What should i do?... He's so handsome...
Although Techno was so emotional after his only brother took his bike , when he stepped out from his house , looking right to the guy leaning against the car , that was all he could think. This kid was so handsome that it was irritating ,and it made him so jealous. Kengkla was so attractive that Techno couldn't be mad at him
Kengkla was tall but not thin. He was muscular because of exercises. Although he was in university uniform , he looked better than Techno , who was in work uniform. Also , that attractive face was smiling so you could see his charming cuspid. His sharp , vivid eyes shone brightly with happiness. Anyone couldn't resist looking back at Kengkla again.
However , what made Kengkla look more gorgeous wasn't his notable figure leaning against that beautiful car but...
"Eat up and grow quickly"
"Chirp , chirp , chirp"
The way Kengkla tore croissant into small pieces and gave them to the birds until the birds chirping sound was in the air everywhere and the way he was grinning while looking at the birds pecking at the bread , they showed how generous he was. And , it definitely could unquestionably make girls fall for him. But , this perfect guy came to pick me up... me?
Is he a driver and am i a boss?
Techno walked from his house quietly until he was near the luxury car and looked at a reflection of himself.... he was just a tall guy wearing a light color shirt and slacks with knapsack that he has been using since his senior year. It was totally different from that kid who looked excellent in university uniform.
He must be kidding about the boyfriend thing!
Looking at himself again , Techno couldn't be more relieved because of the difference in the look , character , fashion of Kengkla , and himself. There was no way that Kengkla could fall for him. What happened before must be a mistake. Techno was more relieved than before , so he came closer to Kengkla and intended to ack as a nice big brother. But...
"Good morning , Techno!" Kengkla saw him first and bounced to stand next to him with bigger smile. His eyes.... were sparkling like thousand stars
Shit! Those eyes give me goose bumps!
"G.....G...Good morning"
Do Thais always greet like this? Lin in the dramas?
Techno chuckled and was shocked when....
"Let me help you." Kengkla came closer to him and abruptly grabbed his knapsack full of documents. His junior smiled widely and also... opened the car door for him!
I'm 23 now , but i never open a car door for any woman. What's wrong with me? WHy do I need a guy to open a door for me?
"Kla.... I think...."
"What? Is everything okay?" His broad smile , those eyes full of hope , and the charming cuspid make Techno softhearted. Everything he wanted to say was gone. Techno shook his head slowly and walked like an exhausted guy to the front seat and mumbled
"You don't have to pick me up. I can go by myself actually."
"No. Technic told me he will borrow your bike today. I can't let my boyfriend take a bus."
The speaker smiled happily , but the listener was shocked. Techno's heart almost stopped because of that word. Getting in the car , Techno looked at Kengkla shockingly , and it made his smile disappeared. Kengkla scratched his cheek gently
"I'm embarrassed if you look at me like this."
Techno couldn't say anything. He just Looked at his junior , but suddenly Kengkla turned back and said something that could kill Techno
"A handsome guy like you look at me like this. It's quite embarrassing."
Should you check you eyes?
The good looking guy in Kengkla eyes was yelling inside. His hand still held the door tightly but a bit shaking because Techno now realized that he couldn't handle his brother's friend at all. An it seemed his action made Kengkla assume something because....
"Sorrry , i can't help it."
"Y....You....You...You kiss...kiss me."
Who would believe that all of sudden , the guy in front of him would come closer , kissing him on his lips softly and breaking off? Techno startled , looking at those begging eyes full of passion when Kengkla whispered with his sweet voice . It made Techno stutter
By the time Techno finished his sentence , the person in front of him had stepped back.
"Because you're so lovely."
What? Lovely?
