Hi. You already know me.
But like seriously why are you guy’s not commenting! Im asking you a god dam question and you blow me off. Thanks. I appreciate it.
Was that question too sketchy for you? Would you rather me ask you a different question?
You would wouldn’t you?
onto the topic for this new issue as this app likes to call it.
Comments I heard while at a dickens fair.
Don’t be dirty minded dickhead. It a Charles Dickens (THE AUTHOR) convention.
And yes don’t get me wrong- his name sucks.
Okay, Quote #1! (There’s only four)
“I was Donald Duck for Halloween, so I have a lot of Duckie things.”
Thanks for your comment at a CHRISTMAS fair! We TOTALLY cared that you were him for Halloween. It just makes so much sense! A 35 year old man as DONALD DUCK. (Also its funny how duck autocorrects to dick)
Quote #2!
“Give it to mummy!” (You have to say it in a British accent)
Don’t judge, there was no context and It was heard when there was no one else talking. VERY weird. (No offence to you Brit’s out there! Love ya! 🤗)
Quote #3! (My personal favorite)
“hey! This guy was at Trader Joe’s last night! I saw him at Trader Joe’s last night!”
Please note, this person yelled this to the world as the said guy was kissing his wife. Yum. Imagine, someone yelling your fucking name to the world, WHILE pointing at you, DURING you kissing your beautiful sexy wife! Dam, Im sorry my guy and his very sexy wife.
Quote #4! (The FINAl one)
“Oh Jeff! It’s not raining anymore!”
Im sorry, do you think my guy Jeff even fucking cares? He’s just trying to get away from his VERY drunk girlfriend, chugging a bottle of Vodka! Leave him alone!
thats it fuckers!
Please note that if you do come across this (Which I’m positive you wont) and your the one who said one of these things at the 2023 cow palace Dickens fair, (Which I’m positive wont happen) I mean you no harm. Its funny. Don’t judge :)