Just as things seemed to calm down once again, they quickly picked up the pace even though all Skylar wanted to do was rest.
“They’re imprisoning innocent people,” Peter brought up one night during dinner, “We have to save them.”
Nobody disagreed with him until Adalene spoke into the silence.
“You must remember, Peter,” she started to say, “Zat your main priority is to complete zis quest. If you go off on a mad rescue mission, you and ze others may be captured. And zen ze quest vould not be fulfilled, and ze vorld vould be over.”
Peter’s expression turned grave once again, thinking it over. Although Skylar admired his compassion and care for others, she agreed with Adalene. They couldn’t risk it at the moment, especially after her fight with Luke over a similar situation.
“But…we can’t ignore the people,” said Helen, “They’re the reason we’re doing this in the first place, right? What happens if there are no people left to save? I say that we at least try something. We need to help.”
Richard nodded, showing his approval. Wherever Helen would go, Richard would as well.
“Alice?” Skylar asked her, curious about her opinion.
She shook her head. “I think…it’s too dangerous. As much as I want to help, we can’t have anyone getting killed. Whether it’s us or the innocents of this country.”
So that was three people for and three against the plan. Skylar glanced at Luke, who was staring into the fire.
“You’re the tiebreaker,” she told him, “What do you think we should do, Luke?”
“We need to help,” his resolve was firm. “I don’t care about the danger; I don’t care what happens to me. These people don’t deserve this.”
Skylar sighed. So that was that. They were going to try a risky escape plot and hopefully, she wouldn’t lose anyone. Luke really didn’t care about any of the danger.
She just hoped she wouldn’t lose him...