This dream is verrryyy Crazyyy!!! It's different than my usual dream of dying by being stabbed out of nowhere. So let's start... Me and my aunt are inside the university of a prestigious school. I don't know where exactly school we are but all I know is that this school is extravagant. The floor is tiles, there is an elevator on the right side of the hallway and black hole on the left side. Don't ask me why there's a black hole there. That's why I told you it's an extravagant school. They have a black hole from outerspace! That's million and billions worth of money to get here so yeah.. Wowie right?! Anyways, I remember that we are there to enroll in that school. (We don't have that much money in real life so maybe I'm there as a scholar student.) but there's also some students who wants to enroll in the school and take note, the enrolling process is done in daytime. Who the F accepts students in the middle of the night?! They are craaazzzyy. So because we are... I think 13 plus enrollees, the instructor told us to sit down and wait for the interviewer. The instructor is a man and he told me VERY specifically that there is ghost roaming around. I felt scared as F! I even want to go away but somehow, my feet is stuck there and I have no choice but to obliged. So while waiting, there's suddenly a fog that came from out of nowhere. It doesn't obscure my view and I can still see clearly. Suddenly, my eyes wander in the elevator side and there I saw a woman in a yellow dress. She has long silky hair that is the length of her hips, she has a curvy body, and a pale skin. She is sitting in the corner crying and this makes me curious. What if something is wrong with her and she needs help? But all of the students and even my aunt is not bothered at her so I know. She is a ghost... I tried not to look at her but its too late as she felt my eyes directly on her. She suddenly stood up and ran to my direction with incredible speed. That speed got me screaming for my life! She stopped in front of me and she too is screaming with blood streaming from her face. I immediately closed my eyes and that got me get back to the reality. Eventhough I I've already got back from the dream world, my ears can still hear the woman's piercing screams. So I lay still and maintained my eyes closed. I was so terrified and shocked because of that ghost! Good thing I didn't smell anything from her breath like what I read before. (those stories depict the breath of ghosts being smelly.) I'm scared as F and I don't want to face myself in the mirror. What if I opened my eyes and the ghost is still there? I'll die if that happens!!! Good thing my aunt called me to wake up. Or else maybe I'll be only there in my bed and stay still. My aunt helped me got my courage and so with haste, I leave my bedroom.. That Dream Is craaazzzyyyy...