There was an amazing difference between walking through the city of Sparta: and walking through the army of trees that surrounded the area around the city. Being around wildlife and nature fueled the jepei inside of us. We needed it to survive… Well technically we needed it to truly be as powerful as we could. We could survive in places with little or no jepei it just made us so much weaker. After being inside of planes and in the city. I needed this more than I could imagine, the only other thing I needed a nice long dip in the water. I wanted to sink a stone, as most jepei energy could be found in the waters where men rarely ventured. We only hadve explored about 3 percent of the water on the earth, nothing has been truly bothered or ruined by humans down there. I also knew that Oscar was growing restless as he also wanted to take a dip in the water. He was growing tired of being in his little tiny squid form. His favorite form was nearly 30 feet long and his tentacles only added onto that size making him about 50 feet long. Now his true form was even bigger and he rarely used it as it drained his jepei but also mine. We had to learn to control that one day.
We had been hiking through this forest for about 35 minutes now. Apparently this site known as A-5 was located deeper in the forest. We were traveling with Dr. Drakos and his granddaughter Thalia as well as a team of none jepei users. Four men and two women, all a mix of ages with the oldest being a gentleman named Kyle and the youngest a college girl named Dede. Most of our new friends eyes were on Olivia, as she swung from branch to branch like a true ape. I understood why, she had a monkey spirit so she was at home in the trees. I would be doing the same if we were near the water. Which by the looks of things we should be heading to this other site in a few days. Why I offered my services to swim down to figure out what this wreckage that once housed Adonis' daughter. Now the entire area was filled with some kind of jepei aura that disrupting any equipment that could get down there. I was walking beside Daniel who looked more refreshed than I had seen him in a while. According to Olive, the boy had slept the entire night for once. So now his once dark eyes looked a bit brighter and so did his hair. His face held an annoyed look on his face as he finally pocketed his phone. Looks like we didn’t have much of an internet connection out here.
“Ready to enjoy nature instead of focusing on games?” I questioned, earning a glare from the 15 year old. “I am just teasing you.” Daniel stuck his hands into his pant pockets and rolled his eyes. “On a more serious note,” I said, allowing a bit of distance to get between us in the group. “How is… you know, your wrist doing?” My eyes were drawn towards his left wrist. It had mostly healed as the boy seemed to be a master of amplification healing but even still. I could still see his wrist in the bloody state from time to time.
“It’s fine,” he answered. “I told you I am good at healing, so don’t worry.”
“It’s hard not to be when I watched you cut your wrist like it was fucking steak.” He hung his shoulders a bit at my firm tone. “Like I don’t mean to pry man but that isn’t normal. Like are you… you know.” I didn’t want to outright ask if the boy might be suicidal it just didn’t feel like my place to ask.
“No,” he answered simply. “I’m not, I told you already. I was just lost in my thoughts and I guess I didn’t realize what I was doing.” He reached out to pat on his fox spirit’s head. “Don’t worry about me, okay, let’s just help these guys with what they need, and then we can find our location to start our search on the tower. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can be reunited with the others. According to Unique, they are leaving New York today and should be in Brazil and then Rio Granda in ten hours. Poor Unique.”
“Why do you say that?”
“She really doesn’t like planes and she probably doesn’t want to be in South America to begin with. She has history in Peru but a bit in Brazil as well. So she gets to face two of her fears, while I am stuck walking in the woods to do work instead of research.” Daniel let out a groan at that.
“Well just know that if you want to talk, I can help you out if you want. You know if you want to talk about it.” I gave the boy a few awkward pats on the head. “S-Sorry,” I said as he looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. “I’m not really good at comforting people that aren’t Sarah to be honest.”
“And I am not really good at talking with people that aren’t Unique, so I suppose we are a match made in heaven. Both awkward guys that need to learn more about people.” The boy cracked the smallest of smiles before giving me a slight punch in the arm. “Thanks,” that was all he said before jogging up towards the front to walk with Thalia. She was clad in a pair of bluejeans, brown boots and black shirt with a light blue jacket. She was prepared to do some digging.
