5th of July 2022
Objective: No current objective
Agent Aurora location: WSC HQ, Appalachian region, USA
Dawn and Arnaud, as well as the other agents, arrived back at the HQ, eager to fulfil their duties, as new information was about to be revealed.
It was late in the evening. The duo walked across the hangar they landed once more in.
“You’re sure your friends won’t find it suspicious you left again?” Arnaud asked.
“They’re used to it. I also put a note on the front door, explaining my absence, yet again…”
In a slight hurry, the two headed to the briefing room. As they passed the corner, they noticed Lenora and Josef, waiting, hand in hand, but releasing it as they saw their colleagues.
“See you guys finally noticed…” Dawn commented, making the two blush a bit. “Where’s Abby?”
“I believe she was asked at Orion lab, or something… She wasn’t going to assist the briefing,” Josef explained. Dawn nodded.
She rubbed her hands and passed through the sliding door. The rest followed.
Dawn saw Samur and Flynn, but not Miller. Very absent these times…
“Welcome back everyone. I hope those days were enough to prepare you for what’s coming,” Samur started.
All sat down, Dawn made eye-contact with Flynn.
“Missed me too?” Flynn grinned cynically.
“Certainly miss your harsh trainings…” Dawn replied. Flynn grinned more and put his legs on the table. Samur cleaned his throat.
“With the Arzt eliminated, we could focus on our second target, Yua Saitoro, codenamed Kagaku,” Samur activated the holographic projector and showed a picture of their target again.
“Recently, something peculiar happened… The Japanese TV announced that Saitoro’s accusations were recalled and she would reintegrate the scientific community. The person selling the information is said to be a colleague.
“Of course this was a big media manipulation, trying to restore Saitoro’s reputation for God know what reason. Perhaps to steal more information of the Japanese government. Unclear sources suspect Cesario, the second in command, to be behind this operation…”
“Shouldn’t the spaghetti-eating wop be our priority then?” Flynn interrupted.
“Everything has its time. He will come later… Ehem, to pardon her for these ‘false accusations’, she has received the task to organise the next world scientific conference. She will be there, in a vulnerable position. This is our opportunity.”
Samur showed the front of a baroque-style castle with a large pond to its right.
“Ooh, I recognize that style! It’s in Germany!” Arnaud whispered to Dawn.
“Montcourt castle, located in eastern France—”
Arnaud gulped, trying to get a reaction, but Dawn didn’t react to him. The focus continued.
“The conference will take place on the 7th, then you will go to action. The detailed infiltration plan will be discussed tomorrow on your way to France. Transport plane leaving at noon. You will have to do preparations on the site. But for now, we’ll end it here…”
Suddenly, the doors opened, and another person walked inside. Everyone turned around, and several amazed faces appeared.
Abby, wearing the exoskeleton from Orion lab, walked towards her teammates with no difficulties. The skeleton was made up of small metal bars, attached to Abby’s bottom parts.
“Now, isn’t this stylish?” She replied.
“You, too, will participate in this important mission, agent Furvus.”
Arnaud turned his chair around and looked at Samur. “Ehm, n-now that Abby, eh, agent Furvus, can walk again… A-am I, dismissed?”
Samur snorted a bit, then shook his head. “You’ll only be sent back to France for missions, agent Eiffel. From now on, you’re part of the team.”
Arnaud sighed of relief, exaggerating a bit. The rest laughed. Dawn didn’t react this time either.
As the briefing ended, The teens greeted Samur and Flynn, and they turned around.
“One moment, agent Aurora!” Samur said. Dawn stopped and turned around. Her teammates left.
Samur approached her. “Aurora, you’ll have the leadership for this mission, once more… I know it’s not a gift for you, but from a logic-rational viewpoint, you’re the best match.”
“Honoured to hear…” Dawn replied dryly. Samur grinned.
“How was the appointment with miss Po? Did it help?”
