There were many things about raising a child that Destiny Myers, greatly missed. Such as playing outside in the snow building snowmen, trips to the beach and watching her daughter splash around in the waves. Making large piles of leaves for her to jump into just to rack them all up again. Camping trips where they could be surrounded by the nature energy or jepei that made them so much stronger, places where they could truly use their gifts to their fullests without scaring mainland people. Even the playful sparring sessions that would end with her tickling her precious one until she seemed ready to explode from giggles.
Now where there were good moments of raising a child, there were also a few that Destiny didn’t miss and would rather replace them with more joyful moments. Such as discipline of different kinds, the slight lies that were used in desperation by her daughter when she didn’t want to get in trouble. The pouting and small back talk that would happen if asked to do something that did not involve fun and games. The most memorable arguments that happened were during bathtime, she had no idea why her little girl hated baths so much. It made no sense to her and those arguments and defiant glares often ended with Destiny simply making a move towards the door to grab a wicked spoon that was never used for stirring food.
It seemed that her new little one would be just as much trouble. Well, at least part of her was. Milaka had arrived into the dining room right as Destiny had finished making the hamburgers for dinner. She had the smallest, smartest and most bad-mouthed of Lola’s odd personalities draped across her back. She was an absolute mess of sweat and looked as if she had just finished running a mile. She was so dirty that Destiny decided to put dinner on hold for a moment and give this one a quick bath. However, Mystic seemed very determined to not get into the tub. “Absolutely not!” She shouted as she sat deviantly on the rim of the bathtub.
“This would have been so much easier, with Ruth.” Destiny thought to herself as she pitched the bridge of her nose. She had made a promise to not use any form of corporal punishment on Lola or any of her personalities, not after seeing the scars that were across the girl’s back. “Mystic, can we please get this over with, or maybe you can just let Lola back out and she can have your bath for you.”
“How about no and we just leave.”
“Mystic for the love of God.” Destiny raised her voice just a bit as she was starting to grow tired of this small deviance. It was already a battle in getting that shirt off of her, a battle that ended with her having a sore arm from where Mystic had bitten her. “This would have been over already, if you had just gotten in the bathtub when I asked you too. You are making this so much harder than it should be.”
“I already told you that I am smart enough to bathe myself!”
“And you also showed that I can’t trust you to do so, since the second I left you you tried to sneak out of here and into my room for some reason.” Mystic’s face turned an angry shade of pink as she pointed at Destiny to counter but no words came from the blue haired girl. Why this one seemed so determined in getting in her room, Destiny didn’t know but it was kinda worrisome. “Mystic can we please just get this over with.”
“I already said-” The small girl let out a shout as Malika nudged the girl off the rim of the bath sending her crashing into the warm bubble bath she had prepared.
“Be lucky that is all I did,” her prized tiger spirit said before heading over to the door. “You are growing softer, Destiny. Would have already torn Ruth up after the first mumble of curse words.”
Destiny sighed and turned as Mystic sat up from the water. Her blue hair now damp from the water and droplets of water and bubbles began to fall from her hair. “I hate you!” She shouted towards Malika as she crossed her arms over her chest, however she did seem to be relaxing a tiny bit in the warm waters. Her hands seemed to test the warm water and then a bit of relief began to spread across her face.
Then it hit Destiny. “Mystic, did you think I was gonna bathe you in cold water?”
Mystic didn’t answer her question but something told Destiny that was the truth. “Can I get out now?” Destiny rolled her eyes slightly as she took a seat on the rim of the bath, pulling the toddler sized girl towards her and starting to wash her body and hair. “T-Thank you, I guess.”
“No problem,” Destiny replied. “You know, I am not gonna do anything like what Jessica did to you all. Right?”
“That is yet to be seen, for all I know you are just trying to butter us up and than you are gonna betray us.”
“I wouldn’t do that.”
“And should I believe you.”