After a while we stepped out of the trees into a large open spaced clearing. Olive leapt out of a tree and landed in front of the group. Her animal spirit Victoria landing on her shoulder, she had changed her form to be dressed in what looked to be dark brown jeans, and a tank top. However, my eyes were not drawn towards the oddly clothed spirit animal. It was the absolute destruction that has taken place in this area. The entire area looked ransacked, any equipment that was left had been destroyed. What looked to be like a large open hole had been dug into creating more trenches. Trees had been knocked down in the background. A few stone objects seemed to be shattered and broken, old pieces of pottery littered the ground around this hole. It was a complete mess.
“No…” Thalia was the first to speak as she pushed her way past what looked like another team of researchers that had used a mix of jeeps and atvs to get here. “No, no, no!” The young girl snapped as she jumped into this hole. Followed closely by Daniel.
“What happened here?” Dr. Drakos said in disbelief as he stepped forward.
I stepped into the wreckage careful to avoid the broken pieces of pottery and stone shards of what I could only imagine might have been an old building of sorts. I looked into the hole that they had dug, and it went straight down with two more tunnels going right and left. I took a knee nearby and took a glance at the sides of this tunnel. I had enough experience with studying things underwater to see breath footmarks where a few people were climbing up. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Thalia scream out. “What happened?!” I looked down at the poor girl who was pounding her fists on the dirt covered bottom. Barely missing a large stone base that seemed to have once held a buried statue.
“I agree with my granddaughter?” Dr. Drakos’s rage was very clear from the spike of his jepei aura. “What on earth happened here? Can anyone explain this?!” He asked, looking towards the 2nd group of researchers. “Anyone!”
An older man around his age walked over to Dr. Drakos’s. He was shorter than our new friend, dark hair slicked back across his head exposing a small forehead. A goatee that desperately needed a good trimming, he was wearing deep brown pants and boots as well as a dark shirt with the first three buttons popped. The men shared words in a language that I didn’t understand. Kinda wished Sarah was here for this reason, now I had told her not to use her gift to eavesdrop on conversations… however this seemed important. After a while the dark green haired man turned to walk towards me and Olive. “From what my comrade had told me, they arrived about 20 minutes before us. The only thing they saw was two people, one man and one young girl taking their time in destroying what was here. When they called for them to stop, they raced away, never showing their faces.” He then whispered to the two of us, “and judging from the speed they left. It would be safe to say they were two of our people.”
“Why would jepei users do something like this?” Oliva said clutching what looked to be a stone arm. “And what was here?”
Dr. Drakos said, “what my granddaughter found was a statue dedicated to a woman that we still do not know. It was buried around 18 feet in the dirt and was around seven feet tall. We had been carefully digging it out, and that was where we discovered other pots and golden relics from the time. It was where we found some works of Adonis, some that we believe his late daughter buried here as a way to at least keep some information in Greece.” The older man placed a hand on the old marple white arm and bowed his head a bit. “This was not my discovery, it was hers.” He nodded towards his granddaughter who had her head buried against a blushing Daniel’s chest. The boy was not kidding when he said he was a bit awkward with people. “One she found by accident but took great pride in researching.”
“Twenty minutes gives them a good head start.” Olive added. “We could attempt to try and track them down and do something? Get answers by any means possible.”
Dr. Drakos’s thought about that for a moment, but shook his head. “If they share our gift tracking them down now would be pointless, we both know that they can move faster than we could imagine, and if they have spirit animals that can fly than that makes it even harder.”
“They also could have jumped on the backs of their animal spirits making them even faster than what we have here.” My fists tightened a bit as I swore under my breath. “What on earth do we do now?”
“We dig,” Dr. Drakos answered. “We set up camp here for a few days and do a dig as safely and quickly as we can. I doubt they just came to destroy whatever we found, perhaps they were looking for something and if that is the case.” The man took off his jacket and threw it to the ground exposing the dull dark green shirt he was wearing underneath. “Than we find what they have been looking for before they can find it first.” He gave out a few commands in what I could only assume was Greek and right away people started to unload the equipment we brought as well as go over the same over other things that had been here. “I’m sorry,” he said, looking at me and Olive. “Looks like our first day together isn’t gonna start off quite well.”
“What can we do to help?” I asked.
“Grab a shovel my boy.” He gave a soft grin before calling out to his granddaughter in Greek. She held her head up for a moment listening to his words and slowly she wiped her tears away on her sleeves as smearing dirt on her face in the process. She tied back her hair in a bun before tapping Daniel and leading him into a nearby tunnel. Her small jacket was thrown to the side as she cracked her knuckles.
