4th of July 2022
Objective: (unofficial) Mission Independence. Make all preparations for the 4th and don’t get caught!
Agent Aurora location: Dawn’s residence, Washington DC, USA
“We’re on our way!” Abby texted to Dawn. “How was your little day ;)?”
Dawn read but ignored the text. She was waiting on the terrace with Arnaud. It was nearing noon.
“It’s already quite hot today!” Arnaud commented.
Dawn turned around. “There’s a sun umbrella in the garden shed if you want…”
Dawn pointed at the shed in the other corner of the yard. Arnaud stood up and went to it. The girl decided to sit on a chair. The table got put to the side of the terrace at the cost of enough chairs for everyone, in an oval form.
Took a pill, can’t forget to take one at noon, got my coffee, got my sleep… Should be doable Dawn…
“Hi Dawn!” A voice from her left said. Dawn looked and saw Alexander, passing through the fence-hatch, connecting front- and backyards. She stood up.
“Nice to see ya, Alex,” Dawn greeted him.
“It’s been quite a long time!” He exclaimed while giving a quick hug and placing the meat on the table. “Are your grandparents fine now?”
“Grandp—, oh yes, nothing bad… More panicking than harm, but I did forget my phone here… in the hurry…”
“Ahh, glad to hear!” Alexander replied. “Look, I’ve brought a bit of everything. Also, vegetarian meat for your other friend.”
Alex showed Dawn all the meat on the table in bags.
“You should put it in the fridge for now. It’s only for later…” Alex nodded. He peeked over Dawn’s shoulder and saw Arnaud arrive with the parasol in his arms. Dawn turned around too.
“Oh hello! Alex was it, right?” Arnaud enthusiastically said from behind the parasol. He placed it on the terrace, opened it up and approached the two. He stretched his hand to Alexander who looked shocked.
“Wait, you didn’t have that, first time we met, or am I forgetting something?”
Arnaud grinned a bit. “No, it happened recently… In-between a door, how it goes! But now I have this, and it’s quite tricky at first, but now I’ve completely mastered it!”
Gonna put that meat in the fridge before we forget… Dawn thought, and she left inside.
“Ahh sucks man… Arnaud was it right?” Arnaud nodded. “Ah great! I’m not forgetting everything then haha!”
Alexander approached Arnaud and took a closer look at the prosthetic thumb. “C-can I?”
Arnaud nodded. Alexander touched its side a bit. “Looks well-done! My father works with prostheses all day at the hospital. I sometimes see some too at the university, for the medical classes, but… This one looks very special! Very technological! And resistant! Where did you get it?”
Arnaud subtly gulped.
“Ehh, in Pa— New Orleans. They installed it there. I, guess it’s the latest models. And aren’t those things made to be resistant?”
Alex nodded. “You’re correct! Are you a medical student too?”
“N-na, I’m studying law,” he replied. Alex nodded again.
Behind them, at that moment, Lenora and Abby appeared. Lenora was pushing Abby while she held the food on her lap.
“Hey Arnaud!” Abby waved. Alex turned around. Arnaud did some weird movements with his mouth.
“Haha, good guess on my name…” Arnaud commented, approaching the two. Abby understood what he meant.
“Ah eh, yeah, Dawn, told me her cousin, was gonna come too, and she showed me a pic!” Abby replied. Arnaud nodded. The girls turned to Alex.
“Y-you must be her friend from th—”
“From France, yes. Annie, I met Dawn in Paris last semester.”
Alexander looked a bit confused. “Nice to meet you. I’m Alexander…”
Alex turned to Lenora who smiled awkwardly. “I’m Luciana, Dawn and I met in her ex-archery club when we were younger.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Alex said happily. He looked back at Abby, “let me help you with all the food you brought! It looks great!”
“Homemade! Thanks,” Abby replied while passing the chili and cheesesteaks.
Dawn appeared back on the terrace and the newcomers looked at her.
“We made it Dawn! How ya doing?!” Abby exclaimed, approaching her friend.
“Hey! Eh…”
“Annie the student!” Abby whispered.
“Annie! Annie?” Dawn looked confused.
“That’s me!” Abby comically replied.
Everyone looked at Dawn’s confused face.
Ugh, they switched roles! God dammit! Why can’t they just obey? A student in a wheelchair, to an unknown country for an Erasmus? Credible…
“You forgot about me already? Come join us here!” Abby pulled Dawn’s arm and brought her in the standing group.
“Probably our hardest mission yet!” Arnaud whispered to Dawn who gave him a ‘be-silent’ face.
After the scene, another person passed through the gate. It was Josef. He was wearing a red and black squared shirt and a bonnet.
Is he—
“Hello you all! I’m John!” Josef exclaimed to the rest. He noticed Dawn and approached her with his dessert.
Dawn felt slightly annoyed, but didn’t show it. She looked at the rest and saw Arnaud glaring at her, then shrugging subtly. She turned back to Josef, all smiling.
“Right, John! Let’s first put your thing in the fridge, before it melts…” Dawn said on a lower tone the more she talked. She led Josef to the kitchen. There, she sighed.
“Something wrong? Did they catch me?” He asked.
“Josef… I asked you to be a Canadian friend from the village of my grandparents, not a walking stereotype!”
Josef looked down at himself. “Well, don’t they wear that in Canada?”
“No! Well, maybe, perhaps, probably! But not a fricking bonnet in the summer!”
“I can say I’ve cancer…”
“No! Just put it off! Ugh, Abby and Lea switching roles, now you, without talking about Arnaud as my cousin! Ugh…”
“You’re, kinda stressing out Dawn… It’s gonna go well, we’re trained to fix our problems.”
