The dancing of the key boards continued at a good paced for several hours at least for the work it was believed kurt could handle and then ever so suddenly it stoped and with that came an expression of astonishment.148Please respect copyright.PENANA8WlNuFvxKQ
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‘ eh? Was that it’ he thought the background noise of others working was still present something of the unexpected. Normally when he finished it was past lunch time or god forbid well into after work hours. Kurt glened at the time. 1:45 am, practically the morning but still too dark. Though it is not the first time this has happened it certainly doesn’t happen often enough and often when it does kurt finds himself voided of direction not certain what to do next. Too risky to just ask for more work given the time it usually takes to finish it he was just gonna have to wait out…
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Kurt scooted back in his chair and in doing so it yanked the attention of both mark and luke who’s game devolved into a discussion over common philosophical questions the morally provoking sort…
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“ going for another run” luke spoke with a cocked eyebrow. Not uncommon for kurt to have to go for more then one walk to get the job done but that would not be the case…148Please respect copyright.PENANAO1U4hTDToU
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“ actually i think he’s done with his work” matt would surmised
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Kurt vibrated with a deep hum of assertion. The foggy faze that was usually present was now lifted. Probably because he didn’t have to do the work anymore. Kurt loafly rose from his set and walked forward with a stubble each step supported by a brief pause in movement.
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Another eye brow of luke’s was rasied this time with less of a smirk with a hint of arrogance and more so with concern wondering if kurt had stood up to fast or perhaps if one of his legs were asleep. The conversation carried by another input by matt.
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“ what do you want to do now?” matt flagged
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“ lets get something to eat” kurt chimed.
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“ but lunch was hour ago, i mean i suppose your done so it doesn’t matter but even so knowing your…reputation there’s a chance someone might have stolen your lunch”
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“ why would someone steal a whole vending machine?”
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Luke felt appalled by the question what would he ask something like that unless-?
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“ thats fine, kurt doesn’t have a lunch anyway… he usually just buys a few thing’s from the vending machine. So there’s nothing to steal.” matt chimed in
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That would explain it. In the beginning he used to bring a lunch, though even when it was stolen or eaten he never made a fuse like many had been expecting him to do, didn’t even complain to management not that doing so would help all the much if at all. Up to now luke assumed he either hide his lunch or ate it at some other time or the more obvious explanation being that he ate after work to avoid such a issue.
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The work place had a vending machine for every food category but most almost always choose the typical junk food at least up to the point where management made a point to not restock the machines until all of it was gone or mostly gone. So if one was going to just eat junk food they wouldn’t see it restocked until the rest had been finished off. There were complaints but they were vetoed. Nowadays the few who had the same idea as kurt specifically the day shift employees usually went for one of each vending machine to help empty the machine cuz well after a while if too long the fresh stuff would spoil…
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Kurt’s “ lunch” was consistent with 3 items a drink, chips and candy of some kind. Today. Arizona tea, salt and vinegar chips and sour gummy worms… he sat at the empty table among the many other empty tables sense the room most would normally have lunch in was empty at the time.
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Luke and matt naturally sat with him and for a time it was silent. Luke gleaned at kurtis lunch. Which was nothing if not thought provoking.
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“ do you really think thats healthy for a man your size” luke spoke
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“ you can eat whatever you want but not as much as you want” kurt retorted
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The point kurt was trying to drive home was that as long as you didn’t over eat that one would be fine and country to kurts bloated like appearance he didn’t nearly eat as much as people suspected him to. He wasn’t fasting or anything he was just really lazy. He would rather snack on something he didn’t have to cook but even then most of his day was spent on the computer or sleeping so he rarely had the urge to get up and make something to eat. He ate once maybe twice a day usually skipping breakfast. The weight he had now mostly came from his child like years where he insidently at anything he wanted like a child who had visited there grandparents house empty and left full. Now adays he found himself lucky if he could find anything good to eat at all and despite the fact that he choose junk food, he wasn’t proud or even happy to be eating it. It was just something to eat.
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“I didn’t strike you as the kind of person to exercise, no offense” matt remarked
“ none taken, though i do exercise i don’t believe i do it often enough to make much of a difference”
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Slow steps were approaching almost like a hell march, another employee to join in? No, she was looked for someone. as the time that kurt normally finished his work, Though he hadn’t forgotten he was expecting her arrival a bit after he finished eatting, seemed it couldn’t wait though.
