Haru walked through the forest, following the big footsteps he had found.
She felt her heart beat faster, not knowing what it was.
She kept walking, until the path of footsteps had ended, but then she saw the scene.
A dark-skinned dead man lay there, missing his left arm and wearing something that seemed to be the attire of an sorcerer.
Haru could see the blood from the arm still leaking, he couldn’t have been dead for long.
Haru saw a small trail of the blood lead to a cave, Where she saw a tall gray being sleeping, laying on his belly.
There also was a fire burning, with some kind of bag laying next to the creature.
As Haru picked up the bag, to look what was inside, she felt her heart beat in her head.
It contained odd plants and bugs, as if this person was trying to make some kind of potion.
Then Haru heard a few voices from inside the cave, ‘Phi, cut it out! You know i hate it when you do that!’
Haru was shook, dropping the bag and running for her life.
‘Phi, cut it out! You know i hate it when you do that!’ Fareleo said.
‘Chill out man! You know I’m only joking!’ The woman with antler-mask said, who Fareleo knew as Phi.
They heard a sound of leather falling on stone, and immediately knew there had to be someone at the entrance of the cave, other than the Doramar, who they knew as Blight.
Fareleo instantly put his hands down, and started flying towards the cave entrance, using her fire.
When he reached the fire, he saw the bag was opened, and Blight was still sleeping.
‘Blight!’ she yelled.
Blight instantaneously woke up.
‘What is it Fareleo?’ they asked.
Phi replied. ‘There was someone at the cave-entrance. The bag is open.’
‘What? But i normally sleep very lightly.’
‘We need this potion made soon.’ Blight said.
Venti the Conqueror stood in front of his tent, irritated.
The last few days had been nothing but disappearing ingredients, missing weapons and most annoying of all, Prometheus had been gone for a while, ‘handling some circumstances.’ as he said.
‘Your highness.’ he heard a soldier exclaim.
It annoyed Venti that a mere soldier tried to get his attention, ‘Yes, soldier?’
‘I have been sent with a message,’ the soldier said, ‘from Prometheus.’
This immediately got his attention. ‘What does he say?’
‘He tells you to attack the walls without him, since he has other duties’ The soldier ‘in the meanwhile, his apprentice can do his duties here.’
Venti sighed of exhaustion, he was tired of Prometheus having disappeared.
‘And who might that be?’
The soldier squealed. ‘That would be me, your highness.’
Venti looked him straight in the eyes.
‘What’s your name kiddo?’ Venti asked the soldier.
‘Eskinar.’ He said
‘Ah, Eskinar, okay. Guess we’ll attack the walls then. What kind of spells do you specialize in?’
‘Mostly illusions.’ he said.
That could prove to be useful, if his illusions are any good, Venti thought
‘Okay, now go back to your tent and prepare for some magic. We got a war to start.’
Eskinar saluted and yelled, ‘YES SIR!’ and he ran off.
Dori was drawing in the small palace she was brought to.
She was finding it easy to find beautiful pieces to draw, while avoiding anyone important.
She had already drawn a whole lot of places in her life, but this was the most beautiful.
She sneaked past guards and priests, spies and nuns.
Dori found herself wondering why she had never drawn this place before.
When she came back to her room, she was surprised to find someone there.
Dori recognized the young woman immediately.
“Eek, Dori! it’s been too long!” The young woman said.
Dori sighed, “Please don’t.”
The young woman gasped, “Don’t you remember me? I’m-”
“I remember all too well who you are, or rather were.” Dori said, irritated.
“Well, why don’t you give your sis a big hug?” She asked.
Goddammit Dori thought.
“Tori, PLEASE just let me be for now.”
“Fine,” Tori said, having an immediate change in mood, “But don’t think you can avoid me for long.”
Tori left the room.