Dawn was breathing in her trick pattern once. “You’re right. Now, put your dessert in the fridge.”
“Fresh and ready to be eaten!” Josef exclaimed. Dawn rolled her eyes and the two walked back.
In the meantime, Dawn’s last two friends, Jane and Cole had arrived. Jane noticed Dawn and she ran to her for a hug.
“Dawn! Ugh, it’s been so long!” The girl exclaimed.
Josef, next to them, noticed Jane. From a distance, Lenora noticed Josef noticing Jane, and she crossed her arms.
Now Cole approached Dawn too for a fist-bump. “Yo D, long time no see either! How y’a doin’?”
“The usual state of being, functioning…” Cole grinned.
“Ah, always so dry am I right? But I brought the solution to that! Look at all those drinks!” He pointed at the bottles he brought, still on the ground.
“Got beer, vodka, whisky, everything you want hahaa!”
“You thought about soft drinks too?” Alexander said, jumping in. “Or do you keep forgetting Dawn doesn’t drink?”
Cole looked a bit surprised. “Ohh, well… Gotta try new things am I right? Life’s gonna be much easier hahaa!”
Alexander rolled his eyes. Dawn gave him the ‘it’s-okay’ face.
“Freezer’s first room left, in the laundry room…” Dawn told.
“Know the way boss!” And Cole brought his stuff inside.
When he came back, and everyone stood in a circle, Arnaud walked in the centre of it. Everyone looked at him.
“Ehem, right. I won’t be doing a speech here, but… We’ve all gathered on this special day around our, reserved, mutual friend, Dawn! That’s the reason we don’t know each other,” everyone laughed softly. Even Dawn let go a grin.
“But that doesn’t matter, because we can just, get to know each other. Another advantage for you Dawn, you already know everyone, so no awkward approaching people to introduce yourself!” The rest laughed again. Dawn frowned with a grin at Arnaud.
“Now, let us celebrate together! God bless America!” Everyone clapped for Arnaud and repeated his words.
Not even American hah. Only one playing the game seriously…. Dawn thought.
Everyone took a seat, a drink, and an appetizer to start. The talking followed. Dawn felt, as the host, that she had to ‘keep order’ by constantly standing up, going from the kitchen to the terrace.
But luckily for her, the two friend groups got along quickly. One being sincere, the other keeping a secret.
Josef looked over to Jane, sitting next to him. She was texting, but noticed Josef looking at her and hid her phone.
“Oops, a bit impolite haha!” She replied, staring at him. “John was it, right?”
“Indeed, and you are—”
“Jane, but they call me just J.”
“Just J? Sounds like a name for a DJ!”
Jane giggled a bit and took a sip from her glass of soda. Dawn had found some bottles in the back of the fridge.
“No silly, just the letter J!” Josef smiled up. “So you’re from Canada? Far way from home!”
“Well, I was visiting the region, and Dawn invited me. We met where her grandparents live…”
“Ohh, right! Well, you’re welcome to celebrate our national holiday with us! When do Canadians celebrate it?”
Josef gulped subtly. He looked around a bit, then back at Jane. She observed him thoroughly.
“John, come and help me bring the meat!” Dawn yelled from the door frame, seeing him struggling.
“Be right back!” He replied to Jane who nodded softly.
Back in the kitchen, Josef wiped the sweat off his forehead. “You helped me with that one, pfuh! Quickly gonna search the national day of—”
“First of July,” Dawn replied. She pointed at the fridge. “Time for the barbecue!”
Josef nodded, and the two started grabbing the packages. Arnaud then arrived in the kitchen too.
“Ooh, looking good! Hey, mister Canadian guy? From what region are you?”
“One hint, not Quebec…” Josef replied, walking past him. Arnaud turned to Dawn.
“Can I help you with something?” He asked. Dawn was still searching in the fridge.
“You should stay with the rest, for if they ever get in a tricky situation, with tricky questions… Say the least possible.”
“So I’m playing the game well?” Arnaud replied.
“What game are we playing?” Alex’s voice asked, arriving in the kitchen too. Dawn turned to the boys.
“Perhaps some beer bong later in the evening? For Dawn, it’ll be soda pong haha!” Arnaud replied. Alex laughed too.
“You’re funny dude! Ehem, but I asked myself maybe you needed some help? Transporting stuff to the back?”
“Won’t be needed, thanks. John, Arnaud and I already take care of it,” Dawn replied.
“Okay, I’m in the back if you need me!” Alex ended and left. Dawn turned back to the fridge. Arnaud stood next to the kitchen island.
“Hey Dawn?” Arnaud asked.
“What is it?” Dawn replied. Arnaud approached her.
“Don’t forget your, medication…” He said softer. Dawn looked up at him, and she slowly nodded.
Arnaud gave her a pat on the back and went back outside.
Time to heat up the rest… Dawn thought.
Roughly a quarter later, the meat, the other dishes brought by Abby and Lenora, the drinks, all were ready. Everyone received a cardboard plate and filled them.
The groups continued talking. Time passed quickly. Dawn went back to the kitchen.
For most of the time, Alex and Arnaud had been getting along better and better. Arnaud just returned from the bathroom and sat back on his spot. Alex took a sip of his drink.
“So, Arnaud, how is life?” Alex asked, falling back in his chair.
“I’m not sure I completely understand Alex. You’ll have to elaborate what you mean.”
Alex grinned. “How’s life in Louisiana? Any exciting projects or stuff you wanna do for the future?”
Arnaud sipped from his drink too. “Was mostly focussing on my studies. This vacation I planned to go to the West Coast with some friends, but now I had time to visit my cousin!”