Dawn stared at him for a moment. Was it worth it? Did I learn anything? All I really heard, was a masked way of saying ‘you must fundamentally change your personality’. Sigh, perhaps… But isn’t that, impossible, in a sense?
“You should start with talking about it with one person. One that listens and really understands what you feel.”
“I, hate to say it, but I think, you fit that description the most…”
But that changed… I’m sure he’s capable of understanding. He does… But am I still capable to tell him, ‘open, up’ more? After, what I—
“Everything alright, Aurora?” Samur asked, making Dawn snap out of her trance.
“Ah, eh. I, don’t really know if it helped. I don’t feel any changes… We’ll see later…”
“I strongly recommend you go for a second session, it’ll be worth it!” Dawn slowly nodded.
“I also wanted to tell you our scientists have found new information concerning 12B. What you described as ‘increased cognition’ is caused when a certain level of adrenaline is released. The 12B particles will emit micro-electrical charges. We doubt it causes the hallucinations, knowing you have them outside of adrenaline rushes… But we’ll keep searching!”
Dawn nodded again. “Thank you, mister…”
“You should pass by the medbay to give another sample of your blood. The first sample has been used up already. Do it when you feel like, just be ready for tomorrow.”
Dawn nodded a third time and ultimately left the briefing room, heading to the quarters where the rest was already.
When she entered, everyone stood around Abby, still amazed about her walking again. Arnaud noticed Dawn arriving. She looked away.
“And how do you control it?” Lenora asked.
“They planted a chip in my brain, back when I was attached to tubes, apparently. I can control every movement!”
“All great and well, but aren’t you guys getting tired too?” Josef asked, stretching his arms.
“It’s past midnight already, we should go to sleep indeed…” Lenora added. All agreed.
Dawn sighed. “I’m going for a walk first…” And she already left.
Dawn headed to the medbay. As she arrived in the entrance, the nurse immediately noticed her.
“Good evening Dawn!” The nurse said happily. She took a little box and showed it to Dawn. “Extra pills, for your hallucinations… I hope you didn’t drink alcohol with it during the national holiday, that could have increased the negative effects. Sorry I didn’t tell it earlier… But anyway, how are you going?”
“I’m still functioning…” Dawn replied, taking the box. The nurse continued storing stuff up in closets.
“And how did your session with miss Po go? Isn’t she lovely?”
“Didn’t really bring anything of value… I doubt I’ll go a second time…”
“It’s a long process, she can’t know everything about you directly! I recommend you go for a second session!”
Dawn didn’t react for a moment, then remembered. “I need to give another blood sample, for the research…”
The nurse nodded and made a sign to follow her. The two went in another room with a special seat.
“Lay down and just feel comfortable. It, could sting a bit…” The nurse inserted the needle in Dawn’s vein.
“Okay, remain like that for a moment. I’ll come check later,” and the nurse left. Dawn sighed.
I never managed to comprehend my emotions correctly. It’s a mess inside me. All mixed, strangled in each other. Even when I’m being ‘sympathetic’, I don’t know if I really am. It doesn’t feel like being it…
But lately, more emotions were created I think… Some I’ve never felt before. I don’t know how to describe them, it’s too hard for someone like me…
What you heard… of… Sigh… You don’t know how to cope with it, how to act, how to react, what to think of it, because you can’t sort your feelings!
Time isn’t in my favour on this one. There will be a confrontation, I know it, but not when… Which makes it even more, scary…
I’m scared. Scared of my reaction. I, don’t know how I will, react… Sigh!
Rational solutions won’t help me with this one… The only thing I see that could, perhaps help me, is trying to bring order in my inner mess… That it becomes clear what I feel, and that I can act in function of them, in this situation only, as logical decisions are useless…
Maybe… Maybe, this psychologist, can, help me… Describe to her what I feel, she might know an answer… I don’t know if I’m capable of telling a stranger about it… On the other side of the medal, maybe it’s better that it’s a stranger…
My colleagues aren’t an option either… Abby’s not trustworthy on this one, after what she staged. And Josef and Lenora aren’t particularly people I need to confess to… Ugh…
“Daaaaawn!” A cursed voice said to her right. Dawn turned her head.