Now , the listener wanted to say what the fuck to that face the most , but what he could do was taking his seat wearily , looking at the car owner who smiled at him and closed the door properly. Kengkla placed Techno's knapsack at the back before walking to the driver seat
"I get you breakfast , butter croissant , and a hot cappuccino. It's still hot... so you can have it while i drive you to your office." Kengkla grabbed the paper bag with the famous brand stamp and passed to Techno. The latter one was still stunned because that warm touch was still lingering on his lips
That touch was soft but warm , and it sent the heat to his cheek , spreading to his whole face. It allowed a virgin like Techno , who never touched anyone before , to know what a kiss felt like
The familiar kiss like it happened before.
"Just now , i'm sorry." Of of the blue , Kengkla apologized so Techno turned to him and saw a guilty face.
"I should be more patient. If it make you feel uncomfortable i'm sorry... but you're so cute though."
"Err.... Um..." Techno could not say anything because he was caught of guard. He couldn't think straight while he started freaking out.
Am i handsome?Am i cute? Am i so kissable?... Nic...it must be something wrong with you friend for sure!
"And i also...think of that night."
"Hack , hack" Techno , sipping coffee to calm himself , choked. Kengkla sitting next , tried to help him cleaning but Techno , shaking his head so hard , moved closer to the door , and snatched tissue paper to close his mouth. His voice was quivering when he said
"I...I think that we shouldn't talk about that nigh...please." His deep voice softened slowly , and it made Kengkla , who was driving turned pale
"You loath..."
"No , no , i don't , but it's kind of... i think that nigh i was drunk , id on't wanna talk about it , it's embarrassing." When his brother's friend turned pale , Techno softhearted again , added quickly , shaking his head to comfort his junior because he didn't want to feel guiltier
I make a good boy crazy for me this much!
That guilt made Techno cannot deny. Techno immediately felt relieved when Kengkla smiled again , but he was shocked when his junior said.
"Don't worry , that night you were really sexy."
A croissant was dropped from his hand , Techno turned abruptly and looked Kengkla with his eye wide open. It made Kengkla chuckle
"You're like a kid. Please eat properly." said Kengkla. He then grabbed the croissant on Techno's lab and gave it back to him. However , Techno put it in the bag because he couldn't have breakfast without choking anymore when the word sexy echoed in his head
It has been 23 years , and no one calls me handsome or cute before. But , today , i hear them all , and the worst one is....sexy...!!!
In the end , Techno couldn't do anything but sat quietly , and let Kengkla take him to his office without noticing those eyes of the person sitting next to him. Those burning eyes that intended to eat a person beside him.
A wolf like Kengkla didn't attack immediately. He would raise and feed his prey to be ready to eat , then it would be a happy meal. And what Techno would never know for a long time was this cute guy who loved animals...was born a carnivore
"Pum... Let's get some drink tonight?"
"Have a plan since 9 o clock? Have you finished all the work on your desk?"
After Techno arrived his office , had breakfast without enjoying it and came back to his sense , his air headed brain started thinking about how to escape his nice junior. Techno didn't know what made Kengkla so blind to be interested in person like himself
As said , Techno was once a captain of his university's football team , but he always relied on his best friend who was a vice captain. Thus , Techno might know all the tricks in the field , but the person who planned everything was his best friend , not him. When Techno decided not to tell Type about this , what he could think was something weak and made no sense
Keep running!
The way to escape Kengkla came from looking at his senior sitting next to him. Techno asked because he realized that his senior Pum , small women but fearless , got a car. If he went with her , he would have an excuse for Kengkla. But Pum scolded him immediately after he asked
"Don't worry! I can finish it by this evening."
"Are you sure? Do you remember that there will be an outside event in the next two weeks? Everything is done?" His senior asked in a serious tone and gave him fierce look as Techno laughed , realizing that in the next two weeks , the Ministry of Public Health would open a booth in an exhibition and they were in charge
"Of course i remember. Why shouldn't i remember that?"
In fact , ia lready forgot since he has a boyfriend.