“Always a good thing to keep contact with the family…” Alex replied, crossing his arms.
“You got any plans then?” Arnaud returned the question.
“Planned to have fun, hehe. Nothing really planned in advance, just taking what I come across.”
“Pretty life philosophy!” The two grinned.
Alex took another sip of his beer, then looked at Arnaud. Both felt like they had been friends for a long time. The chemistry was good, stimulated by the heat and alcohol. “How’s the love-life, if I may ask?”
Arnaud giggled a bit. “No shame to ask! Nothing at the moment, no girlfriend I mean.”
Alex nodded. “Maybe someone you like?”
Arnaud looked around a bit, then back at Alex. “Well, I am interested in someone, yeah… But it’s complicated you know…”
“In what sense complicated?” Alex bent over a bit to Arnaud.
“I don’t know if we’re compatible. We’re so different… Polar opposites!”
Alex smiled a bit and put his hand on Arnaud’s shoulder. “Being different isn’t a problem. Look at electrons and protons. They’re opposites, but they are attracted to each other.”
Arnaud grinned at the metaphor. But it’s so much more complicated, that I can’t tell you about… Arnaud thought.
Say the least possible, Dawn would say. And I’m here spilling my secrets to an almost complete stranger. Better switch back to small-talk.
Arnaud looked back at Alex. “So, how is your lo—”
On the other side of the ‘circle’ were Jane and Josef, back from his earlier almost-failure.
“So you play ice-hockey too probably?” Jane asked, putting her arm on the chair ledge with her head in her hand.
“Who doesn’t in Canada haha! Well yeah, in a local club only…”
Jane looked impressed. “It must be an exhausting sport, isn’t it?”
Josef grinned and scratched the back of his head, not really knowing how to reply.
He didn’t notice, but Lenora had been observing them for a moment. She sighed a bit. Lenora looked on her left, Alex and Arnaud were laughing together, then on her right, Cole and Abby being a bit too tipsy. Never knew she drank so much…
“Ayo Anne, or was it Annie? Doesn’t matter, I got a question here…” Cole mumbled, sipping from his bottle.
“Oh really, g-go on then!” Abby replied.
“Do you, get drunk quicker, because it has somethin’ to do with ya’ weight, and your legs aren’t workin’?”
Abby laughed. “I ain’t knowing that man. But if you ever become like me, waist yourself once more and compare to see, if it’s true, your cool theory!”
The two clinked drinks again and continued ‘talking’. Lenora looked again at Josef and sighed. She looked around again and stood up, heading to the kitchen.
Dawn was busy there, preparing for the dessert, putting them on large plates. She noticed her colleague walking in.
“Ey Lea, eh, Luciana… Not getting used to it…” Dawn mumbled.
“It’s okay, no one is here. Ugh…” Lenora sighed. Dawn didn’t turn around yet. She was thinking of what could happen if she engaged. But Dawn was trapped and had to. She turned around to grab a cutting knife.
“Something wrong? Looking… sad?” Dawn mumbled. Lenora sighed again, but deeper.
“Dawn, can you keep a secret?” Lenora asked.
“I have secrets enough to fill a library. I can handle one more…. If you trust me of course…”
Lenora went silent for a moment, rubbing her arm and looking down. She took a breath and glanced back at Dawn’s back.
“So eh, I kinda like Josef and—”
“That’s not a secret Lea. Everyone noticed already…” Dawn dryly replied. Lenora gulped.
“W-was I really so— Ugh, doesn’t matter now! Josef… I feel like he’s flirting with that other friend of yours, Jane.”
“She does it all the time, with most boys… Inner frustrations of not finding a significant other I suppose… Don’t worry it won’t go far. And they won’t see each other again after this…”
Lenora was quite speechless and having trouble processing all of Dawn’s words.
“Don’t lose your focus Lea, we’re on a mission. Not getting caught!” Dawn added, passing her one of the pies.
As the girls wanted to walk back outside, they didn’t notice Alex who was listening from behind the corner, but could hide in the utility room next to them.
Dawn and Lenora put the desserts on the table. Everyone got a piece and sat back down to eat it. Time went on more.
Dawn had been busy all day, but she felt good. The late afternoon arrived and Dawn went back to the kitchen. She was searching for another soft drink in the fridge.
While searching, Dawn heard noises behind her, unusual noises. She turned around, but saw nothing. Hmm…
But even before she could focus back on the fridge, the noise appeared again. It sounded like footsteps on wood and drawers opening. Dawn stared around for a couple of moments, until suddenly…
She saw a person run down the stairs, opening the door and sprinting away. Dawn was a bit confused, but her senses came quickly.
A burglar? A burglar! He might’ve— Dawn didn’t finish her thoughts, or she was already outside. Arriving at the road, Dawn looked left and right, but the person had disappeared. She rushed to the crossroad on her left.
“Where did he go!? Or… Was it, a halluc—” Dawn turned around, and another dark silhouette stood there, staring with its red eyes.
“Daaaaaawn! Death is inevitable!” It screeched.
Dawn was inhaling intensively, trying to stay calm. She looked away as she felt the monster vanishing. It was a hallucination… Just a hallucination. I, better get back before someone no—
“Dawn!” A familiar voice shouted. Dawn looked up and saw Arnaud running towards her. Why is he always the one who notices…
“You had another—”
“Everything alright? What’s going on?” Alex’s voice asked, also appearing. Arnaud looked slightly annoyed. Dawn played the game. The boys stared at her.
“Was a burglar upstairs. He ran outside, but no idea where he went… I, tried to follow him…”
“That’s dangerous, Dawn! He could kill you!” Alex exclaimed. “You must call police!”
