WARNING: Mentions of eye removal, toy abuse, feelings of abandonment, and a major character death. If these are triggers of yours or disturb you in any way, do not read on.
Hi. My name is Teddy McStuffed. My owner is named Ray. We used to be best friends. But then he met that stupid car, and now I'm just up here, sitting on this shelf, slowly molding.
He got me when he was six, after his mom died. His daddy got me for him. For years, he would confide in me, talk with me, joke around with me. Then, for his ninth birthday, he got that stupid Lego set. He played with it, and abandoned me. But then he got tired of it, and we were friends again. Then Carson showed up, and took over his life. He was always going vroom vroom and giggling, and he left me on the shelf. I've been here for years, with only a guy named Jack who's stuck in a box, and a random elf. We got to know each other, but the elf has a job and can't talk much, and Jack is too busy trying to free himself to talk to me, so I still feel alone.
Ray finally talked to me again. He said it's moving day. We're going to a new home. All of us but Jack. Jack got free of the box, but apparently it would have been better if he was still inside the box. He went in this place called The Trash a few years ago. Ray has a bigger version of Carson now. He supposedly uses it to go to this place called School. He had to take a test before he could get it, though. Ray's room looks so empty. There's a lot of stuff missing. Also, right now I'm outside with a bunch of other things from the house. There's a sign next to us, but I can only read part of it, something about a garage. I wonder what Ray's new room is going to look like. I wonder if we'll start talking more.
I don't know where I am. Some stranger came up, handed Ray's dad this green stuff, and stole me. While Ray's dad watched and did nothing. When I get back to Ray, I'm gonna tell him about his dad's betrayal. The person who took me gave me to this little human. They don't talk, they just babble. And they cover me in drool. And they stink a lot. My button eyes were taken out, and I don't know why. The stranger that took me just mentioned something about a choking hazard, whatever that is.
I think Ray abandoned me. Why else wouldn't he have already rescued me? It's the only explanation. The thing I belong to now is horrible. It can speak, and move now. It loves hurting toys. There's one toy, this very pretty girl who said her name was Barbie, and the girl who owns me just took Barbie's whole leg off, then just giggled and kept playing. She also chewed off my ear a few years ago, and now, though the guy who I think is her dad bandaged my ear up, but I lost a bunch of stuffing. He put it back in, though.
As I talk, I can tell these are my last words. Three days ago, the girl, who's name is apparently Princess, since that's what her dad calls her, took off Barbie's head, and now she ripped my seam. My stuffing is pouring out. I think, at least. I can't see, not without my eyes. I don't think I'll be living much longer. So this is my last entry, and I have to say goodbye. To do so, I think I'll just copy Jack's last words to me - "Guess I needed the box like my mother said."