“You’ve got me there.” Destiny thought as she lifted the small child’s arms up to get underneath her armpits. “You have no reason to trust me at my word. Quite frankly, if I was in your shoes I wouldn’t trust me either.” There was a small moment of silence as Destiny added another thing to list of things she had misssed doing when her daughter was alive. Just giving her a relaxing bath, “I am sorry for Milaka pushing you into the water.”
“She is an annoying beast of an animal.”
“Don’t let her hear you say that,” Destiny said with a small chuckle. “If you didn’t choose to make this difficult than she wouldn’t have had to do that.” She pulled the child closer to the rim and spun her around so her back was facing her. Destiny got a good a lot of shampoo and carefully began to wash the girl’s hair, causing to stiffen up but than melt like butter in her arms. “See, even you like it.”
“I do not like it, it is tolerable.”
Destiny rolled her eyes a bit. “You are far too smart for your own good.” Destiny thought. As she finished washing the girl’s hair, she took her out of the bath and got her wrapped into a fluffy towel and sat her on the toilet seat. “I do have to ask Mystic, what were you doing near my room?”
“Nothing,” Mystic said as her eyes seemed to open and close a few times, clearly the smallest of Lola’s personalities was struggling to remain awake. “Nothing at all,” she whimpered before Lola’s body began to grow, her hair returned back to its normal brown color. “Don’t trust you,” that was the last thing Mystic said before she seemed to be gone and Lola was back. She was softly snoring, and had a small smile on her tired face.
“Maybe we will have to just save dinner for lunch?” Destiny thought as she slipped a nightgown over the girl and lifted her up to carry her to bed.
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Turns out they actually could have dinner as Lola had woken up an hour later. A bit confused on what happened and why she smelled like lime and coconut. Destiny chose not to tell her which of her personalities had come out. Not to keep it a secret from the girl, but because she didn’t know how she reacted to certain ones. After reheating their dinner of burgers and (refrying some) fries. Destiny had tucked the girl into bed as the combination of a full belly and a warm bath seemed to be just the thing this little one needed to start to drift off. Destiny tucked the girl back into a bed that had been empty for far too long. “Are you gonna be here when I wake up?” Lola asked, her voice tired and eyes starting to close. Each blink stayed longer, each yawn growing bigger, almost like a small roar of a lion.
Destiny had been sitting on the side of the child’s bed. Her hand stroking her soft brown hair, tucking and retucking strands of hair from behind her ear. A came gesture that made the girl giggle lightly. “I give you my word, that when you wake up. I will be in this house, probably making something very good for breakfast.”
“Can we have donuts again?”
“I think I can get that arranged.” The soft smiled that appeared on the girl’s face could make even the devil himself crack a grin. Destiny held back the urge to give her a goodnight kiss on the forehead. There was a lot that she wanted to do now that she had a daughter to raise and take care of once more, but she didn’t want to cross a line like that yet. Not until this one was truly used to this. Right now they were very much strangers, and Destiny still had many questions about the girl, and very much wanted to show her the kindness of the world.
Give her a life that all children on earth should have, a right that all children didn’t need to earn. It was something that should be given freely. Destiny finally removed her hand from Lola’s head as the girl seemed to be drifting off to sleep. The tall dark skinned woman rose from the bed, and looked around at this once lonely room. A calm blue light was pulsing from the old nightlight that she had plugged in. The door was cracked open, allowing a bit of the hallway light to come in. Destiny had shown the girl where the bathroom was in case she needed it later that night or wanted a glass of water. How to get to Destiny’s bedroom in case she wanted her or wanted to spend the evening with her. She was very close to just staying the night in the girl’s room, perhaps making a pallet on the floor just in case.
However once again her animal spirit was the voice of reason. Just like she was last night. The dark golden tiger spirit had been laying on the girl carpet. “Destiny you can go, I will stay here and I am sure that if the child needs someone. I can take her where she may need to go. Whether that is the bathroom, or your room we will see. Just like I told you last night.”