“I’ll, I’ll do it later. I don’t think he stole anything… There’s, nothing of great value in my home…”
Alex nodded slowly, and the three returned home, but Dawn felt still shocked. Arnaud waited for Alex to go back to the rest. Then, he turned to Dawn.
“Another hallucination…” He mumbled. “I think you need some rest. I’ll help you upstairs…”
“Like that? With the rest here? What’re they gonna think?” Dawn crossed her arms.
“I’ll just, say your social battery was empty, or something… Sounds credible?”
Dawn didn’t reply. The two went up. Dawn stopped in front of her bedroom entrance and turned around to Arnaud.
“You’ll be responsible for them to leave…” Dawn looked at her watch, 20:04. Arnaud nodded and started walking down the stairs.
“Oh Arnaud…” Dawn added. Her friend turned around.
“Yes?” He softly replied. Dawn was thinking, but she forgot what she wanted to say.
“N-nothing… Forgot…”
“If you need anything, just give a sign. Throw your shoe out of the window on the terrace or something.”
Dawn sniggered rapidly, then turned around and laid herself on the bed.
Arnaud explained everything to the rest. All believed him. He kept an eye on everyone until it was late, and time to go.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Arnaud asked Alex and Jane, seeing them with Cole’s arms around their necks, completely wasted.
“He will, don’t worry. I’ve seen him in worse states,” Alex replied. He stretched his hand to Arnaud, “It was a pleasure to see you again. Hopefully you’ll pass by another time.”
“I sure hope so…” Arnaud shook the hand. As his new friends left, he turned around to his colleagues, all waving too.
“Well, time for us to go too then,” Abby announced.
“Wait, you don’t want to sleep here? It’s already late, and are you capable of travelling now?” Arnaud asked.
“Of course we do. It’s not too far from here. And Joe can still catch his train if you give him a ride!” Abby replied.
“It’s Lea’s car, so, it’s up to her to decide!” Josef added.
“No, it’s fine… But we gotta hurry then…” Lenora replied coldly, without looking up, and she walked away to her car. Josef remained silent. Abby looked at him. He looked back.
“Did I do something wrong?”
Abby approached him. “Joe… I think you made her jealous, by being with Jane all the time. Have you talked to Lea today?”
Josef looked down. “N-no, not really… B-but what do you mean, jealous? Is sh-she?”
Abby nodded a bit. She pointed to the exit gate with her chin. Josef turned around and vanished. Arnaud and Abby smiled.
Lenora was waiting next to her car, a bit further down the street. Josef just arrived and slowly walked to her. Lenora turned herself to him. No one said something. Both looked down, feeling mildly awkward.
“Lenora… I— Sorry, for, kinda, forgetting about you, today…”
Lea remained silent and looked on her side. “It’s, fine…” She added a sigh.
Josef looked at her. “A-are you, jealous?”
Lenora looked up confused. “J-jealous? A-about what?”
She started blushing a bit. Josef grinned. “This is the last time I’ll see this Jane, I know nothing about her… She isn’t my type.”
Lenora felt a bit more uncomfortable. “I-I don’t know, what you’re talking about, Josef…”
Josef inhaled. “Lea, I, must tell you, something important…”
Lenora looked up. Josef avoided the eye-contact and preferred to stare at the hedge next to them. “I eh, have felt… in a special way, about you… I eh… like—”
Lenora had grabbed Josef’s hands, interrupting his sentence. Josef looked back up and saw a smiling Lenora. “— you.”
A tear of joy left Lenora’s eye. The two got closer to each other and tilted their heads…
Abby was still with Arnaud in Dawn’s yard.
“And how is it going on your side?” Abby asked.
Arnaud looked down. He wiped his shoe over the stones.
“I don’t know Abb… I’m still questioning, if that’s really something for me. I, don’t know if it would work out… And even if I was sure, how would I announce it?!”
Abby approached him and looked up. “I understand it’s hard for you… But you should try at least!”
“It could compromise our objectives…”
“To Hell with the objectives! It’s about you! And you can’t even be sure about the outcome…”
“I, don’t wanna take the risk…” Arnaud sat down.
“Life is all about risk! I’m sure you’ll regret it if you don’t… do it.”
Arnaud sighed and looked back up. “And how would I announce it? How would she react? It might, not be reciprocal…”
Abby patted Arnaud’s back. “I know it’s a hard castle to penetrate, but I’m trying to infiltrate it. I’m here to help…”
“That’s kind of you Abby…”
“I’m working hard to get all possible information that could calm down your uncertainty. But you must promise me to do something in return.”
Arnaud looked up and frowned a bit. Abby rolled her eyes. “Act! You must act! It’s not about thinking of the outcomes, just go for it. Just, try…”
Arnaud nodded slowly. Abby smiled a bit. “Hey…”
Arnaud looked at Abby. “I’m heading out too now. Those two had time enough together!”
Arnaud grinned. “Do I have to push you back?”
Abby turned around and smiled, slowly shaking her head. “Take care of our little introvert…”
And she left.
Arnaud felt tired, but started cleaning up. Collecting empty bottles, cups, and plates. The rest would be for tomorrow.
He went up the stairs silently and approached Dawn’s bedroom. He peeked through the ajar door. The window was half-open with the curtains moving from a warm breeze.
Dawn was sleeping from his viewpoint. Arnaud smiled and turned around. It’ll sure be complicated, to start all of this…
It’ll sure be different from now on… Dawn thought.