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“ you have a little something right here” matt chimed, he saw it first a flake of a chip stuck to kurts face. Kurt tried to recover it only to find himself reaching for the wrong side of his face because of course he did… shortly after playing where waldo with this chip. An invasive hand blucked it from kurts face. The hand attached to a tone of boring grey fabric… the essence of which belonged to an employee of high position and favor of the boss, plainly referred to as Soia.148Please respect copyright.PENANA8aYFaa5ESv
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She was a tall women dressed in professional grey’s and a little bit of white. Long dark brown locks of hair adorned her shoulders and backslide almost like a cape that a hero would wear though in this case perhaps that cape was worn more ironically. Her eyes though notable big in wide gave off a sense of erroneous suspicion or security, like a mother emotionally detached from her child, invested in there care just not for the right reasons. That would be accurate. most thought her gaze was a gaze of suspecion and because of her disposition with higher ups her prence prompted many to act and work with a sense of urgency… Soia fingered the flake of salt and finger passed her lips kind like how one might when inserting there debt card in a ATM. her head tilted down towards kurt before she began her query.
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“ Kurtis, you appear to be having lunch early… is there a chance you’ve finished your work early?” soia inquired. Her voice seem soft yet toneless, monotoned. Her body language was none existent. Not that she didn’t have one but it didn’t convey anything remotely connected to her. As normal body language tend to do and perhaps no one reconized this more then Lucas.
Her interactions with kurtis didn’t go beyond simple checking his work and making sure its correct, but the body language had expressed that they were close like a friend ship or perhaps something more…
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“ it would appear so… feel free to head on over there i’ll join you in a second” kurt dismissed before taking a drink of his tea. He entended to try and gulp the thing down before soia’s hand rested on his should…148Please respect copyright.PENANAGgrZf346HU
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“ no, don’t rush on my account please take your time i insiste” soia spoke. And instead stood by kurtis at least until he supposedly finished. Despite this, kurtis did not feel all the reassured having her stand behind him certainly didn’t help. Lucas face tensed up and matt felt his face feeling a bit flushed. An intrusive thought floated to the surface of matts grey matter.
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‘am i over thinking it… or do they seem…‘ the thought was derailed, he didn’t know how to finish it, no he didn’t want to finish it and he didn’t fully understood why.
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Kurt stood from the table and eventually left with Soia. matt made attempts to follow after then but was shortly stopped by Lucas, shaking his head in disapproval. Matt was visible puzzled to say the least.
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“ what do you need something” matt surmised
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“ you know soia, doesn’t like it when other people are around them when she’s checking Kurtis’s work” luke reminded. Luke had effectively implanted the concerning fear that in doing this that matt could potentially lose his job if soia decided to make a case that he was distracting kurtis from his work and seemed to have merit sense she was the reason matt could even sit by kurtis desk while he worked without question, because soia had some how convinced the boss that it would be more beneficial for kurtis and so far it was proven right.
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Soia had the job of managing the slower workers a type of unofficial position though she effectively was paid like it was a real position and more so it didn’t seem hard because allegiantly Kurtis was the only considered slow worker at the time. She checked his work and if anything was a miss reviewed it with Kurtis in the hope he would do better next time, it was also a way to help ensure he didn’t get fired. Soia couldn’t explain the desire to go the extra mile to help kurtis in this way or at least she insisted that others were looking to deep into it.
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“ do we really have to wait while soia has her one on one time with kurtis” matt yearned. Even as he said that he knew what it implied. Many times do to how he sometimes phrased his words involving kurtis name it often lead to the presumption that perhaps just maybe that matthew had feelings for kurtis or at least some deep connection then what was on the surface. Inspite of this no one was eagar to bring this up or at least not anymore. Granted it wasn’t painfully obvious other wise.
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“ do you rely want to risk your job over 20 minutes…lets just wait. The day will be over in just a few more hours anyway, surely you had some other plans after words”
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mathew ‘s expression went lacks for a moment he did have something planned but he was reluctant to tell Lucas of all people that sometimes he and kurtis occasionally go and play video games. He wasn’t embarrassed but after these many years mathew has a formed opinion of how kurtis feels about Lucas. And honestly Lucas did it to himself. Knowing no one really knows what kutis does outside work matthew felt obligated to keep that privacy even if kurtis didn’t seem to mind it.148Please respect copyright.PENANARXle7nltEQ
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“ i can’t say i do, sorry” the way he said it was that of a low tone that seemed to eclipse whatever sliver of what might come to pass. After all when it happens its usually a invitation from kurtis. And technically matthew was off the clock anyway so he wasn’t being held up heard against his better judgement or anything. And no one asked why…at least not anymore… there was a time when in a moment of weakness matthew thought lucas and kurtis might get around to fixing a rough patch but in term in never got fixed if anything it just brough more rough patches. Still he had his number in whatt he hoped would become a common friend group so much for that.
