“What?” I asked, nearly dropping the fork in my hand to the ground. I looked over at my father of now five years. He looked the same as when he found me walking alone in the freezing Wisconsin snow. I had nothing then, no one that cared for me, my last foster family had been so abusive that I ran away. I had no shoes that day and I still remembered the pain that shot through my feet as I stepped on the frozen rain that felt like glass. I collapsed and in that moment I uttered one word, Jesus, and then he showed up.
Okay I should clarify,
Not my lord and savior, but my foster father, Geoff Ezekial.
He had a dark orange goatee that he kept neatly groomed, his hair low cut almost like a military style. He discovered me and took me into the motel he was staying in, now I was no stranger to the whole stranger danger idea, so in my fear. She came and tried to hurt him, she was my animal spirit or what I thought was just an imaginary friend, she was an odd beast of a spirit. A wolf that could stand on two legs and took on a sort of hybrid mix, I had named her Esther and she was all I had. When she tried to attack him, he easily fought her off and he explained who and what I am.
A jepei user.
Jepei was a term used for people that could drawn out nature energy into their body, and could use it like an aura. Mine was bright white, this jepei gave my hair a solid white color and my eyes were so bright that made me look blind but I could see perfectly fine. Once he explained all of that to me, he took me to an island located in the bermuda triangle. It was called Tarun’s and this island held people of many different races and cultures, but we all shared the jepei gift. It has been my home for five years and Geoff has been the best daddy, a girl could ask for.
And because of him he helped lead me to my other daddy, who sits in Heaven, he goes by many names. Rock of Ages, The Great I am, The Lion Judah, Jehovah, Yheawa, but I knew him as Abba, the Hebrew word for father. It was because of him that I could read Greek, Hebrew, and aramaic and I could receive bible verses as easily as counting to five.
My foster father smiled at me, his face filled with pride not for himself but for me as he repeated his previous statement. “The council of five wants to meet you tomorrow evening, they want you to join a team. A special team at that.”
My curiosity began to jump to new levels as I asked. “What team?”
He shook his head, “I have no idea but if the council wants to meet with you it has to be important. All I know is that you were one of six chosen for this.”
The Council of Five were the wises and strongest on the island. The island was ruled by them, as sort of presidents or queens and kings. They stood on the council until either they died or lost a fight for their seat. The Island was ruled by the idea of the strong will rule, so even simple position could be fought for in combat. It is why most of us learn how to fight at a young age, it also helped us control of jepei better by learning these martial arts. I am 16 years old and because of my animal spirit, that was classified as a mystical creature version, I also was very good in combat, and was one of the best in my age group. The best being a girl of 16 named Alona Ameko, she was a good friend of mine though some would consider us complete opposites in more ways than 1.
I leaned back in my chair, the front two legs leaving the ground as I looked over at my father in disbelief. “I don’t know what to say? Do I have to wear a dress?”
“I would imagine you want to look your best to stand in front of the council.” My father replied with a small chuckle. “I am proud of you, Emily.” He said his voice was lighter than some would think when they first met my strong father. He was a master class fighter on the island, the second highest title that could be earned. The highest was Grandmaster and only grandmasters could challenge for a spot on the council of five. “Not only for being chosen but for all of your good work lately in school and out.”
I felt my cheeks flush as I looked away from him unable to contain the grin spreading across my face. “Thank you, daddy.” I still remembered the day when I first called him that word, how he spun me around in the air with glee, practically begging for me to say it again. During that time I only called one person father, and that was my Abba, however saying it to the man that had been the second best father I had known was amazing. “What time am I gonna be needed?” My hand reached down beside me to find the fuzzy head of the bright white wolf spirit that I named Esther. I began to stroke her head hearing her tail thump on the ground as I found her sweet spot.
“They want you there by 6’ o'clock for dinner.”
“Are you coming?”
“I am allowed to attend, unless you don’t want your old man to be there.” He gave me another smile as he added. “Just to know, I will be telling the other parents about your more foolish moments, like any good father should.”