Into the obscure: Ambiguity
Chapter 10
289Please respect copyright.PENANAs7qEGNpFIA
4th of July 2022
Objective: (unofficial) Mission Independence. Make all preparations for the 4th and don’t get caught!
Agent Aurora location: Dawn’s residence, Washington DC, USA
“We’re on our way!” Abby texted to Dawn. “How was your little day ;)?”
Dawn read but ignored the text. She was waiting on the terrace with Arnaud. It was nearing noon.
“It’s already quite hot today!” Arnaud commented.
Dawn turned around. “There’s a sun umbrella in the garden shed if you want…”
Dawn pointed at the shed in the other corner of the yard. Arnaud stood up and went to it. The girl decided to sit on a chair. The table got put to the side of the terrace at the cost of enough chairs for everyone, in an oval form.
Took a pill, can’t forget to take one at noon, got my coffee, got my sleep… Should be doable Dawn…
“Hi Dawn!” A voice from her left said. Dawn looked and saw Alexander, passing through the fence-hatch, connecting front- and backyards. She stood up.
“Nice to see ya, Alex,” Dawn greeted him.
“It’s been quite a long time!” He exclaimed while giving a quick hug and placing the meat on the table. “Are your grandparents fine now?”
“Grandp—, oh yes, nothing bad… More panicking than harm, but I did forget my phone here… in the hurry…”
“Ahh, glad to hear!” Alexander replied. “Look, I’ve brought a bit of everything. Also, vegetarian meat for your other friend.”
Alex showed Dawn all the meat on the table in bags.
“You should put it in the fridge for now. It’s only for later…” Alex nodded. He peeked over Dawn’s shoulder and saw Arnaud arrive with the parasol in his arms. Dawn turned around too.
“Oh hello! Alex was it, right?” Arnaud enthusiastically said from behind the parasol. He placed it on the terrace, opened it up and approached the two. He stretched his hand to Alexander who looked shocked.
“Wait, you didn’t have that, first time we met, or am I forgetting something?”
Arnaud grinned a bit. “No, it happened recently… In-between a door, how it goes! But now I have this, and it’s quite tricky at first, but now I’ve completely mastered it!”
Gonna put that meat in the fridge before we forget… Dawn thought, and she left inside.
“Ahh sucks man… Arnaud was it right?” Arnaud nodded. “Ah great! I’m not forgetting everything then haha!”
Alexander approached Arnaud and took a closer look at the prosthetic thumb. “C-can I?”
Arnaud nodded. Alexander touched its side a bit. “Looks well-done! My father works with prostheses all day at the hospital. I sometimes see some too at the university, for the medical classes, but… This one looks very special! Very technological! And resistant! Where did you get it?”
Arnaud subtly gulped.
“Ehh, in Pa— New Orleans. They installed it there. I, guess it’s the latest models. And aren’t those things made to be resistant?”
Alex nodded. “You’re correct! Are you a medical student too?”
“N-na, I’m studying law,” he replied. Alex nodded again.
Behind them, at that moment, Lenora and Abby appeared. Lenora was pushing Abby while she held the food on her lap.
“Hey Arnaud!” Abby waved. Alex turned around. Arnaud did some weird movements with his mouth.
“Haha, good guess on my name…” Arnaud commented, approaching the two. Abby understood what he meant.
“Ah eh, yeah, Dawn, told me her cousin, was gonna come too, and she showed me a pic!” Abby replied. Arnaud nodded. The girls turned to Alex.
“Y-you must be her friend from th—”
“From France, yes. Annie, I met Dawn in Paris last semester.”
Alexander looked a bit confused. “Nice to meet you. I’m Alexander…”
Alex turned to Lenora who smiled awkwardly. “I’m Luciana, Dawn and I met in her ex-archery club when we were younger.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Alex said happily. He looked back at Abby, “let me help you with all the food you brought! It looks great!”
“Homemade! Thanks,” Abby replied while passing the chili and cheesesteaks.
Dawn appeared back on the terrace and the newcomers looked at her.
“We made it Dawn! How ya doing?!” Abby exclaimed, approaching her friend.
“Hey! Eh…”
“Annie the student!” Abby whispered.
“Annie! Annie?” Dawn looked confused.
“That’s me!” Abby comically replied.
Everyone looked at Dawn’s confused face.
Ugh, they switched roles! God dammit! Why can’t they just obey? A student in a wheelchair, to an unknown country for an Erasmus? Credible…
“You forgot about me already? Come join us here!” Abby pulled Dawn’s arm and brought her in the standing group.
“Probably our hardest mission yet!” Arnaud whispered to Dawn who gave him a ‘be-silent’ face.
After the scene, another person passed through the gate. It was Josef. He was wearing a red and black squared shirt and a bonnet.
Is he—
“Hello you all! I’m John!” Josef exclaimed to the rest. He noticed Dawn and approached her with his dessert.
Dawn felt slightly annoyed, but didn’t show it. She looked at the rest and saw Arnaud glaring at her, then shrugging subtly. She turned back to Josef, all smiling.
“Right, John! Let’s first put your thing in the fridge, before it melts…” Dawn said on a lower tone the more she talked. She led Josef to the kitchen. There, she sighed.
“Something wrong? Did they catch me?” He asked.
“Josef… I asked you to be a Canadian friend from the village of my grandparents, not a walking stereotype!”
Josef looked down at himself. “Well, don’t they wear that in Canada?”
“No! Well, maybe, perhaps, probably! But not a fricking bonnet in the summer!”
“I can say I’ve cancer…”
“No! Just put it off! Ugh, Abby and Lea switching roles, now you, without talking about Arnaud as my cousin! Ugh…”
“You’re, kinda stressing out Dawn… It’s gonna go well, we’re trained to fix our problems.”