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The next of several hours were spent in a awkward silence he even had himself a few snacks while they waited. Though in time kurtis did eventually come back…148Please respect copyright.PENANAvQUGUUHSZq
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“ what are you guys doing?” kurtis inquired
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“ waiting for you apparently?” Lucas chimed
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“Odd choice of obligation, matthew you coming?” kurtis concluded148Please respect copyright.PENANAMGjyJPxfQy
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“ um… yes” matthew answered.
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There was still hours befor the shift ended but for kurtis he had a special exemption to leave early if he managed to finish early somehow since he usually takes so long to finish it was the one instance where the boss preferred he finish and leave as soon as possible. And most including luke himself had already long reconized this. Usually he would clock out early but sometimes soia will clock out for him at the end of the supposed 8 hours so he can get more money. The time was cutting close to 2 am. The air was still brisk when they left the sky dark and the moon clearly out.
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Unlike kurtis and matthew has a drivers license but couldn’t afford a car, not in this economy, at best he did occasionally rent one, that didn’t seem to be the case this time though. Kurtis sketched his arm out toward matthew and though he hesitated at first he need take it, wrapping his arm around kurt’s matthew possessed the many fears that society plagued that only a women should have when walking alone at night the fears of being attacked, stalked, kidnapped and of course the worst in the book, raped and killed. Its the sole reason he doesn’t leave work at night even though he’s a guy and society expects these to be the last thing for one to be concerned about.
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“ T-thanks, sorry to be a burden like this… again”
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“ i gotta, if i don’t you start shaking and squirming like a bitch, and then you might break my arm like the last time this happened.”
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That was the irony of it wasn’t it? Matthew was born with a twink-like body that could be mistaken as a women from the back and despite all that under stress, he easily had the strength of 10 men maybe more. Still it remained a mystery why he couldn’t just tap into it whenever he wanted.
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“ right, sorry… do you have it on you” matt inquired148Please respect copyright.PENANAa247QTx3Ui
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“ i always do” kurtis answered in kind.
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Just as it had taken a hour to get here it would take roughly a hour to get back. Longer considering he usually had to walk matthew home first. And more so considering he didn’t have a car this time around it was in walking distance at least as long as it was. Kuris phone began vibrating. It was a invitation
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“ it’s Sophia… you up for game night” kurtis responded though he could probably guess matthew’s answer
“ well i don’t have any work tomorrow…you?” matt inquired
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“ i mean i would have went regardless but i too have been gifted the temporary release of enslavement… but more then that im just happy i don’t have to walk you home..” kurtis answered in exhagguration with relief floating above his heart and mind.
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“ but its only like a 15 minute drive?” matt pointed
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“ the words of someone who’d never had to walk every day of there life amount to very little bulletins on a power point” which was kurtis way of saying that matthews point was not a very valid one knowing that he typically drives back and forth to work unlike kurtis who mostly walks with the addition of waiting for trains and buses to get him there and thats if nothing goes wrong.
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After the combined effort of a hour from walking, waiting, and riding transport. They eventually make it back to the apartment complex. Kurt’s apartment door is labeled 335-A the one they were heading to however is just on the left 336-A. Kurt rammed his fist into the door giving it the knock as one does. It takes a moment… then a little longer before it opens. To greet them was a girl named sophia. A tan, box of crayola headed person of an adult who perhaps seemed to have too much time on there hands…148Please respect copyright.PENANAfQwWLXizBb
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“ oh hey big chungus, what brings you here?” she spoke in a whisper like tone…a moment glancing at her it was clear what was going on with her, the white of her eyes were a light pink.
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‘ jesus, shes already baked? Its only been a hour’ kurtis screamed in his noggin. A deep inhale and then exhale.148Please respect copyright.PENANAlKzVpjPUtw
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“ sophiaaa, my dear child, you invited us over just a hour ago…did you forget” kurt sung in what seemed like the tone of a mother talking to there adult aged child. It was a regular occurance yet for some reason she always kind of forgot when she was baked like this…
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“ i did?” sophia replied in her confusion before checking her phone, scrolling threw notifications.