“Do you know what they said?” I asked, turning towards Olive.
The large girl nodded her head. “The best way I can shorten it, stand up and let’s keep going. Don’t let this small setback break you, let’s find that they missed and if we find them. We make them suffer.”
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Hours passed by as we did our best to clean up the damage. The local police arrived about 45 minutes later to take statements and their own pictures. Releasing dogs into the surrounding forest to see if they could track something to try and bring these people to justice. This discovery could have been ground breaking to the Greek people. If these two were found and captured. They faced some serious charges. Once that was finished, I did what the man had asked me to do, and took a shovel. Well I took about three, with my ability to create four more arms made of jepei. I could be a digging machine if I really tried. Now it was a bit funny to see people watch as two flouting shovels would appear, since they couldn’t see my other two arms but this group had worked with Dr. Drakos and seemed to be a bit used to all of this. His granddaughter was as determined as ever, her orders were clear and firm. If anything she felt more like the leader of this exhibition than her grandfather. We took our time, planning out where we were gonna dig and going slowly and carefully. We didn’t want to break a pot by accident with our shovels. Her spirit animal was an adorable looking Prairie dog spirit, named spot. Who became fast friends with little Victoria.
I had a chance to step down into the tunnels that had been carved by Dr. Drakos’s large dark green mole spirit. A beast of a creature with sharp claws that seemed more interesting in carving the guts out of who caused this damage than digging right now. The tunnels were about seven feet tall and four feet wide. According to our Dr. Drakos’s the plan was to dig straight out to see if anything else might have been buried away from this monument. A monument that he showed us pictures of. The being displayed was of a woman with a bush of curly hair, her face was cold and eyes in mean glare. Her right arm was pointed out as if pointing at something or someone. In her right hand she held a roman shortsword, the guard being that of either and eagle or a falcon. Only jepei uses used animal head designs for their guard of blades. So she was either a jepei user or perhaps found a netrix weapon from a fallen jepei user. And since netrix weapons were made of netrix stones which were ten times sharper than any weapon they could have had during that time. If she knew how to use that weapon then she would be one of the strongest warriors of her era.
At around 5:00pm, nearly six hours of just pure work. Dr. Drakos announced that it was time for a much needed break to rest and eat. Something I was more than happy to do, I could swim for days if you let me but my arms were burning from the amount of work we were doing. Daniel was laying face down in grass with orders for no one to bother him for a moment or two. He had been just as determined as Thalia was, but where his fire went out about an hour ago. This girl’s would stay lite until she passed out. She turned down any water, any snacks, she didn’t take any breaks. She did more work than anyone, not because we were lazy but because she focused. It took her grandfather, jumping down into our dig sight and carrying her on his shoulder to get back up to the surface. (He also was carrying Daniel but I think my friends couldn’t have been more happy about that.) She was covered in dirt as she sat off to the side of Daniel with her arms crossed and a pout on her face. Dr. Drakos’s large spirit animal sitting in front of the dig site to keep her from going back in.
“Thank you,” I smiled up at Olive as she set a ice cold bottle of water in my hands. I was covered in dirt and could really use a nice bath.
“Don’t mention it,” she tossed one over at Daniel allowing it to bounce on the boy’s back. Daniel mumbled something under his breath that finally got Thalia to crack a grin for the first time today. “It’s a shame what happened,” Olive sat down cross legged beside me. THe sun had started to retreat behind the treeline, starting to surround us in darkness. “I don’t get it though, why would jepei users do something like this?”
“I’m not sure,” I admitted, as I took a few sips of this water. I swear ice water tastes much better after a long workout. “You don’t think,” I began carefully, my eyes looking onto Daniel as i said this. “Maybe the dark order was involved?” I whispered. The Dark Order of The Claw. The Dark Trinity, Blackthorn’s Followers. They went by many names but had one thing in common, they destroyed what they wanted and took what was important to the blackthorn family.
“It was either that or maybe these two jepei users stumbled onto the place by accident and tried to find what was here before anyone got back. Maybe they were just fools but I don’t want it to be true members of the dark order.” Olive was looking at Daniel just like I was. “I know Daniel is strong but seeing demons of the past clouds your judgment. If he knows members of the dark order might be involved. I worry he might do something foolish.”
“Try and go on a quest for revenge?”