Dawn was breathing in her trick pattern once. “You’re right. Now, put your dessert in the fridge.”
“Fresh and ready to be eaten!” Josef exclaimed. Dawn rolled her eyes and the two walked back.
In the meantime, Dawn’s last two friends, Jane and Cole had arrived. Jane noticed Dawn and she ran to her for a hug.
“Dawn! Ugh, it’s been so long!” The girl exclaimed.
Josef, next to them, noticed Jane. From a distance, Lenora noticed Josef noticing Jane, and she crossed her arms.
Now Cole approached Dawn too for a fist-bump. “Yo D, long time no see either! How y’a doin’?”
“The usual state of being, functioning…” Cole grinned.
“Ah, always so dry am I right? But I brought the solution to that! Look at all those drinks!” He pointed at the bottles he brought, still on the ground.
“Got beer, vodka, whisky, everything you want hahaa!”
“You thought about soft drinks too?” Alexander said, jumping in. “Or do you keep forgetting Dawn doesn’t drink?”
Cole looked a bit surprised. “Ohh, well… Gotta try new things am I right? Life’s gonna be much easier hahaa!”
Alexander rolled his eyes. Dawn gave him the ‘it’s-okay’ face.
“Freezer’s first room left, in the laundry room…” Dawn told.
“Know the way boss!” And Cole brought his stuff inside.
When he came back, and everyone stood in a circle, Arnaud walked in the centre of it. Everyone looked at him.
“Ehem, right. I won’t be doing a speech here, but… We’ve all gathered on this special day around our, reserved, mutual friend, Dawn! That’s the reason we don’t know each other,” everyone laughed softly. Even Dawn let go a grin.
“But that doesn’t matter, because we can just, get to know each other. Another advantage for you Dawn, you already know everyone, so no awkward approaching people to introduce yourself!” The rest laughed again. Dawn frowned with a grin at Arnaud.
“Now, let us celebrate together! God bless America!” Everyone clapped for Arnaud and repeated his words.
Not even American hah. Only one playing the game seriously…. Dawn thought.
Everyone took a seat, a drink, and an appetizer to start. The talking followed. Dawn felt, as the host, that she had to ‘keep order’ by constantly standing up, going from the kitchen to the terrace.
But luckily for her, the two friend groups got along quickly. One being sincere, the other keeping a secret.
Josef looked over to Jane, sitting next to him. She was texting, but noticed Josef looking at her and hid her phone.
“Oops, a bit impolite haha!” She replied, staring at him. “John was it, right?”
“Indeed, and you are—”
“Jane, but they call me just J.”
“Just J? Sounds like a name for a DJ!”
Jane giggled a bit and took a sip from her glass of soda. Dawn had found some bottles in the back of the fridge.
“No silly, just the letter J!” Josef smiled up. “So you’re from Canada? Far way from home!”
“Well, I was visiting the region, and Dawn invited me. We met where her grandparents live…”
“Ohh, right! Well, you’re welcome to celebrate our national holiday with us! When do Canadians celebrate it?”
Josef gulped subtly. He looked around a bit, then back at Jane. She observed him thoroughly.
“John, come and help me bring the meat!” Dawn yelled from the door frame, seeing him struggling.
“Be right back!” He replied to Jane who nodded softly.
Back in the kitchen, Josef wiped the sweat off his forehead. “You helped me with that one, pfuh! Quickly gonna search the national day of—”
“First of July,” Dawn replied. She pointed at the fridge. “Time for the barbecue!”
Josef nodded, and the two started grabbing the packages. Arnaud then arrived in the kitchen too.
“Ooh, looking good! Hey, mister Canadian guy? From what region are you?”
“One hint, not Quebec…” Josef replied, walking past him. Arnaud turned to Dawn.
“Can I help you with something?” He asked. Dawn was still searching in the fridge.
“You should stay with the rest, for if they ever get in a tricky situation, with tricky questions… Say the least possible.”
“So I’m playing the game well?” Arnaud replied.
“What game are we playing?” Alex’s voice asked, arriving in the kitchen too. Dawn turned to the boys.
“Perhaps some beer bong later in the evening? For Dawn, it’ll be soda pong haha!” Arnaud replied. Alex laughed too.
“You’re funny dude! Ehem, but I asked myself maybe you needed some help? Transporting stuff to the back?”
“Won’t be needed, thanks. John, Arnaud and I already take care of it,” Dawn replied.
“Okay, I’m in the back if you need me!” Alex ended and left. Dawn turned back to the fridge. Arnaud stood next to the kitchen island.
“Hey Dawn?” Arnaud asked.
“What is it?” Dawn replied. Arnaud approached her.
“Don’t forget your, medication…” He said softer. Dawn looked up at him, and she slowly nodded.
Arnaud gave her a pat on the back and went back outside.
Time to heat up the rest… Dawn thought.
Roughly a quarter later, the meat, the other dishes brought by Abby and Lenora, the drinks, all were ready. Everyone received a cardboard plate and filled them.
The groups continued talking. Time passed quickly. Dawn went back to the kitchen.
For most of the time, Alex and Arnaud had been getting along better and better. Arnaud just returned from the bathroom and sat back on his spot. Alex took a sip of his drink.
“So, Arnaud, how is life?” Alex asked, falling back in his chair.
“I’m not sure I completely understand Alex. You’ll have to elaborate what you mean.”
Alex grinned. “How’s life in Louisiana? Any exciting projects or stuff you wanna do for the future?”
Arnaud sipped from his drink too. “Was mostly focussing on my studies. This vacation I planned to go to the West Coast with some friends, but now I had time to visit my cousin!”
