OK I told you guys my dreams always about me dying right?! And me being stabbed out of the blue right? So here is one of this type of dreams. Anyways it is very short...
So in my dream, there was a big inflatable bed in our living room. Which is cool and awesome because we doesn't have like that in our living room. I was there in my dream and getting ready to sleep Inside my dreams (so yeah a normal me sleeping in real life and then dreamt of sleeping. Craaazzzyy) but ofcourse my dream won't let me go by living peacefully or maybe it is dreaming peacefully? Anyways as I was preparing a blanket to sleep, that man from the mall who stabbed me pops up. But instead of the shiny knife he held before, the knife in his hand is a rusted knife. I never thought he stooped so low to prepare a rusted knife instead of a good knife. But anyways, this mother fucker is so obsessed at killing me! As usual, I didn't go down without a fight. I tried to fight and snatch his weapon when he came to grabbed me again. I keep begging him not to continue what he wanted to do. I even remember telling him this exact words: "please not that rusted knife!" But a man is stronger than me in terms of struggling. So in the end, he win and stabbed my abdomen with his rusted knife. Of course I was so horrified! But not because of me dying but because that motherfucker stabbed me with a RUSTED KNIFE! imagine the tetanus I would get!! The germs!! So after he stabbed me, I woke up screaming the word 'TETANUS'! When I woke up though my abdomen where I got stabbed in my dreams ache so I immediately lift up my shirt and touched it. Thank god there was no blood but it was aching that I needed to stay laying down for a minutes. When the aching stops, I get up from my bed and leave the bedroom. Terrified that the man once again succeed in his nefarious plan to kill me. That crazy son of a bitch!! I hope he dies... 😭😭😭