“If I say no, will you still come?” I asked with a laugh.
“If you say no I will still come, Emily.”
I laughed again knowing that my more embarrassing tales were few but I had no problem with him telling other parents those stories. I loved him for it. As dinner came to an end and I helped clean the dishes from the meal we cooked together. I retreated to my room carrying my wolf spirit Esther in my arms like she was a small child. She could take on two different forms, one being that of a regular looking wolf, and the other giving her a more werewolf-like form. She was currently in that form and what I learned from the six years since I awakened my spirit animal, was that she liked being babied. Since I was a late bloomer, a jepei user that unlocked nature energy but couldn’t unlock their spirit animal yet, my spirit animal referred to me like a mother rather than a sister like other jepei users did with their animal spirits.
My bedroom was filled with more calming colors that keep me more relaxed and comfy. It was honestly very plain looking in comparison to some of my other friends, however I didn’t need much. I was fine with just having a warm bed, I was blessed with a computer that sat in front of my window, my other window had an air conditioner that was filling me with a nice chill. Near my closet was a pile of clothes that I kept putting off folding, the one thing that usually earned me a scolding from my daddy. That and the empty bowls of my favorite chips that sat in a neat stack on my floor, how I didn’t have bugs or mice in this room was nothing more than a miracle
I fell backwards on my bed holding Esther close to my chest. One hand playing with the single ear she had on her head and the other rubbing her back. Why she had one ear as a spirit animal, I never knew, and no one could really tell me. “Esther please.” I began to beg softly. “Be on your best behavior for me tomorrow when we visit the council.”
“I make no promises to not have fun,” her voice was like a lighter and more mischievous version of mine. It was common that animal spirits acted more on the feelings that their users kept hidden, they were part of the soul and souls often acted differently from our own spirit or flesh. So she held a lot of the mischief and often said what I didn’t want to say to people.
I sighed a bit causing her to giggle and lift up to lick my face a few times. “I promise, momma I will be so behaved tomorrow you are gonna question if I really am your spirit animal.” I rolled my eyes at the declaration, she had made it before and that usually ended with me grounding her in the sparkling white stone that hung around my neck. A netrix gemstone, where she could rest and play as long as she wanted, however most spirit animals decided to be out of their netrix gemstones. “I will hold you to that, my naughty wolf.”
“I am not naughty,” Esther said. “Like Daddy Geoff says, I am really playful.”
“Playfulness often leads to naughtiness with you,” I reached up and bopped her playfully on the noise, “and no matter what word is used, you are naughty, and I love you all the same for it.”
My laughter echoed across the room as she began to nuzzle against my face and neck before coming to rest on my chest. I reached over onto my nightstand and took a bit of stretching to grab a book off of it. My leather backed bible that my father had given me last year, this one was not only translated in english, but also had the original greek, hebrew and some aramaic inside as well. It helped understanding this text better when I had the original languages that it was written in. I had started reading the bible all over again for what would be now the 12th or 13ths time. It was amazing how no matter how much I read it, the spirit would help me see things that I missed or help me see entirely different meanings to this text. “Where did we leave off?” I asked, turning onto my side for a more comfy position to both read and hold Esther.
“1st Samuel-15”
“Thank you,” Esther was the best book mark in the world in my opinion. It didn't take long before my soft voice began to read out loud and I felt the familiar almost overpowering chill spread through my body. The spirit or rather the Holy Spirit was here with me and he would never leave and I never wanted him too. As I kept reading my mind began to pray inside my head, thanking him and the father for the good that has happened in my life, as well as the strength to sit in front of the council of five.
If I would have known what was gonna happen in the next few weeks. I would have prayed for much more.
I really would have needed it.
