Ivana had waited long enough,she had waited soo long to finally take back the life that had been snatched from her very hands. It was now five years since her twin sister Alexa took over everything she held dear, her family and career were nolonger her own for they now lay in the hands of the enemy. But that was going to change soon.
Ivana could vividly remember how it had all gone down. Alexa had always been a troubled child but nobody could have ever guessed she could be capable of the things she had done. She had began her sick twisted plan by planning their parents murder. Alexa had personally had the brakes to their parents car tampered with.
They had died later on in a tragic car accident that had ended up with them burning to the stake. Alexa had pretended to be grief stricken at the funeral and boy was her acting Oscar worthy. If only Ivana could read minds then she would have known there and then that she was in the presence of a great evil.
That very night after everyone had left, Alexa set her next plan to motion. She slit Ivana's wrist and set up the entire thing to look like Ivana had committed suicide. But before killing Ivana, Alexa had taken her sweet time to narrate her disdain and distaste for her twin. She revealed to ivana how much she hated her for making her look useless ever since they were young.
Growing up, Alexa had always felt inferior to her sister who excelled in everything, Ivana was the Golden child of their parents and this had soar a fruit of bitterness in Alexa who grew up feeling deprived of everything. Alexa's resentment had intensified when Ivana had gone to college and later on kicked off her modeling career becoming very successful. She even got married to a multi billionaire while Alexa staid in the background forgotten.
Alexa had vowed to have everything her sister wanted and that is how she had plotted the plan to get rid of her entire family and then take over Ivana's affluent life of happiness and luxury.
Ivana chuckled bitterly remembering how she had woken up from a comma after months at the hospital without any memory of her past life. It is later that Dave her rescuer told her how he had saved her and faked her death after overhearing the confrontation she had with her twin Alexa. It took Ivana four years to get back her memory and by this point Alexa was already way ahead in everything,the witch even had a daughter with her husband Danilo Silverado.
Ivana had spent the past one year gathering courage and evidence so that she could go and expose Alexa for who she was. Today was the day she would finally take back the reigns in her life. She had the footage showing Alexa cur off their parents car brakes, Dave also had an audio of the argument of the night Alexa slit her wrist..
From what she had heard, today was the day Alexa who now posed as her would be made the face of the biggest fashion brand in the world Essence. Ivana planned to make her return through this event.
Ivana arrived at the event just in time to see Alexa take the runway along the executives of the company, the back stage was crowded and with a lot of activities and she took advantage of this to walk on stage without anyone noticing her. She took off her cover up and took to the runway behind Alexa. The audiance gasped causing Alexa to turn around. Alexa looked like she would pass out any moment. Her husband also looked like he had seen a ghost. Ivana took the microphone and began narrating everything while the footage played on the big plasma screen behind.
In the middle of the commotion Alexa managed to run out and make an exit. Ivana followed her. Alexa dashed into her car at the parking lot and began driving away hoping for an escape. Ivana followed behind in her own car and the chase went on for hours until Alexa came to a halt at the edge of a cliff and stepped down from the car.
Ivana arrived and began pleading with her sister not to jump off but Alexa kept going closer to the edge. Police sirens could be heard from a distance.
Alexa then stood and turned around to face Ivana.
"So you came back to ruin my life again? Why didn't you die? What must I do to never see you again? Anyways I think I know what to do,other than rot in jail I'd rather jump off never to be seen again. But before I die I want to tell you I still loath you with everything in me. But do look after my child and don't tell them about me, just pretend you are me so that she doesn't get stressed,I doubt she'd even notice you are not me." Alexa spat at her twin.
Ivana walked until she stood in front of Alexa and this was the worst mistake she made that day. The moment she was close enough, Alexa grabbed her by the shoulder and turned around pushing her down the endless cliff they stood on. She however remained holding the dress Ivana had worn.
Alexa had finally managed to get rid of Ivana and she would keep her life as well. Before anyone could arrive she took off her dress and threw it down the cliff where Ivana had fallen. She then got into the ripped dress she had ripped from Ivana.
Wheb they arrived she cried while telling them that her twin had jumped down the cliff. 'Alexa' had committed suicide again.