Olive grimly nodded her head. She reached into her jacket pocket and took out that silver flask of her and took a few long sips. She then shook it a few times and sighed. “I need to go back to town,” she stated before standing up.
“Why?” I asked.
She only held up her flask. “You think I am gonna camp out under the stars without something nice we can share. That is the best part of camping, sitting around a fire with the beers out and stories to be told.”
“If you want something to drink.” We both turned around to see Dr. Drakos approaching with three already popped beer bottles. “We have more than enough to share, even something to top that flask of yours off.” He said with a small grin.
“Thank you, sir.” Olivia said, taking one of these beers and handing it to me.
“Y-You still owe me a beer.” We both turned to face Daniel who had held his head up just enough to speak. “Olive.”
“Why do you owe him a beer?” I questioned looking towards Olive who had a bashful blush spreading across his lips.
“I might have punched him too hard.”
“Why did you punch him?”
“We were fighting.”
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I was home, after nearly a week of being away from any sources of water. I finally was back home. My entire body sunk like a stone into the deep blue water. I let the pressure set in like a crushing hug, I had time to adjust my gills to the salty waters located just south of Sparta Greece. The mighty mediterranean sea. Already fish were starting to swim near me, hundreds of them ranging from the common pandora, to large bluefin tuna, and the fastest fish under the sea in the large sailfish. All of them grew closer but then scattered into different schools and groups as another beast began to fill out in the waters. A massive squid spirit, the reincarnation of the kraken spirit, my best friend, Oscar. “Finally!” He screamed, sending a wave of bubbles flying out of his mouth. He took on his massive 20 feet length and his tendrils added another 15 feet to him. “I was getting sick of tap and bath water!”
“I know brother,” I said, resting a hand on his side. “Go and do what you do best and I will go check in with the others.” I patted him on the side before kicking out with my legs, using my other four arms to shoot myself through the water like a dolphin. I could feel the amount of jepei that was in these waters, nothing hindered by man. My once tired body broke into a new life. I was free once more. I landed on the large 40 foot long research vessel that we had been granted for this trip. I threw my hair back sending droplets spreading of sea water into the air, my dreads held more water in them making them heavier and darker but I loved that feeling. I looked over at Olive and Daniel who were looking over at me. Daniel was wearing a tank top and red shorts, but Olive.
“Damn,” I mumbled to myself as I got a good look at her. She was beautiful, up until now I had mostly seen the girl in baggy shorts and pants. Only catching the true beauty of her when she was in her pajama shorts at night. But right now. She was wearing a good looking white swimsuit, she had wide hips and curves that any man would love, long and strong looking legs, and her short hair was tied up in a bun. She looked as strong as an ox, and I had look away so I didn’t look at her chest too much. She was more beautiful than I think she gives herself credit for.
I looked back at her and caught her looking at my body as well. “You look nice,” she said, reaching out and poking me in the stomach where my six pack was dripping with water. “You were right, you do look better in the water.” She noted with a teasing smirk but judging from the slight pinkness that appeared on her cheeks. I didn’t know if she was just messing with me today.
“You have six arms?” Daniel noted.
“You have been working with me for nearly three days now and you are just learning this?” I said reaching out to use two of my jepei arms to hold him in place and the other two I used to rub his head to annoy him. “I have a lot more gifts thanks to Oscar.”
“And I can see how great your animal spirit looks as well.” Olive turned her gaze towards Oscar who had lifted his head out of the water. Two of his tentacles waved towards us, “he is a lot bigger than I originally thought that he would be. Though I shouldn’t be surprised,” she reached up and ran a hand across Victoria’s head. The small chimp was now resting on Olivia’s shoulder. “My little Victoria can be bigger than she actually is.”
“Wait?” I questioned looking at the toddler sized ape. “That isn’t her real size?”
Olivia shook her head. “She is actually much bigger than this. She just likes to take this form. Though her true size drains her spirit much more than we like right now. So we use it in case of emergencies.”
Out of pure curiosity I turned towards Daniel. “What about you, does Flame have a larger form that you save for emergencies like we do?”
Daniel and Flame both looked at each other, and shrugged. “I don’t think so,” Daniel said after a moment. “Last time I checked this is his full size, unless we have never tried something different.”
