No Plagiarism!XF8wAPKbaARrhcjXtq9pposted on PENANA “The Beginning”8964 copyright protection150PENANAVEqCnxnHu0 維尼
Act 1 8964 copyright protection150PENANA4bnveExpOj 維尼
( Curtain opens)8964 copyright protection150PENANAcLPgVUnUey 維尼
Scene:8964 copyright protection150PENANAXrOo34MJOw 維尼
Inside- The Twin Oaks Houses8964 copyright protection150PENANACxgYt17650 維尼
December, 15th 1870 Morning 8:45 a.m. St. Catherine Street, Natchez, Mississippi.8964 copyright protection150PENANAC5sBewCAMB 維尼
Inside- The Twin Oaks Houses8964 copyright protection150PENANAgkP9IZBHo7 維尼
(Maybelle is sitting in an old rickety rocking chair and the fireplace is at her right and is slowly burning with a small fire amongst the scattered logs and soon a knocking at the door can be heard.8964 copyright protection150PENANAoL9wtMl5d5 維尼
(Matilda knocks on the door)8964 copyright protection150PENANALECs7nmVyM 維尼
Maybelle: 8964 copyright protection150PENANAagSX0obv1r 維尼
Who is it? 8964 copyright protection150PENANAvPHhIeVDQT 維尼
Matilda : (Speaking loudly with a Southern accent)8964 copyright protection150PENANAKndm8jDEpO 維尼
It's me, Ms. Jefferson it's Matilda Brown your neighbor! 8964 copyright protection150PENANAVfXUsiGZuy 維尼
Maybelle: (speaking loudly with a Southern accent)8964 copyright protection150PENANAcwMZSUnlDP 維尼
Oh!, come on in dear! 8964 copyright protection150PENANAgkkAMHPKpu 維尼
(Matilda opens the door and walks into Maybelle's apartment. )8964 copyright protection150PENANAbE4q2nIpB1 維尼
Matilda: (speaks loudly)8964 copyright protection150PENANAbfqFq3ix3m 維尼
Hi, Ms . Jefferson how are you this morning? 8964 copyright protection150PENANAuE76H8OSz8 維尼
Maybelle: (speaks in normal tone)8964 copyright protection150PENANAW3ERxxAass 維尼
Oh, I'm fine, how are you dear? 8964 copyright protection150PENANAwo1BImJVM8 維尼
Matilda: ( speaks loudly)8964 copyright protection150PENANAOKIQo1uEY4 維尼
I'm good, Ms. Jefferson! 8964 copyright protection150PENANAZ9slKp0Eie 維尼
Maybelle: (Speaks in normal tone)8964 copyright protection150PENANArj5TQsSu5k 維尼
Good to hear, what brings you by today? 8964 copyright protection150PENANA0I7betQCZj 維尼
Matilda: (Speaks loudly )8964 copyright protection150PENANAZxeb90MzFz 維尼
I just came by, to see if you needed anything!8964 copyright protection150PENANAPiOH4vwgvE 維尼
Maybelle: (Speaks in normal tone)8964 copyright protection150PENANAG1sIBfyOd7 維尼
Oh, well not today dear.8964 copyright protection150PENANAP7dex93tx1 維尼
Matilda:(Speaks loudly )8964 copyright protection150PENANAtL5Cbn9HMi 維尼
Okay, what are you doing?8964 copyright protection150PENANA4BvRjhsuG9 維尼
Maybelle:(Speaks in normal tone)8964 copyright protection150PENANAXQ8W0cYpSP 維尼
Nothing much, just thinking.8964 copyright protection150PENANAqPkiZ47meS 維尼
Matilda:(Speaks loudly )8964 copyright protection150PENANARJGIEiKcP5 維尼
About what?8964 copyright protection150PENANARKnuSEEwVI 維尼
Maybelle: (Speaks in normal tone )8964 copyright protection150PENANAuwInIoUU3N 維尼
Just my life is all, nothing much else to think about today. 8964 copyright protection150PENANA9jXLYSy0uT 維尼
Matilda: (Speaks loudly)8964 copyright protection150PENANA2XdEzSfNx2 維尼
Oh, what was your life like? 8964 copyright protection150PENANA4HdAg5CrAj 維尼
Maybelle: (Speaks in normal tone)8964 copyright protection150PENANA7PwN5PXXFM 維尼
Well, I guess it depends, on what part you are talking about. 8964 copyright protection150PENANAwVBYNpoGh7 維尼
Matilda: (Speaks loudly )8964 copyright protection150PENANAg1yWX4BEnU 維尼
I guess the beginning! 8964 copyright protection150PENANATRpMUunOIZ 維尼
Maybelle :8964 copyright protection150PENANAA1erH17YYn 維尼
Well, dear if you want to hear this, you might want to take a seat on the edge of the bed over there. It's going to take a spell to finish this. 8964 copyright protection150PENANACb8C07lyzv 維尼
(Maybelle starts to narrate her life to Matilda)8964 copyright protection150PENANA0pqQmlousq 維尼
( Curtain closes )8964 copyright protection150PENANA8xVUM4n7Ly 維尼
End of Act 18964 copyright protection150PENANAnvrCoUrei2 維尼
(A Southern accent is constant throughout the play . The volume of speech is normal tone unless noted otherwise.)8964 copyright protection150PENANAHC4rtvI41V 維尼