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“Trust me,” I looked across the table at a light skinned girl with pink hair and a matching set of eyes. Sitting on her shoulder was a small pink butterfly that I knew was named Makamei, like mine she was a msytical creature, and was the inspiration for the Godzilla monster Mothra. Alona finished drinking her “definitely not alcoholic drink” and looked up at me with her usually warm smile. “Being in front of the council is not that bad, just be respectful and things will be fine. They are actually really nice once you get comfortable, especially Lord Kanu Asherman.”
“It still doesn’t stop me from being nervous,” I reached out and grabbed Alona’s hand as she tried to wave over another waiter to bring her another wine cooler. “And you have had enough,” I said firmly.
“Come on Em,” Alona said with a smirk. “It’s not like these can get me drunk, besides I am 16 now so I drink anything that has 3.2 percent alcohol or less.”
Alona was wobbling a bit, she had now had ten of these drinks, she got a lot more in allowance from her guardian Mrs. Ravana Khalid than me. Mostly because women enjoy spoiling people that she cares about, but I also knew and feared the old hairbrush she kept inside of her bedroom, one that was not used to brush hair. “You are nearly drunk and if I have to bring you back home tipsy then we are both gonna die.” I waved over another waiter and was brought a glass of water for my friend. “She already is gonna kill you for the dress you are wearing if she catches you.”
Alona looked down at the bright yellow low cut dress she was wearing. “What is wrong with my dress, it shows off the best parts of me.” My face heated up causing Alona to laugh much more, I was more conservative than my friend and she often teased me about it, however it was all in good fun, she knew my limits and never crossed them. We had been friends since she came to the island when she was 13, back then she was more angry and often caused trouble. However, one night things changed between her and her guardian and my once mischief making friend began to change for the better. Now Alona was a good student and an even better combatant, she was considered the strongest in our age level, and it was that strength that got her favor with members of the council that sent her on a few solo missions she could handle every once and a while.
Once she recovered from her laughter she said. “Emily, it is gonna be fine. Do you have an idea of what this group is gonna be?”
“Do you?” I asked hoping that maybe she would know something about this. “I know you often visit Lady Hera, has she let anything slip maybe.”
Alona placed a hand on her chin as she began to think. She always made the funniest faces when she was trying to recall something important. “The only thing I know is that she said something about a few people retiring and they needed a new crop or something like that. You know that woman's talks in phrases and parables that could give the Lord a run for his money.”
“Is she gonna offer me a job then?” I questioned.
“Perhaps she is gonna send you on some mission like she does with me sometimes.” Alona stated. “Missions that require more than one person.”
“What are your missions usually like?” I never really looked into what kind of things Alona does for the council
Alona held a finger out inviting her spirit animal to hop on top of it. “Well since Makamei gives me a few special abilities, I tend to go on rescue and recovery missions, I am learning that I can heal people with mine and her jepei aura. Maybe she is getting a group of people with only mystical creature animal spirits together.”
“Aren’t you and I the only one with that type?”
Alona shook her head. “Last time I asked, Lord Clearwater told me there are only 10 people on the island with that type.”
“I had no idea.” It brought a bit of comfort to know that there were a few more people that shared a different aspect of our gift. To jepei users the idea of mythical creatures was not true, we called them mystical creatures since they gave their uses special abilities, a lot of those creatures were killed in the great flood, but a few managed to survive, and the spirits of those long since dead creatures still reside on the earth. For example the myth of Zeus, Hades and Pesiden and the rest of the greek gods, is true. They were not gods, just powerful men and women with abilities of their animal spirits. Zeus with a storm dragon, Hades had the spirit of cerberus a three headed dog, and Pesiden had the spirit of the kraken.
There was only one God to me.
A new thought came to my head as I asked. “Wait. Does that mean you could be joining this group then?”
My friend sadly shook her head. “I’m sorry, I haven’t been told about anything like that.” Alona seemed to sense my sadness as she reached out and patted my hand. “Hey don’t be so down, you got picked for some special group. I am sure you will meet some nice people and maybe explore the world.”
“Wouldn’t be fun to explore this world without you.”