"Hey , Techno! I ask you to work , not rest!" Shouted his senior , as he , hitting his head on the table , raised his head a bit and frowned. Yesterday his seniors still worried about him , but today they seemed to be unconcerned about his preoccupied condition.
Most of the concluded that Techno was heartbroken for sure. It was coincident that the girl who worked downstairs , whom Techno targeted , just had a boyfriend , so everyone felt sorry for him. But they knew that Techno wouldn't be sad for long , he would recover and be back again. That made Techno murmured
You guys don't know that there is a good looking guy fell for me!
Of course , he couldn't say it. Why would he tell everyone?
"Let's get some drink tonight."
"No , i have a plan." When the senior next to him said no , Techno did not say anything
Techno still had other seniors to hang out with , thus , all day , he walked around his office , asking everyone to go out , to get some food and drink. However , either it was God's will , or it was a punishment , everyone's answers were the same
"I have a plan today."
"I will go shopping , there is a flea market today."
"Sorry , my wife asks me to come home early."
"I have to pick up my kids at school."
Those weren't enough...
"Techno , can we cancel a football match this wednesday? No one is free on that day."
Those words made Techno cry out loudly , looking at the seniors , who waved and went back to their office with his mouth open. Techno didn't know whether he imagine it or he really felt the cold win blowing at him until he almost collapsed. He wanted to grab his head with both hands and shout loudly that....
No one is on my side!
"No , no no. Hold on , i can just tell him i have a plan. Don't need to pick me up. And i can go shopping instead." Techno , who did nothing today and wasn't afraid that someone would scold him , snapped his fingers happily and took up his phone to send a text. He didn't make a call because he didn't want to come around
"Today , you don't need to pick me again. I'lll go shopping. So easy. Now i can get rid of him."
Techno smiled happily , placing his cell phone in the bag , whistling , and going back to work. It never occurred to him why a person who loved sending him messages didn't reply at all
"Hello , Techno."
"Who is he? So handsome!"
The after hours period was the same as the after school period. It was a happy hour when you could do whatever you wanted , it wast Techno's favorite time. He was no different from high school student But today , Techno wanted his working hours to last until 8 or 9 pm , or he could work through the night because of his handsome guy
This handsome guy who put away his cell phone as soon as he saw Techno.
This handsome guy who made everyone stare at him... especially those older one.
Today Techno didn't have his car , so he intended to wait for the bus with his colleagues. But now , those hard working and strict seniors who never be so energetic was looking at him with those sweet eyes as if they were seeing the most sexylicious guy
Of course , that sexylicious guy isn't me
"Hello everybody."
Kengkla greeted everyone immediately and politely wai each of them while calling at of them as 'phi'
The senior holding my arm now is 45 years old , and the one you call Phi will retire next year.
Of course , Techno kept that thought with himself. He did not want to get in trouble , so he gave them an empty smile
"You call me Paa. Don't be so sweet...by the way , do you know Techno?" the senior who allowed KEngkla to call her Paa asked while smiling broadly like satellite dish. Kengkla smiled back politely but so attractive.
"Yes , i do. Techno is my...."
That moment , Techno's eye almost bulged out as he interrupted that conversation with a shout before Kengkla could introduce himself. Kengkla was startled and had a blank expression , so Techno rushed in and explained to his colleagues hurriedly.
"He...he is my brother."
"You two look different. What's your name , boy?"
"MY name is..K...Keng..."
"Oh! I just realize that we to go somewhere. Sorry i have to leave...take care!" Techno didn't want Kengkla to introduce himself and want no one to ask anything. The guy who just lost his virginity grabbed the shoulder of his brother's friend , said goodbye loudly and pushed his junior to the parking. But the good boy still tried to wai everyone.
"So... i have to leave now."
"Take care...Techno , you should wai your seniors like your brother!"
Techno didn't wait for scolding , he pushed his. brother's friend to walk as fast as possible whiel wanting to cry in German , if it was different from Thai that...