“With all due respect,” I turned towards Thalia who was wearing a flowing blue dress that was swaying slightly in the sea breeze. Her large straw hat did not do its job in hiding her angry gaze. “We are here for a reason, so let’s do our job so we can go back.” The teenager was not happy when her grandfather made her come with us on this sea exploration. The older man had made it clear that she needed a break from site A-5, and had made it very clear that he didn’t want to see her pouting or hear anymore backtalk on the subject.
“Alright,” I said, putting my hands up in front of me. I turned over to the two scuba divers that were gonna be joining me as well. Clad in skintight black suits, flippers and large oxygen masks. We needed to see just how far this odd interference reached, so once they found even a slight sign of something being wrong they were gonna head back to the surface with an accurate measurement. They were then gonna swim in two separate directions to see how far this signal actually was. That way we could inform the authorities about what was happening so no divers ended up dead because of this problem. “You two ready?” They both gave me thumbs up before putting on their masks and slipping over the side. “See you two later.” I said before racing off the side of the boat and jumping off like a perfect diver. I had to show off a bit with a few twists as I headed into the water. All it took was a few kicks of my legs and sways of my arms before I was far ahead of the other divers. I nodded towards Oscar who followed me in a quicker pace. With my amazing underwater vision, I could see what we were looking far about four more miles below. Resting on the ground below the sea, was a decent sized ship. I could see deep holes in certain places, and the sails had long since fallen off and were stuck about 30 feet from it now.
As I reached about a mile or so from this wreckage, I could feel it before I could even see it. Surrounding this entire area was a deep purple and blue mixed color. I had never seen a shade like this before nor had I ever felt something as powerful, even being in the council of fives temple or in the underground library. All of it emerged from another point of entry on the other side of the ship. It was an ancient jepei aura, but it also felt so weak, yet also powerful. It made no sense from its color or how it felt. Or how it has somehow stayed in this area for hundreds of years. If the user was dead then the animal spirit died as well. The only exception to that rule was if you gave your animal spirit one last task and it would keep its spiritual form for as long as possible to keep that task going. And the only spirit animals I knew off the top of my head, that would have enough jepei to keep this going for hundreds of years. Were ones like mine and the others.
Mystical Creatures.
I took a deep breath taking in as much of this mix of water and odd jepei aura to get my body used to it. “Let’s go,” I said, swimming into this aura. The water felt so much heavier in this space, like I was swimming through mud that had never settled yet. I looked over as Oscar and even the young kraken spirit was struggling to move through this space. He looked unsettled by this, I could feel it in my own soul. Something was wrong about this spirit, the more we swam into it, now only did it feel weak yet powerful. I could now feel sorrow, rage, and even fear spreading through this place.
Even a slight feeling of loneliness.
It made my heart sink deeper into my chest, this was not a malice aura it was just lonely, whatever spirit animal this was had probably spent so much time alone without its user that all it wanted was to die and rejoy him or her. Whether that was heaven or hell.
I eventually reached the seafloor. The sand was warm to the touch, a few deepwater crabs walking around looking up at me with curious eyes. I began to walk around the side of this older ship, it was differently an old Athenian ship. Its paint long since fading and the wood looked waterlogged and dead, more cracks were forming across it, and certain places had split open. I could see a few jars spilling out of a large crack in the hull. A wave of gold and silver were spilling from one part of the ship, another had unopened chests, another side jewels. This was either Adonis' daughter trying to escape from Sparta with her father’s knowledge and all of his riches, or this was a collection of money to pay the Egyptians when she arrived to seek refuge. Nothing told people “I am your friend don’t kill me” like a good chunk of gold, silver and jewels.
“This is amazing,” I said, carefully picking up one of these jars. It was missing so much paint with only a single hint of white being held on. The jar had a coating of hardened clay on top of it, all of it letting out the same small hue of purple blue energy. Adonis' daughter had differently used her jepei into this clay to keep the water out. Now that I was closer everything except for the trunks carrying jewels and gold, was letting off the same jepei near the top. However, that did not explain the large amount that was surrounding this ship. However, something else did make sense. As soon as I entered the ship, from a large crack. I found the source of this power.
Right in the middle of this place I first found a long since deceased body. It was a perfectly preserved skeleton as well as what looked like rags of an older dress. Her boney hands were clutched against a netrix gemstone of a matching color. One that had a very similar look and model to mine. Now I knew why this ancient jepei aura was pulling at my heart, and why Oscar had been so quiet since we came here. I also knew why unlike Thalia, this aura never seemed to try to attack me.