Alona gave me a sweet smile as she replied. “Who knows, maybe this little group will have a few cute boys and you will forget about little old me.” My cheeks took on their usual embarrassed pink hue making my friend laugh.
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Members of the council of five lived on the highest point of the island. The only true mountain that rose high into the sky and was surrounded by a thick sea of tall trees. This mountain had a name, home to the sleeping dragon, the rumor was that the last dragon had fallen into this once active volcano and fell asleep in the magma below. The entire top of this mountain was made a solid white marple, with a small section that had a single tree growing off to the side. I hesitantly followed after my father, holding onto his hand for dear life as we climbed up the large stairs that lead to The Temple of Five. This temple was built back in the late 1200th century when the island was discovered. It was massive in size, and I could only imagine what waited for me inside of the black and golden building.
Waiting for us at the top of the 2nd level of the temple was a strong looking Japanese woman. I knew her as Grandmaster Ryuko Matsumoto. She was shorter than me but held grace and beauty that made me a bit jealous. Her hair was a deep sapphire color and her snake-like eyes held the same hue. She was a bit rounder in the stomach as she was rumored to be pregnant with twins on the way. She was known as the keeper of the temple, her family had served members of the council for many generations, they weren’t forced too but chose to, much like how the tribe of Levi served the children and priests of Israel.
The woman bowed to us before standing tall once more. “Emily Walker, and Master Geoff Walker, thank you for coming, please come inside.” She motioned towards the door that was open. As we stepped inside the summer heat seemed to fade away and was replaced with a chilly air that felt wonderful on my skin. Instead of this room was a long lobby-like area that had two corridors going off in different directions. The walls were covered in paintings, and a few vases of blue and white flowers, the entire place smelled like lavender.
“Master Walker,” I heard the keeper of the temple speak. “If you follow my husband, he will take you to where the parents will be having dinner.”
“I-Isn’t my dad joining me for dinner?” I asked.
Grandmaster Matsumoto shook her head. “No, Lord Clearwater and Lady Hearthstone have insisted that this conversation is for yours and other students joining them tonight, ears only.”
“But why?”
The woman turned my way and her bright sapphire eyes locked onto me like I was prey. “This discussion,” she began carefully. “Is very important and we do not want your choice to be possibly influenced by a parent or guardian. So please follow me, so that I can take you to where the other’s have gathered.”
I looked over at my dad, who gave me a slight nod. “I am sure things will be just fine, Emily.” He pulled me into his arms for a small hug before smiling down at me. “I am proud of you, Emily, and if you do need me just call and I will be right there.” He whispered to me before following another japanese man down the opposite corridor, already beginning the process of talking his ear off.
“Come on along, Emily Walker.” The pregnant woman was already starting to move down the corridor on the left.
“You can just call me Emily or Emma, or Em, whatever you want is fine with me.” I started following after the woman, having to hitch up the edges of the long silver gown that I chose for this occasion in order to keep up. My hair was spilling across my back in a sea of elegant curls.
“Emily it is then.”
“Sorry if I am annoying you.”
I heard the woman chuckle to herself. “You are not annoying me… yet.” She added that word with a bit more playfulness that I thought the famed keeper of the temple would be capable of.
As we arrived at a dark brown doorway, before she could open the door. I had to ask for my own curiosity sake. “Congratulations on your pregnancy, Grandmaster Matsumoto.”
The woman looked over her shoulder at me and before responding. “I am not pregnant dear.” My face felt like it exploded and as I started to stumble across my words looking for a proper apology so this woman didn’t murder me. However, after a bit I heard her laughing to herself. “Oh you are much too gullible for your own good, yes I am very much pregnant, twins in fact.”
I held my chest for a moment, “oh thank Abba,” I mumbled as I tried to catch my breath.
A much more bright and welcoming smile appeared on her face as she opened the door and already an amazing smell began to fill my nostrils. “Please go inside my dear, everyone else is waiting for you and Lady Hera and Lord Edward will be arriving shortly.”
