It was getting late, midnight was fast approaching. Julie could almost hear her mother yelling at her. She was either way facing some ground time, but it didn't matter.
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She had checked all of their old hang spots. The areas where they had spent the most time together, like the under the bridge skatepark that to this day was covered in the graffiti she herself had drawn, or the many cafes they had ate at and spent hours and hours talking.
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"Where the hell is he?" Julie asked desperately as if the end of the world was fast approaching.
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She ran down Grant Avenue, she sprinted down Lombard street as well as haughty street, she was losing patience, and her stamina was almost down too zero. She was about to give up hope as midnight was fast approaching. It was then that she noticed it, the broken glass that covered the streets, as well as the smell of smoke coming from the far off distance.
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Julie walked with caution as she wished to ascertain the disturbance from afar. The more she pressed forward, the more the city grew more and more chaotic and disarranged and soon unrecognizable as she witnessed stain blood that splattered against the pavement, the severed limbs of unknowable people that littered all corners of the streets.
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She could hardly speak as she looked upon torn flesh and broken bone stained with blood. This scene, this horror was all to familiar, for she had seen it every time she closed her eyes, every time she had dared to dream.
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"God Trevor where are you?" Julie asked as tears welled up in her eyes.
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Somewhere inside her heart, their was a voice telling her to turn around and do the Sensible thing like call the police, or at least go and find someone to walk into hell with her. But up ahead she knew that she would find Trevor and that thought alone was enough to move her forward.
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She had known him her whole entire life. She and Trevor where pretty much inseparable and to this day he was the only one she had told of the strange creatures she had continued to see in her dreams. She couldn't lose him, not to this horror that belonged only in her dreams.
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She moved through the destroyed roads, she stepped over the mangled bodies that where no longer recognizable. The air smelled like death and she could even detect the rotten smell of iron from the large amounts of blood spilled everywhere. She could barely keep from vomiting, from all the gore.
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She looked past the dead, and the destruction as she heard the painful groans that echoed from afar. It was the voice of a man, she knew that for sure. She stayed quite and low as she moved forward, with every step more things became ever more clear and soon she saw two individuals standing in the middle of a circle of fire.
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She squinted her eyes all in order to get a closer look, with strained vision she could see it, one man who looked thin and scrawny lifting up another man who was much more muscular by the throat, while smiling. This scrawny man indulging in such cruelty, she knew who this man was, even though half of his face was covered in darkness, she knew him all to well, the very shape oh his body, heck even though she would never admit it she even remembered his smell. His name was held on the very edge of her lips, her heart seemed to do a quadruple backflip as she saw him.
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"Trevor!" She yelled out as she ran forward. Julie's eyes seemed to go blind to all the destruction and carnage that surrounded her. "What are you doing?!"
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Julie looked on with uncertainty as Trevor's face was hidden from view. He didn't move one inch as he continued to hold tight to the man's throat with unnatural strength.
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"Trevor please, let that man go..." Julie spoke quietly.
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She hoped that this madness would end, that she and Trevor could just go home and act like nothing ever happened.
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It was only when Trevor began to turn around and the darkness began to recede from his face, that she realized that, that wish was probably not going to become true.
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Julie backed away as she gazed upon a face completely covered in blood, his very hair was soaked in crimson liquid, and his eyes where a pale grey.
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Julie could hardly breath. "Trevor." Julie said wanting desperately to run away, for those grey eyes where all to familiar. She had bore witness to them every night. "What happened to you?"
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"Julie..." Trevor spoke as if he where just awakening from a dream. He looked at Julie as if she where a strange never before creature. It was then his skin started to pile back revealing an ugly smile.
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She saw them peeking out from behind his lips. Teeth thin and yet sharp. Frightened Julie watched as raw flesh was held tightly in between each tooth. It almost made her sick.
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"Oh Julie, you came at the wrong time." Trevor looked down sorrowful.
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Painful moans echoed through the area as the man that Trevor held by the throat struggled to no avail. it was only after a loud sickening SNAP, that the man grew limp in Trevor's grasp.
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Trevor let go of the strangers neck and with a smile watched as the man fell to the ground unmoving. "You never had good timing, did you my friend?" Trevor said while looking almost normal. "Well no matter..." Trevor beamed as a realization invaded his mind. "I was going to have to kill you sooner or later."
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Julie felt a cold chill run up her spine as she heard words she never thought Trevor would ever say.
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"Your not Trevor, who the hell are you?
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