“Always a good thing to keep contact with the family…” Alex replied, crossing his arms.
“You got any plans then?” Arnaud returned the question.
“Planned to have fun, hehe. Nothing really planned in advance, just taking what I come across.”
“Pretty life philosophy!” The two grinned.
Alex took another sip of his beer, then looked at Arnaud. Both felt like they had been friends for a long time. The chemistry was good, stimulated by the heat and alcohol. “How’s the love-life, if I may ask?”
Arnaud giggled a bit. “No shame to ask! Nothing at the moment, no girlfriend I mean.”
Alex nodded. “Maybe someone you like?”
Arnaud looked around a bit, then back at Alex. “Well, I am interested in someone, yeah… But it’s complicated you know…”
“In what sense complicated?” Alex bent over a bit to Arnaud.
“I don’t know if we’re compatible. We’re so different… Polar opposites!”
Alex smiled a bit and put his hand on Arnaud’s shoulder. “Being different isn’t a problem. Look at electrons and protons. They’re opposites, but they are attracted to each other.”
Arnaud grinned at the metaphor. But it’s so much more complicated, that I can’t tell you about… Arnaud thought.
Say the least possible, Dawn would say. And I’m here spilling my secrets to an almost complete stranger. Better switch back to small-talk.
Arnaud looked back at Alex. “So, how is your lo—”
On the other side of the ‘circle’ were Jane and Josef, back from his earlier almost-failure.
“So you play ice-hockey too probably?” Jane asked, putting her arm on the chair ledge with her head in her hand.
“Who doesn’t in Canada haha! Well yeah, in a local club only…”
Jane looked impressed. “It must be an exhausting sport, isn’t it?”
Josef grinned and scratched the back of his head, not really knowing how to reply.
He didn’t notice, but Lenora had been observing them for a moment. She sighed a bit. Lenora looked on her left, Alex and Arnaud were laughing together, then on her right, Cole and Abby being a bit too tipsy. Never knew she drank so much…
“Ayo Anne, or was it Annie? Doesn’t matter, I got a question here…” Cole mumbled, sipping from his bottle.
“Oh really, g-go on then!” Abby replied.
“Do you, get drunk quicker, because it has somethin’ to do with ya’ weight, and your legs aren’t workin’?”
Abby laughed. “I ain’t knowing that man. But if you ever become like me, waist yourself once more and compare to see, if it’s true, your cool theory!”
The two clinked drinks again and continued ‘talking’. Lenora looked again at Josef and sighed. She looked around again and stood up, heading to the kitchen.
Dawn was busy there, preparing for the dessert, putting them on large plates. She noticed her colleague walking in.
“Ey Lea, eh, Luciana… Not getting used to it…” Dawn mumbled.
“It’s okay, no one is here. Ugh…” Lenora sighed. Dawn didn’t turn around yet. She was thinking of what could happen if she engaged. But Dawn was trapped and had to. She turned around to grab a cutting knife.
“Something wrong? Looking… sad?” Dawn mumbled. Lenora sighed again, but deeper.
“Dawn, can you keep a secret?” Lenora asked.
“I have secrets enough to fill a library. I can handle one more…. If you trust me of course…”
Lenora went silent for a moment, rubbing her arm and looking down. She took a breath and glanced back at Dawn’s back.
“So eh, I kinda like Josef and—”
“That’s not a secret Lea. Everyone noticed already…” Dawn dryly replied. Lenora gulped.
“W-was I really so— Ugh, doesn’t matter now! Josef… I feel like he’s flirting with that other friend of yours, Jane.”
“She does it all the time, with most boys… Inner frustrations of not finding a significant other I suppose… Don’t worry it won’t go far. And they won’t see each other again after this…”
Lenora was quite speechless and having trouble processing all of Dawn’s words.
“Don’t lose your focus Lea, we’re on a mission. Not getting caught!” Dawn added, passing her one of the pies.
As the girls wanted to walk back outside, they didn’t notice Alex who was listening from behind the corner, but could hide in the utility room next to them.
Dawn and Lenora put the desserts on the table. Everyone got a piece and sat back down to eat it. Time went on more.
Dawn had been busy all day, but she felt good. The late afternoon arrived and Dawn went back to the kitchen. She was searching for another soft drink in the fridge.
While searching, Dawn heard noises behind her, unusual noises. She turned around, but saw nothing. Hmm…
But even before she could focus back on the fridge, the noise appeared again. It sounded like footsteps on wood and drawers opening. Dawn stared around for a couple of moments, until suddenly…
She saw a person run down the stairs, opening the door and sprinting away. Dawn was a bit confused, but her senses came quickly.
A burglar? A burglar! He might’ve— Dawn didn’t finish her thoughts, or she was already outside. Arriving at the road, Dawn looked left and right, but the person had disappeared. She rushed to the crossroad on her left.
“Where did he go!? Or… Was it, a halluc—” Dawn turned around, and another dark silhouette stood there, staring with its red eyes.
“Daaaaaawn! Death is inevitable!” It screeched.
Dawn was inhaling intensively, trying to stay calm. She looked away as she felt the monster vanishing. It was a hallucination… Just a hallucination. I, better get back before someone no—
“Dawn!” A familiar voice shouted. Dawn looked up and saw Arnaud running towards her. Why is he always the one who notices…
“You had another—”
“Everything alright? What’s going on?” Alex’s voice asked, also appearing. Arnaud looked slightly annoyed. Dawn played the game. The boys stared at her.