Destiny let out a sigh as she thought back to her loyal spirit animal and sister. “Can you blame me for being a bit worried.” Destiny leaned against the door frame. “I just want her to be safe, secure and most importantly okay.”
“All three of those things mean the same thing, Destiny.”
Destiny rolled her eyes but smiled fondly at her spirit animal. “You know what I mean,” Destiny stepped into the hallway looking down at the calmly sleeping child once more before she began to head back to her own bedroom. Destiny collapsed onto her neatly made bed, but kept her door open just in case. She turned on the lamp beside her large king-sized bed tempted to jump back into the book that she had been reading before. Instead her eyes were drawn more toward the large file that had been sitting on her nightstand, having not moved since she threw it there when they came back home a day ago.
Destiny never wanted to read Jessica’s work ever again. However, she had no choice now. If she wanted to truly raise Lola, than she needed to understand all of them. All seven girls that rested inside of Lola’s mind and body. Seven girls with seven different jepei auras. Destiny grabbed the file and started from the first age choosing to read on what Jessica had written on Lola first.
Log Date, April 15 2019. New Entry.
Lola Summer as we know her by is truly a unique girl. As I have written in other logs, Lola’s jepei aura is white in color, however as white is found in every color on the spectrum of light. All others within reason come from her. How she created these seven is still a mystery that we do not have an answer to. Current ideas range from three different mystical creatures that she might have as her true spirit animal. The Cerberus, The Hydra or even maybe some kind of Manticore spirit as it is a combination of three different animals in and of itself. Lola has shown little to no interest or even knowledge of what jepei is, her body has massive reserves of nature energy. Something that makes no sense as we have kept her inside of her cell for most of her life. It is the best way to keep the others tamed.
Lola has grown little in her time here maybe two or so inches. Her weight has not changed, perhaps we should add more to her current diet. She refuses to eat or rather something is not letting her eat. However, as shown in experiment L.6, Lola might be able to go weeks without food. Her body is one that is truly a mystery to me, as it would be one thing to have different personalities. However, her body changes with the personality that is out, her aura changes. Hair color, body size, weight and muscle, ears and eyes. How these transformations are even possible is something we are still looking into. Breakthrough might be coming. If Dr. Kayleigh's Ideas are true.
Perhaps it is time to truly test that limit.
In the years that we have had her she still reacts the same. She wants to learn, she wants to know what a school is. (Not sure who told her about schools) She is not fond of my lessons, she does not like turning into the others, epsically more violent ones such as Amber and Ember. She hates knowning that people were hurt or even killed from what the other’s might have done. She has made no attempt to escape since incident report 12.5. She makes no attempts to talk back. She has made no attempt to end her own life since report 8.
She is boring but is the key to understanding all of this.
If I know what her true spirit animal is than I will know just how she gave human qualities to al of the others. Turning what I believe were once basic spirit animals, into mystical types.
Jessica Eden.
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I set that file down beside me and reached up to pinched the bridge of my nose as well as wipe some tears from my eyes. “She has not tried to kill herself again, or even escape on her own.” I thought to myself. “Damn you, Jessica. Just what hell have you put her through.” I eventually got courage to try and look for these two incidents that had been written but there was no sign of them in this file. It looks like Jessica only gave me some of their knowledge, keeping ohter information for herself.
Destiny instead opened to page five. Where a long line of text and a picture of a proud but clearly scared looking Mystic was in a small square near the top. This was labeled as the first of the seven.
Subject Knowledge and Wisdom, spirit animal Owl.
Mystic’s updated file.
Log Date February 24 2020.