“Dawn,” the nurse added, “the blood bag is full, it’s over already!”
Dawn looked to her left and saw the red bag. The nurse removed the needle and took the bag.
“Straight to the lab! Some pure A+ blood for confidential research.”
“Never knew I was A+,” Dawn replied. Doesn’t particularly match with my grades…
Dawn got off the seat and felt a bit dizzy. The nurse noticed.
“It’s normal you feel a bit weird right now. The best is to rest so that your body can replenish your blood levels.”
“Was about to go to bed anyway, for an important mission tomorrow…”
The nurse nodded. “I see. Good luck, and don’t get wounded!”
“Wish me skill, luck’s worth nothing…” Dawn mumbled and faltered away.
It’s decided, after the mission, I’ll go see the psy… Not because everyone told me to, but because I decided to…
Dawn sighed one last time and headed to the quarters.
6th of July 2022
Abby slowly approached Dawn’s bed and… “Good morning sunshine!”
Dawn woke up and looked around with her eyes half closed. She noticed Abby smiling down at her and Arnaud in the back of the room, busy.
“You slept really, really long! It’s already 11am. But we didn’t want to wake you up. You look so cute when you sleep!” Abby joked. Dawn rolled her eyes and removed the blanket off her legs.
“W-we already packed your stuff for the mission, and put it in the transport plane!” Arnaud explained. Dawn nodded once.
“He, did it…” Abby whispered. Dawn ignored her and robotically walked out of the quarters, having only coffee in mind.
Abby and Arnaud looked at each other. He sighed.
“It’s her morning mood, don’t worry!”
“But I feel she’s changed since like, yesterday. More, distant… We’re back in the usual routine and her quid pro quo is probably over…” Arnaud sat on his bed. Abby approached him and patted his back.
“Don’t think that. She hasn’t forgotten the pleasant moments of past days!”
“Maybe she was just hiding her annoyance…”
Abby shook her head. “Don’t be pessimistic, just be patient. Deep down, she does care. And as long as you don’t make any faux pas, it will stay that way.”
“Stagnation is not increasing!”
Abby was thinking and shrugged. “You’ll have to take action of course. Soon or late…”
“Yes, but how!? Dawn’s hard to decrypt… Dawn’s, so complex…”
Abby nodded in agreement. She was thinking. “You’re very spontaneous, right?”
Arnaud looked over at Abby, slightly confused, but nodded.
“Just, give her some spontaneous compliments. See if that works on her. Make clear you’re interested.”
“But what if she isn’t?”
“Ugh, that’s the risk to take! We had this conversation earlier, Arnaud. You’ll regret it! Just be yourself with the compliments, and you’ll know damn-well if she likes you or not!”
Arnaud remained silent and nodded.
“I’ll try then…”
Abby smiled. “And don’t worry too much of the consequences, if she says no. Dawn is mature and will talk it out. She might be a bit more awkward around you, but that’s the only change you could expect. But of course, she can say yes too…”
Arnaud looked to his friend again. “What do you think?”
Abby sighed a bit and looked in front of her. “I really have no idea. She’s indeed hard to decipher. I tried several times, but she won’t admit anything. Even if we were to torture her, she wouldn’t admit…
“But don’t let that discourage you! What you have to know is that Dawn is horrible with dealing with emotions, like, you witnessed… So, she probably struggles with her own too! Meaning that she herself can’t even know, what she feels for others!”
“Isn’t that a bit too pessimistic about her? She’s human after all…” Abby frowned at the remark.
“We’re talking about Dawn, Arnaud. She’s—”
But suddenly, Arnaud stood up, interrupting Abby.
“Look Abb, I appreciate your help, but you’re giving me mixed feelings about everything! She’s mature and will talk it out, but she isn’t in the slightest touch with her emotions! It doesn’t make sense to me…”
Abby remained silent. Arnaud sighed. “It’s nothing personal, but from now on I’ll be a cavalier seul, a solo rider!”