“You were like me…” I whispered as I dropped down to my knees and held my head in respect. “You are like me, you have the spirit of the Kraken.” I turned around as a much smaller Oscar flew into the opening and came to rest on my shoulder. “I-I think we found one of your past users, buddy.”
“I think we did,” his voice was solemn and sad. “I had a feeling that was the case the second we entered this-” Oscar froze in place for a moment.
“B-Buddy?” I asked.
I watched stunned in place as Oscar's dark blue body began to take a mix of purple to it. His large eyes locked onto me and a voice spoke in my head. This one female, tired and ready to rest. Although the language was not English, I could understand what she was saying. “A descendant of mine has come to let me rest. It has been so long since I met a friend.”
“W-What happened to Oscar?” I asked, as Oscar flew off my shoulder and came to rest a top of this long since gone skeleton. “W-What is your name?”
“Agapi.” She whispered to me, two of her tentacles reached out and came to rest on the skull. “Do not worry, your friend is alive. I just needed to borrow his form for my last few minutes.” Her voice quavered for a moment and she sat in front of us for a few moments with her head bowed in shame. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t protect you, I will see you soon, my mother.” Once she had finished saying that she turned around to face me. Oscar’s entire body now turned a deep blue and purple mix. “Now as for you, my precious descendant. I was given a task, one that needs to be completed and I could not do it alone. So I am asking you for your help to complete my task. Do this a favor for a sister that has passed doing what is right, escaping from crimes she did not commit, escaping with knowledge that deserves to be seen and heard. Will you help me?”
Even though I was breathing in enough water, my throat still was so dry right now. This was the weirdest thing I had never seen in my entire life. However, there was also a sense of needing to help her, needing to help a person that connected to me via my own animal spirit. “W-What am I supposed to do?”
“What year is it?”
“2019 AD” I could feel her confusion. “I am sorry, a lot has happened, it has been many years.”
“I see,” she replied, closing her eyes. “Okay… then the task can still be completed, it has just taken me a long time to do so.” She moved away from me and began to go through the many chests that had not broken and began to look phase through them. She eventually stopped at a chest near the back and I managed to squeeze my way over to her. “This chest and the one beside it has information that needs to be brought to the surface. Knowledge is power, but knowledge is also a curse. People fear what they don’t understand, people fear what could bring them together. Do not let those that worship darkness take this knowledge and turn it into power, do not let those that worship darkness make people fear what is supposed to bring us together. Do not let them use the tower for evil.”
“T-The tower?” I asked. “You mean the tower of babel?” She nodded her head. “So she really did leave with information on the tower of babel?”
“My mother did, my grandfather held the keys to it. Was trying to rebuild it but those that worship the dark, twisted words to get him killed. We escaped, she hunted us down, we sank, my mother chose to not let anyone find this place except those that could complete our task. So she had me stay until one of us showed up, and you finally did.” She swam towards me and rested her tendrils on my head. “Take and do what you will, but either destroy or rebuild that tower. Just do it before the darkness tries to shatter what little peace this world may have. Please.” That was the last thing she said before her spirit shone like the sun, all of the jepei aura that had been in this water faded away and was absorbed back into her. Oscar was back in his dark blue hue and let out a loud gasp of breath.
“What the fuck just happened!?”
“I will explain on the way back up.” I answered, turning towards the chests she had brought us too. “Right now, we need to get these chests up.” My eyes turned towards the direction of Adonis' daughter. “We also need to carefully take that skeleton up with us, she deserves a proper burial. Beside her father.”
Oscar nodded his head and then he looked at me with a curious look. He swam forward and grabbed my gemstone and lifted it to my face. It was the same dark blue hue it always has but now, there was a slight hint of purple deep in the center of my squid shaped gemstone. “Looks like she will always be with us,” I said with a smile.
It took a while to gather this stuff up as carefully as we could. Oscar was gonna take the chests up first and then slowly get all the other stuff for Dr. Drakos and his granddaughter. I swam up to the surface with Rhea’s skeleton, and when I stuck my head out of the water. I was glad to see Daniel and Olive waiting for me, hanging over the side of the boat. “What the fuck is that?” Daniel then winced as Olive slapped him on the back of the head.
I had only one answer for them. “My past.”
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