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“ Oh I DID, well come on in…” sophia springs to life with realization of the last hour of events
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“ sigh what are you high on this time” kurt inquired
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“ you know i can’t smoke in here chung,chung… oh, hey is little chum coming?” she inquired in what seemed like a drunken stupor of weed or edibles
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“ who’s little chum?” matthew cross-questioned
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“ oh it’s little chum hi little chum” she spoke with glee. Sophia rushes toward matthew giving him what could only be called a bear hug.
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“ wait, Im little chum” matthew confirmed148Please respect copyright.PENANAHGLjAcAeEz
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“ oh yes you are little chum, yes you are.” Sophia established affectionately148Please respect copyright.PENANAdHw471WoTX
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“ i don’t think she’s ever called me that” matthew presumed to kurtis
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“ yea… she must be really off her rocker… we’ll just have to baby sitter a bit till she comes down.” kurtis insisted
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“ is that why she invites you to her place?” matthew inquired
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“ its one of the reasons… hey sophia, can we play the game, i know thats what you invited us about but being this …roasted you probably don’t remember” kurtis cross-examined lightly.
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“ game? Oh yea the game, I’ll get some snacks” sophia spoke estatically as she ran to the kitchen.148Please respect copyright.PENANAr0yvBGVEky
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“ okay take your time” kurtis chimed.
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Kurtis and matthew headed towards sophia’s room this is was typically where her game set up was still despite being over so many times for matthew it made his uneasy for whatever reason. Its appearance was neon, dark with neon colors that adorned the place as if it was some kind of rave party. A twin sized bed, plushes of characters reflecting several fandoms, anime and game franchises. Bean bags and of course the giant flat screen Television… matthew and kurtis took there seat upon the beam bag and of course knowing sophia would be too high kurtis turned on the game console.
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Sophia’s console was called a Playstation 7 effectively smaller then the generational PS6 and PS5. its designed in such a way that almost all of it is deemed as customizable allowing one who is competent and tech savey enough to design and engineer there own console. And controllers… games now adays are sold and played digitally but the more old school still prefer to burn it on a CD from time to time out of Nostalgia. The game they were playing wasn’t important as most games had been pushed into a multi-media platform where normal players could just make there own games commonly inspired by media platforms like robloxs, minecraft and dot-big-bang. So alot of what they were doing was shifting in and out of either simple or complex games
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They spent the first 30 minutes to a hour playing video games before sophia intrude with snacks. A platter of junkfood, and other processed foods such as pizza rolls, pot-stickers and microwavable egg-rolls. Matthew reached for what appeared to be a gummy worm and less surprising then not kurtis inter sected laying a hand upon matthews.
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“ the sweet junk foods laced” kurtis insisted which was his way of saying that what he was grabbing was probably a edible. Which was made specifically for kurtis. Normally a person might take 5 or even 20 mg of THC but for some reason kurtis easily needs at least 40x that dosage to feel the effects. sophia believes it might have something to do with him being a bigger person, so its typically dangerous for matthew to have any normally Sophia separates them but being this roasted she probably couldn’t focus very well.
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“ sophia did you take your thing” kurtis inquired 148Please respect copyright.PENANAIRt9ggGuIL
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“ Uh-huh, im feeling kinda sleepy already, so im gonna crash, see you in the morning, Kay” sophia spoke with a hazy tone. Sleeping of the weed was possible proven to be the best way to climb down from the high. Anything else and the wait just seemed like torture and much like in any funny hentai or anime when she was high with company for too long her sexual advances treaded on the edges of rape. That doesn’t sound bad when that company is 2 guys except that one naturally lives in fear of it and the other is uncomfortable with the topic of sex in general. So it gets akward pretty quickly.
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“ good girl” kurtis chimed. Sophia giggled to herself like a school girl perhaps she had a praise kink or something148Please respect copyright.PENANArOMfkXCm00
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“ isn’t it already morning.” matthew noted
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“ yea but she’s roasted so she doesn’t know that” kurtis rectified.
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The two continued there game play well into the morning and afternoon until the time when both would inevitable fall asleep while playing the game. Unusually matthew before kurtis.
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