I've been working here for a year. Everyone loves me. But you're just here , and i become ill mannered?
While Techno was whining , he didn't notice the expression of the guy beside him that became more and more serious until they walked into empty parking
"What?" Still looking back to check that no one followed them , Techno replied and turned to his junior
The face that expressed stress , sadness , and hurt made him freeze , looking at his junior who was talking in uncertain tone.
"You don't want to tell everyone that we're dating?"
Use your brain , we are both men!
Techno definitely wanted to scold his junior , but the sad face , those dim eyes and those lips sligtly downward like a small frown made him feel sorry.
"I think.... What should i say? We are both men , and i also work for the ministry , so i don't want any problem." Techno made an excuse quickly. He thanked himself for being able to come up with the explanation because the expression of the guy in front of him looked better but still hurt. The expression that made him anxious
He's so cute that i feel guilty when he acts like this
"I understand...but...i'm sorry... maybe i am too self centered. I should think more about your face."
When Kengkla talked about his face , why it was hurt
My face can't compare to you. You should worry about yours , not mine!
Techno though , wanting to grab his head but...
"Er...Kengkla" Kengkla suddenly hold Techno hands as the older shuddered , looking around. Kengkla confirmed that ,
"Techno , i won't make you worried. I won't tell anyone that we're dating but when we're together.... we're couple , right?"
I just want to die now!
Techno kept blinking , looking that prince of faculty , who was pleading and asking for his sympathy. Those hands held him tightly. The deep voice was steady , sincere , determined...and begging
The begging gesture plus that striking face made Techno's heart tremble
Of course , you do. Try starting at someone a lot more handsome than yourself!
"Please Techno... we're lovers ,right?... right?"
That anxious face made him nod unintentionally.
A soon as Techno accepted , Kengkla smiled broadly , showing his adorable cuspid. His eyes dazzlingly shone so Techno felt like he was blinded for a moment. It was like the aura hit his eyes and he couldn't say anything
"Im so happy. I love you more and more."
I really want to die
Techno , confident that his junior would be delusional , not more than 3 days , almost collapsed. He looked at Kengkla who just confessed his love confidently with those honest eyes and a sincere smile that started to be emotional. Could a person who dated no one and never won any girls before resist it?
"You want to go shopping? I got your message. Today my teacher canceled the class , so i came to pick you up. Let's go shopping and grab something to eat. I haven't eaten anything since morning." Kengkla said with a smile , and it made his face sweeter
"Let's go. What should we have for dinner? Japanese food? Grilled food? Technic told me you love to have grilled food with your friends." Techno didn't say anything while his junior suggested enthusiastically. The smile and those eyes made the person who never broke anyone heart only respond
"Grilled food sounds good for me."
After they decided , Kengkla smiled and walked to his car while still naturally holding Techno's hand.
Kengkla held that hand the same way he held it in the first place , and led them to his luxury car. Techno could only follow him without realizing that his hand is still in his junior warm hand , and the younger held it tightly.
"What kind of grilled food you like? Been busy lately? I think you are thinner than before."
"Whatever you want , i'm not picky."
"I'll choose then. I'm starving right now. I can eat you up all."
"Hmmm!" Techno responded without really listening , so Kengkla smiled and continued
"Nothing , i'm just rambling. Let's go , or we will be stuck in traffic." Said Kengkla as he continued walking and Techno followed him. The older was unable to see the mischievous smile that made the handsome face become a Satan who disguised himself as an angel
Yes , you got it right
Kengkla wasn't craving for food , but was carving for a person beside him.
Not yet , i can't have him now. My prey will be alarmed
Kengkla told him self repeatedly. He tried to remind him self that....
It's better to have a hen tomorrow than an egg today. If there's a first time , there will be a second time. It's just not today.
His eyes revealed everything he thought , but no one would know his nasty plan , except Technic. For Kengkla Techno wasn't different from sparrow who never noticed the imminent danger
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