"Techno , can i ask you something?"
"Do you like Kengkla?"
"What did you just say?"
Kengkla left for a while. So techno , who was tense in front of his mother and his brother , was relieved. He thought that non one would know his secret but when he went downstairs to drink water , his brother , who was reading in the living room , walked to him , leaning against the counter in the kitchen while asking with curiosity. Techno was so shocked that he dropped the glass
"I asked you do you like my friend?" Technic asked again. He didnt seem to surprise that his older brother dropped the glass. Techno bent down to pick the broken glasses , finding newspapers to wrap it up because he felt awkward while facing his younger brother
"Are you nuts? What the fuck are you thinking now?"
"I just think that you like him"
Techno almost cut his finger when his brother , leaning his hip against the counter , continued
"Today , you acted strangely"
"You're overthinking. Am i strange? Is it you imagination?"
Techno was an open book , so he rarely had secret with his family. And when the person who never hid anything like Techno wanted to lie , he looked so suspicious. Technic shook his head and continued
"I may overthink , but today you're both acting strangely. No , Kengkla has been acting strangely for a few day. He keeps asking about you , and when he sees anything , he wants to buy them for you. And , i heard that you slept over at his place yesterday right? Today , Kengkla acts like he just won the lottery. He keeps saying that you're lovely...maybe i overthink."
You don't say anything but your action is so obvious!
Actually , Techno wanted to blame Kengkla , but...he was delighted with what he just heard. When Techno thought that Kengkla wasn't serious about him , he couldn't help smiling broadly and was happy.
Technic noticed those actions and remembered everything
Techno! You're trapped!
It was the thought of Technic who was now shaking his head because his older brother who had been telling that he liked girls , even he had gay friends , was smiling as if he just had puppy love. While Techno was picking the broken glasses , he smiled , and his face turned red. Technic couldn't deal with his brother's gesture , so he asked again
"I don't know what's going on here , but you should know that you're my big brother , and i respect your decision."
Because of you , i've got many free items from Kengkla
Of course , Technic didn't say it out loud. He just acted like a good brother who could accept if his big brother dated his best friend. Even Technic felt a bit awkward , he couldn't do anything. Technic knew that no one could stop Kengkla when he intended to do something so Technic decide to go with the flow and took advantage
"Nic." Techno looked up at his brother , stunned whit those eyes full of appreciation so Technic was a bit guilty
"Why are you such a good brother?"
Because you don't know that i trade you with a girl
Technic couldn't meet his brother's eyes , so he needed to get it done
"So , you like him?"
"I....i don't know."
Techno seemed to hesitate before he told his brother everything.
"But , Kengkla is such a good guy. He is nice and well mannered. He always wants to be loved and always tried to please me. When i scold him , he acts like a puppy , his eyes , and his voice so i can't be mad at him. And he is so handsome that im jealous. I was jealous of Tharn in the past because he is mixed race , so he is fucking gorgeous until i meet Kengkla. He is younger than me , but he is too perfect. When i look at his face , you must be crazy if you don't flutter."
I think i just go the answer
Technic told himself and smiled to his big brother who was describing his friend's goodness , which he thought it was unbearable
Good? Nice? Well mannered? Wants to be loved? Like a puppy?... Techno... you are facing the three head dog from hell.... but forget it! It's none of my business
Technic shrugged and nodded. When his brother finished , Technic just cut it short
"I'll go to study now. You clean this mess or mom will scold you." Then Technic walked to grab his books and went back to his room , leaving his older brother clean the glasses. When Technic was in his room , he texted his best friend briefly.
He took the bait
A moment after that , there was a reply message. Good , you can get your voucher tomorrow. The exchange of two friends which both of them got a benefit , but the one who lost was Techno only Techno