you described, a small figure in black with a white mask. He was hit with that sword you desibed and I think it had some kind of poison on it. One that he is still fighting against right now.``
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“When did this happen?” I asked.
“Around 1:11 in the morning.”
“Wait a minute.” I said, grabbing my phone and looking at the last time I had called my daddy. “Daddy, I hung up on you at around 12:50 last night.” I said, showing him the phone. “Which means either this girl A got on a motorcycle and came to Brooklyn from where you were in less than 15 minutes…”
“Or whomever attacked you was different from whoever fought Joshua last night.”
That brought one more question to my mind that I didn’t have an answer to and that I didn’t want the answer to. “Did Trinity fake all of that stuff earlier today?”
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