3 words. Tents. Are. Everywhere. I'm going to be surprised if anyone actually finds their own tent before the end of the weekend, without getting help from a marshal first. I thought it would be smart if I brought some bunting to put on our tent so we could recognize it more easily but it looks like everyone else has had the same idea and it's now been proven completely useless.
“Who's up for a game of ‘How many pride flags can we guess?’ I bet we can't get them all by the end of the weekend!” Beck says, taking in the view from all the windows at once.
“Did you bring a book with all the flags? What about a pen and paper to keep track of the ones we’ve already found?" I ask him.
“No." He looks down.
“Well then, the game has already ended." I tease him. I tickle him and get him to laugh. “Come on, sorry guts. At least you remembered portable chargers.”
“Yes and you should be thankful that I'm not taking away your charging privileges.” He crosses his arms and turns away like a small child not getting their way. I tickle him again.
“Hey! Stop that! I didn't bring extra underwear!” He jumps out of seat and lands on top of Henry.
“It's very clear where your priorities are then.” Henry says, pushing Beck off of his lap.
“We're here!” Jeremy interrupts.
“Whoop! Whoop! Finally! It feels like we've been trapped in a metal box!” Henry exclaims.
“But we were.” I correct him and he sticks his tongue out at me. I lean over Beck and tickle him as well.
“Hey Henry mate, come help me with the suitcases could you?" Jeremy chimes in whilst opening the boot.
I get out of the car and take in our surroundings. Our space has been marked out with painted grass. There's enough space for 2 tents and a small cooking area. Perfect. Just need to wait for-
“Judy!" We all cry out.
“Hey guys!" Judy cheers. “Look at all of you!” She says. “Oh Henry! You look so handsome!"
“Aw, thank you!" Henry replies and nudges Jeremy, who is still completely unaware that his girlfriend's arrived. He looks up and smiles.
“Hey babe." He says, grinning.
“Hey," They kiss. “Need any help?"
“Yeah, that would be great. Thanks” Jeremy puts his hand around her waist as if to start ballroom dancing around the field. She has to lean up on her toes to kiss him. Yuck.
“Alright lovebirds! That will be enough! Don’t make a promise you can’t keep! These tents aren’t going to put themselves up!” I butt in. They laugh and then continue to unpack the car. Judy and Jeremy have been going out since they were 14. They’re both going to the same university and are planning to get married once they’ve graduated. Judy offered to look after us this weekend as she goes to festivals often and babysitting is her job so it would be weird if we said no.
We unpack the luggage and start putting up the tents. We all decide to split up and do one tent each after realising it would be much quicker and everyone can catch up with who they want to. Me, Beck and Henry do one and Judy and Jeremy do the other.
“ Do they have to be so ‘lovey-dovey’ all the time?” I ask.
“Yeah, what's wrong with that?” Beck asks me. “They’re in love, let them be in love.”
“But it’s like they’re stuck in their honeymoon phase.”
“You can’t judge them. They were originally planning to go away this weekend to celebrate their 5 year anniversary. They’ve very kindly offered to look after us instead. You should be thankful.”
“Ugh, fine. I just wish it’s not always in my face.” I grunt. Beck and Henry roll their eyes. 195Please respect copyright.PENANA7qHHKk62sA
We continue to set up.
(A big thank you to AlabamaBeefBrisket for beta reading all of my chapters before uploading them. 🥳)