“Was a burglar upstairs. He ran outside, but no idea where he went… I, tried to follow him…”
“That’s dangerous, Dawn! He could kill you!” Alex exclaimed. “You must call police!”
“I’ll, I’ll do it later. I don’t think he stole anything… There’s, nothing of great value in my home…”
Alex nodded slowly, and the three returned home, but Dawn felt still shocked. Arnaud waited for Alex to go back to the rest. Then, he turned to Dawn.
“Another hallucination…” He mumbled. “I think you need some rest. I’ll help you upstairs…”
“Like that? With the rest here? What’re they gonna think?” Dawn crossed her arms.
“I’ll just, say your social battery was empty, or something… Sounds credible?”
Dawn didn’t reply. The two went up. Dawn stopped in front of her bedroom entrance and turned around to Arnaud.
“You’ll be responsible for them to leave…” Dawn looked at her watch, 20:04. Arnaud nodded and started walking down the stairs.
“Oh Arnaud…” Dawn added. Her friend turned around.
“Yes?” He softly replied. Dawn was thinking, but she forgot what she wanted to say.
“N-nothing… Forgot…”
“If you need anything, just give a sign. Throw your shoe out of the window on the terrace or something.”
Dawn sniggered rapidly, then turned around and laid herself on the bed.
Arnaud explained everything to the rest. All believed him. He kept an eye on everyone until it was late, and time to go.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Arnaud asked Alex and Jane, seeing them with Cole’s arms around their necks, completely wasted.
“He will, don’t worry. I’ve seen him in worse states,” Alex replied. He stretched his hand to Arnaud, “It was a pleasure to see you again. Hopefully you’ll pass by another time.”
“I sure hope so…” Arnaud shook the hand. As his new friends left, he turned around to his colleagues, all waving too.
“Well, time for us to go too then,” Abby announced.
“Wait, you don’t want to sleep here? It’s already late, and are you capable of travelling now?” Arnaud asked.
“Of course we do. It’s not too far from here. And Joe can still catch his train if you give him a ride!” Abby replied.
“It’s Lea’s car, so, it’s up to her to decide!” Josef added.
“No, it’s fine… But we gotta hurry then…” Lenora replied coldly, without looking up, and she walked away to her car. Josef remained silent. Abby looked at him. He looked back.
“Did I do something wrong?”
Abby approached him. “Joe… I think you made her jealous, by being with Jane all the time. Have you talked to Lea today?”
Josef looked down. “N-no, not really… B-but what do you mean, jealous? Is sh-she?”
Abby nodded a bit. She pointed to the exit gate with her chin. Josef turned around and vanished. Arnaud and Abby smiled.
Lenora was waiting next to her car, a bit further down the street. Josef just arrived and slowly walked to her. Lenora turned herself to him. No one said something. Both looked down, feeling mildly awkward.
“Lenora… I— Sorry, for, kinda, forgetting about you, today…”
Lea remained silent and looked on her side. “It’s, fine…” She added a sigh.
Josef looked at her. “A-are you, jealous?”
Lenora looked up confused. “J-jealous? A-about what?”
She started blushing a bit. Josef grinned. “This is the last time I’ll see this Jane, I know nothing about her… She isn’t my type.”
Lenora felt a bit more uncomfortable. “I-I don’t know, what you’re talking about, Josef…”
Josef inhaled. “Lea, I, must tell you, something important…”
Lenora looked up. Josef avoided the eye-contact and preferred to stare at the hedge next to them. “I eh, have felt… in a special way, about you… I eh… like—”
Lenora had grabbed Josef’s hands, interrupting his sentence. Josef looked back up and saw a smiling Lenora. “— you.”
A tear of joy left Lenora’s eye. The two got closer to each other and tilted their heads…
Abby was still with Arnaud in Dawn’s yard.
“And how is it going on your side?” Abby asked.
Arnaud looked down. He wiped his shoe over the stones.
“I don’t know Abb… I’m still questioning, if that’s really something for me. I, don’t know if it would work out… And even if I was sure, how would I announce it?!”
Abby approached him and looked up. “I understand it’s hard for you… But you should try at least!”
“It could compromise our objectives…”
“To Hell with the objectives! It’s about you! And you can’t even be sure about the outcome…”
“I, don’t wanna take the risk…” Arnaud sat down.
“Life is all about risk! I’m sure you’ll regret it if you don’t… do it.”
Arnaud sighed and looked back up. “And how would I announce it? How would she react? It might, not be reciprocal…”
Abby patted Arnaud’s back. “I know it’s a hard castle to penetrate, but I’m trying to infiltrate it. I’m here to help…”
“That’s kind of you Abby…”
“I’m working hard to get all possible information that could calm down your uncertainty. But you must promise me to do something in return.”
Arnaud looked up and frowned a bit. Abby rolled her eyes. “Act! You must act! It’s not about thinking of the outcomes, just go for it. Just, try…”
Arnaud nodded slowly. Abby smiled a bit. “Hey…”
Arnaud looked at Abby. “I’m heading out too now. Those two had time enough together!”
Arnaud grinned. “Do I have to push you back?”
Abby turned around and smiled, slowly shaking her head. “Take care of our little introvert…”
And she left.
Arnaud felt tired, but started cleaning up. Collecting empty bottles, cups, and plates. The rest would be for tomorrow.
He went up the stairs silently and approached Dawn’s bedroom. He peeked through the ajar door. The window was half-open with the curtains moving from a warm breeze.
Dawn was sleeping from his viewpoint. Arnaud smiled and turned around. It’ll sure be complicated, to start all of this…
It’ll sure be different from now on… Dawn thought289Please respect copyright.PENANA5qX0oVxUjU