I stepped into the room, finding myself in a sparkling dining hall. A large table was resting right in the middle, with workers carefully setting the table with plates and silverware. The entire room was made of dark golden brown wood, the place was lit with 10 different bright golden torches that filled the room with occasional crackles of fire. I was caught in my thoughts while staring at this beautiful room, I didn’t notice the growls or fierce jepei aura that had filled the air until I finally looked across the room.
Two boys were standing face to face. One was taller than the other boy with long dreads, he had dark brown skin, which made his white suit look much brighter in comparison to his skin and hair. I could see a bit of dark blue jepei spilling off his shoulders and into the air. The 2nd boy was clad in a red and black suit, he was shorter and hair was very messy and desperately needed a good combing. I actually recognized this boy, as he was in a few of my classes at school, we never spoke but I knew his name was Daniel. He was once really nice and friendly, but after he lost both of his parents in the war of the coast last year. A terrible day when members of a darker branch of jepei users attempt to take over the island. A long fight was fought for the coastline to keep more of them from landing, many people lost their lives and that battle was what gave my own friend. Alona Ameko, the title of the hero of the port, as she arrived not only fighting tooth and nail, but used her own animal spirit to heal those that had fallen. Since then Daniel had changed and it was more often to see being pulled from class for fighting, than to see him in class to learn.
“Can you two please stop this nonsense already?!” A powerful voice boomed out from an equally powerful girl. She was a bit bigger than the rest of the group that had gathered, taller than others but I did know her name. Olivia Hearthstone, the oldest daughter of Lady Penelope “The Swan” Hearthstone, or as we knew her as, The Lady of Trade, one of the five members of the council. Olivia was very smart and strong, much quicker on her feet than she looked, I learned that lesson the hard way when I challenged her to a sparring match a year or so again. I was feeling a bit cocky that day and was humbled very quickly by this older girl, I think she was 17 or maybe a few weeks past 18. She rose to her feet and I shook as a bit of her own dark brown jepei pulsed out seemingly overpowering the other two colors that were spreading throughout the room. “Sit down and shut up.”
“I am-” Daniel started to protest but in a flash Olivia summoned her jepei weapon. It was currently connected but it was a three part staff that could be disconnected with a simple twist. She slammed it on the ground making me jump as bang bouched across the wall.
“Sit down and shut up, please.” She asked with a forced, but friendly smile. She turned her head and finally seemed to notice that I was in the room. “Emily Walker?” She asked in a surprised tone. Her surprise quickly turned into a look of joy. “Please sit down, and I will apologize that you had to see that.”
“It’s okay,” my eyes scanned the room once more now looking at the last two figures that were gathered into the room. One was another girl that I recognized as Unique. We had shared a few conversations during class, she was very close friends with Daniel practically attached at the hip to the boy. I knew that she was worried about her close friend. I gave her a small wave and she returned it with a shy smile and wave. She wasn’t really wearing anything fancy, mostly just a nice pair of jeans and a polo shirt. She had light brown skin and odd shade of light blue eyes and jepei aura. Her hair was braided today, an interesting mix of dark brown almost black hair and a few light blue braids mixed in.
The last girl in the room was much younger than anyone else. I only knew her name because despite the fact that was 12 years old, she attended classes a year higher than me. Sarah Springtail was considered the smartest kid on the island. Rumored to have a photographic memory and could even speak nearly every language on the planet and understand code within a moment. Now some of these were rumors but if the rumors were true, I was happy to meet her, maybe some of her brilliance would rub off on me. She didn’t really pay any attention to me as she sprung from her chair to wrap herself around Xaiver. She was wearing a cute pink dress with a white lining. Her hair was done up in a curly style almost like a lion’s mane.
