again this is me.
And Im sorry for the post that I just posted today before this one.
I meant to post that before Christmas, and as you can see it was posted today. Anyway, hi bitches.
I have not been posting a lot, Im very tired and have almost zero motivation to post or type at that matter.
Also, I just finished 1984.
what the fuckity Fuck is Goverment. Like I’m not even cirtan on what I just read. Like slay but at the sametime not slay. Someone help me, Im concerned.
Not to mention it took over a week to read it, specifically because of the content. I couldn’t focus on the book with noise or people arround.
I will say I did like the idea of plotting against the party. It seems like something I would do, and dont fucking tell me it’s not. You don’t know me.
This is a very huge change of topic but I can’t stand my sister.
She’s a huge dick, she walks around the house like she is the king and she has no compassion for anyone.
She acts like a fool, and a bitch at the same time.
She has to sleep with this machine on right? Like a noise not a ‘I’m sick’ machine. Anyway she likes putting the fucker up as loud as it goes, and at this point Im kind of sorry for my dog. I have to listen to it, and it blocks out my thinking.
I don’t know about you people, but with me, I love going to bed early so I can contemplate my day, and my thoughts.
Yesterday, January 1st to be specific, I had finished reading 1984 at like 1 am, and I wanted to go to bed, to go over the thoughts that were running through my brain, but the noise was blocking it out. So assuming that she was asleep, I walked over to her room, and shut that mother fucker off. But she was awake. And started yelling at my ass saying that I wasn’t allowed in the room, and that the machine wasn’t as loud as I thought it was and that shit.
That’s one example people.
Also, no one has commented yet
thank you and I guess a happy New year.
(Its year of the Dragon btw)