Arnaud wanted to exit the quarters, but turned around one last time. “I’m quite under the shock as you see… At least now I know how I feel about her…”
Abby grinned a bit while looking down. “If you still want my help, I’ll be there at any given moment. I’m your wing woman in this…”
Arnaud smiled and suddenly turned around to hug Abby. In the end, they left together.
Dawn on her side had had her coffee and was heading to the hangar too. She saw the transport plane, opened up. Lenora and Josef were standing next to some boxes. Abby was carrying one inside the plane.
Where is A—
“Hey, Dawn!” Arnaud said from behind her. Dawn turned around in a reflex and sighed of relief before turning back to her usual neutral posture.
“Thought I was another hallucination?” Arnaud asked calmly. Dawn nodded. “How are they— I mean, how are you— I mean! Do you have them often, still?”
Dawn tilted her head and walked towards the pile of crates. Arnaud followed her.
“No changes, as bearable as usual…”
“Oh… No new research breakthroughs from the scientific team?”
Arnaud stood still for a moment. “Eh, Dawn?”
Dawn turned around and glared at him. Arnaud looked to the ground a bit.
“I-I’d like to thank you, for, having me as a guest, in your home last days… I, hope I didn’t bother too much…”
Dawn looked around Arnaud’s head, unsure what to answer.
“It’s good, no need to thank me…”
Arnaud grinned half. “I, still want to pay for the pie… hehe…”
“I don’t crave money… like most people, It’s good for that too. Back to normal business…” Dawn mumbled the last part, and she turned around again.
Abby looked at Arnaud from the plane’s hold and lifted her shoulders. Dawn caught a glimpse of it.
It’s like hearing a language you don’t understand. Those crying voices, inside of me, wanting to be understood. Don’t start to feel desperate now Dawn, we’ll find an answer, we always do…
“When’s the plane taking off?” Dawn asked Josef and Lenora.
“It’s gotta be soon. We were waiting for you actually…” Josef explained. Dawn nodded.
Abby arrived after storing up the last storage box.
“Guess we’re ready! All here, everything stored up!”
“What’s even in those crates? It can’t be only our equipment?” Dawn asked.
“Part of them contain stuff for the WSC outpost in Europe I believe. Oh, well…”
The clock hit the time to take off. The group entered the plane, attached themselves to the seats on the side, and they left the HQ for the clouds.
After stabilisation, a large monitor on the front of the plane got activated, and it showed Sergeant Flynn.
“It’s your all-time favourite Sergeant speaking here! Got the task to inform you about the real mission, and this ain’t gonna be a health walk!” He started.
“So y’all saw the castle already, but that hologram ain’t compared anything with the real one. Luckily we got some maps of the area that we’ll send to your devices…
“The main objective is to eliminate the female Jap! But her assassination shouldn’t be detected immediately. That would cause a bit of a panic as you can imagine, which would be fun! But I’m not the leader, so go with the commands!
“Ehem, so, this is how you all will proceed. Three of you infiltrate the conference directly, you are free to proceed how to. Via the cloakroom, taking waiters clothing. Killing some guests and taking their clothes. Or killing something else.
“And the other two, one will wait in front of the castle, quite boring, so you fight it out whose gotta stand and wait alone in the dark…”
Fits me well, but I can’t let it happen… Dawn thought.
“Last person goes hiding on the hill facing the gardens with a sniper rifle. If y’all got caught, but you still notice Saitoro’s ugly face walking around, shoot her!
“Welp, that’s it for this mission! Don’t get killed, Sergeant Flynn, over…”
And the screen went dark. Everyone observed each other for a moment.
“What a weird briefing was that!” Arnaud commented.
“It’s Flynn, what did you expect?” Abby replied.
The briefing, for operation Limbo, was… frighteningly similar…293Please respect copyright.PENANAvccTYSqjAb