Mystic is still a very cheeky, annoying, little brat of a girl since the day we had originally found Lola. The only different is that now she is much smarter and cunning that I believe we had originally thought. I believe that myself and Dr. Eden have underestimated just how smart Mystic truly is. I do not know much about what jepei is or how it works, yet it is fascinating to see what that can do. It truly is a mystery in understanding what this stuff is and how it can affect the body and the mind. Mystic is still the smallest of the bunch at barely the size of a three or four year old, however it is her mind that is the true weapon. She has a perfect memory. When we had first encountered her she had the mental state of maybe a highschool freshman. How she is at my level of intelligence, she understands math, reading, she has mastered five different languages just from reading the books we have given her. Not books on the language but books written in that language. Her understanding of science and jepei is also at the highest level. I believe she knows the truth of what Lola’s body might be. However, she is holding that very close to home. We have tried a lot of things to get her to talk.
(See incident reports M-1, M-2. and M-5)
Orginally what I believe works the best if to just treat her as a normal student. No more punishments for rude behaviors, no more treating her like she is the weakest physically, no more using pain or harm on her as it only brings out the brute of the group. (Amber) It was idea that I thought were truly helping us in getting Mystic to talk. We treated her much better than any of the seven, we assumed that she was just weak. We let her have free reign of the facility while she was out, we let her read what she wanted. We thought her, only giving her childish punishments such as timeouts to keep her behaved.
Turns out that this was one large ploy.
One we didn’t notice until she was nearly out of the facility. This is to be known as escape report M-1. Mystic somehow managed to use her weak body and knock out a man twice her size before making her way to the faltety exit and if it wasn’t for Jessica Eden being here late that night. We believe that Mystic would have escaped, and used a power that Jessica Eden notes was the first time she saw this on the girl.
She apparently had a pair of blue wings that matched her hair color on her back. Not big enough for her to truly soar through the sky, but big enough that she could make a good escape. Mystic is a more powerful spirit of an owl, makes her entire body make more sense now. Her hollow bones and weak body are not good for fighting, but are enough for her to fly. The holes in the size of her head were where her ears should be. Even the very small tail feathers located just above the tailbone, suddenly all add up. A breakthrough from a near breakout as we are calling it.
Under Dr. Eden’s orders.
Mystic cannot rome free, she can still leave Lola’s cell however not without a doctor and two to four armed guards with her. I arrived right as Dr. Eden finished punishing the girl. (That poor child)
Submitted and Written By Dr. Kayleigh Greene.
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As Destiny finished reading this entry, she folded her hands together allowing this large file to slip off her lap. She had never heard of anything like this before, spirit animals being upgraded, a body that could handle such transformations. Lola’s large reserves of jepei aura. All of it wasn’t impossible for her people, after all jepei was an amazing thing that gave them new found power to their body. Some could make wings in fly, some could walk up walks with ease, others could run for days if they wanted too, they had faster healing. Some could even make more arms. However those changes never truly changed the body, what was happening to Lola made her a new person.
“So she is the spirit of an owl.” Destiny thought to herself as now that she thought about it. When she was fighting with Mystic to get her to take a bath, she did see a few signs of tail feathers. She had very briefly seen the girl’s small holes for ears. “A perfect memory as well l, and if she is truly an owl spirit, she probably has amazing hearing. However, I saw no wings on her back.” Destiny leaned back onto her bed and covered her face with a pillow. “Lord Almighty,” she whispered.
As she laid there for another minute or two, that name that name kept coming back to her over and over again. Until she finally sat up and grabbed her laptop, typing in the word. Chicago University Staff. It only took her a few moments to find what she was looking for. “I knew you sounded familiar.” She was looking at a picture of an older woman, maybe late forties or early 50s. She had short deep brown hair that spilled over her shoulders into curly locks, she had soft brown but tired eyes, she was wearing a dark blue dress and a calm smile on her face. Dr. Kayleigh Greene, psychology professor. Destiny had remembered hearing from a neighbor about her daughter’s amazing professor. One who had said before she began teaching here, she worked for a branch of the military to help with the mental needs of a few people.
Destiny folded her hands together once more as she stared at this picture. “Looks like I need to take a trip, to the college tomorrow and just see if this is true.” Cause if she ahd ties with Jessica and than maybe she could help her figure out just what Lola truly was and why Jessuca wanted her so much.
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