Before I even had a chance to take the seat that Olivia had offered me. A powerful aura filled the air, no two of them filled the air and were coming towards us. A set of large double doors in the back sprung open as two figures stepped inside. One male and one female. The man was one I saw often as he was not only the lord of education, but also the headmaster of Tarun Academy. He was tall and skinny, but those on campus that were foolish enough to try and spar with him knew that he held a lot of strength in those arms. He had smoothed back blue hair and a pair of ocean blue eyes, dressed in a neatly talored blue suit. Lord Edward Clearwater was one of the newest members of the council but he had taken the education of the island to a new level.
The other was a woman that I had heard about but never really saw. She was the mistress of trade and often spent her time away from the island conducting business on the island's behalf. She was beautiful moving with untouched grace, she was wearing a white dress with the side cut off exposing her legs, she was wearing long white boots that went up to her knees. Her hair was blond and looked as smooth as silk, she was not walking in. Rather gracefully soaring through the air with a pair of dark yellow wings. I was also a bit jealous of people with flying animal spirits. Another gift was we got a few qualities of our animal spirits, in my case I had amazing endurance, a great sense of smell and amazing eyesight. However, people with flying spirit animals could summon a pair of wings to use to soar through the sky. Olivia’s mother, Lady Penelope Hearthstone, while she didn’t look like it, she was 54 years old and had been on the council for 25 years.
We all rose to our feet, with only Sarah dropping down to her knees. People greeted the council in different ways, some bowed on both knees, some dropped to one, others just bowed their head respectfully. However there was one thing that everyone had in common when the council was in the room. A simple saying. “The five protect, the five maintain and the five love. The five talons keep us safe, keep our enemies away and our allies strong, we trust you, we love you, and we will fight for you.”
“And as members of the council, we will do our best to live and die to protect our people, to rule with kindness and joy, be firm but fair. This is our promise to you, so help me God.” They recited back to us, Lord Edward walked over and scooped little Sarah up in his arms making her giggle, a light one that nearly made me want to laugh as well. “Now, can we please sit down and have dinner.” I liked Lord Clearwater since unlike other members of the council, he was more laid back and didn’t really like the saying people gave him when he arrived in the room. “It makes me uncomfortable,” I remember him saying once.
“Yes, this dinner is conducting business and you are our honored guests today.” Lady Penelope took a seat at the head of this large table. I watched Olivia walk to the other side of the table and push her mother into her space. “Thank you, darling.” The woman’s large hand reached up to pat Olivia's cheek. “Now shall we begin over the first course?”
I sat down next to Olivia, and once Lord Clearwater was seating on the other side of this large table. The servers moved and took off the covers to our plates. My mouth began to water as I looked at this delicious shrimp and rice dish. “Cajun Shrimp Risotto.” Lady Hearthstone explained.
Once we got the first few spoonfuls of this meal down, Lord Clearwater began to speak. “I am sure you are all wondering why we invited you all here?”
“No shit,” I heard Daniel mumble followed by a sharp inhale as Unique elbowed him in the side.
“We invited you six here,” Lady Hearthstone took over. “To invite you to join a group of students that the island has never told you all about before. How much do any of you know about our not so secret library underneath the school?”
That caused I think all of us to look at the woman in surprise. Underneath the academy, was a large library with hidden texts, of course most students new about it because of old rumors. The library held weapons and shattered netrix gemstone of our fallen warriors. It was rumored to hold secret texts not fit for the public, old scrolls of treasures, as well as documents on some events that are keep hidden as well. It was much like the vatican in Italy, where they held rows upon rows of texts and treasures they found. I had always wanted to go down there and see what history they might have, perhaps even some history on my father in heaven that the world might not have. Only the 36 grandmasters on the island, people with a master's in rank in intelligence and research, a few high level scholars and librarians were allowed down there.
“It’s a library with information not for our eyes,” Xavier answered first. “It holds a lot of information and relics that have been found by the island to add to history books later, maps and treasures. I heard that we have the holy grail down there but pretty sure that is just a rumor.”
“Why do you ask that mo-” Olivia corrected herself. “My Lady.”
Lord Clearwater spoke up. “How do you think we get that information?”
Unique answered in a quiet voice. “When the mainland finds information, don’t they tell us if they find something that might be related to jepei users?”
I watched as Lord Clearwater looked towards Lady Hera and they shared a nod. “That is not the complete truth…” Lord Clearwater began. “The mainland rarely sends us relics or artifacts that might be important to jepei users. They tend to keep them for their own purposes, often to try and draw out whatever they can. They have always been curious about what makes us who we are. Rather we have to go find it ourselves and sometimes… take it back.”
“Hang on,” Daniel began. “We steal objects from the mainland?”
“Not steal,” Lady Hearthstone confirmed. “If we find out this information is there and they don’t want to give it back freely. I am alerted for more diplomatic ways of getting these objects back. However, we often send a team to go to certain sites across the world and find information for us.”
Lord Clearwater took over. “See without the ability to see traces of jepei aura, some relics get overlooked, so this team goes and finds what most archaeologists cannot see. This team has existed on the island for more than 1000 years. And we are hoping that you six will take on that legacy and become the 15th generation of this team. Your name would be Exodus.”
“The first letter of each of your names.” Lady Hearthstone explained.
“My Lord,” Unique spoke up first after a long wave of silence. “Why us?”
“Because you all share a unique gift.” Lord Clearwater explained. “This team has one qualification, you need to have a mystical animal spirit to be considered.”
“And right now you six, Lady Hera and Alona Ameko are the only ones with that gift” Lady Hearthstone added. “Currently the only eight in fighting shape, the last two have decided to retire and spend their time in the final paradise.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Because, there is something that I am sure all of you have noticed.” Lord Clearwater began. “See mystical animal spirits share a quality that most don’t know about. They pass down information that they have experienced with other hosts down to the new one. Most of your animals spirits are late ancestors to the first spirit of its kind.” Lord Clearwater looked towards me. “For example, Emily Walker, you spirit animal is based on the norse legend of the fenrir wolf, it is the reincarnation of that spirit animal. It is why most of your are very smart when it comes to history or in combat, it’s power and knowledge from other lives are passed to you.”
Lady Hearthstone to each of us and without hesitation began to list off our animal spirits. “The reincarnation of Fenrir, The Reincarnation of the Kraken, The reincarnation of the monkey king, The reincarnation of the thunder bird, the reincarnation of the nine tailed fox, and lastly a members of the griffins.” She looked at me then went from Xaiver, to Olivia, to Daniel, then Unique and finally Sarah. So I assumed those were their animal spirits. “Your animal spirits give you the knowledge and power of their previous lives.”
“Like Avatar the Last Airbender?” Everyone turned to look at Sarah who was more busy playing with her food rather than eating it, I am sure she only ate the shrimp and nothing else.
“In a few ways yes,” Lord Clearwater answered.
“Can I ask a question?” I asked, raising my hand. “If we would be the 15th generation of this team, what happened to the other 14 generations?”
“Well most of them do this job for a very long time, until finally they retire.” Lady Hearthstone answered.
“Do we get paid for this?” Daniel asked. “And what exactly is our job, just traveling around looking for information?”
Lady Hearthstone answered. “Well yes you would be paid very handsomely for these missions, the island would handle travel and living fees for you, and all the things you bring back to the library would be added to our many files.”
“This isn’t an easy job,” Lord Clearwater stated, looking and sounding more serious than I had heard before. “Some of these missions are dangerous, with our animal spirits we can transfer areas that would be dangerous to normal people. And with your animal spirits your abilitiy to survive is the strongest around. And you wouldn’t just be looking for information in random places, we would give you specific information to find for us. Ranging from quests that others never could find or perhaps information that we have just learned about.”
“And what is this mission?” I asked hesitantly.
What he said next made me immediately want to sign up for this. “We need you to look for a certain location for us, we have information on a story that some might not believe. We need you to find or discover lost information about The Tower of Babel”
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