I wake up with a thud. "What the f-..?" A strand of my hair drips wet. I slowly reach up to touch my wet strand. "Huh..?" I feel a sharp pain on my scalp and quickly pull my hand away, revealing wet blood splattered on my fingertips.
As I stand up, I'm hit with a wave of nausea. So, here we are again. I try to walk to the far door, but my ankle is buckled to the bedpost. "Well, that's new." I stumble over to the bed, trying to unbuckle myself. No use, I need a key.
I hear footsteps echoing outside my door. A large man (about 6'2 in height and 254 pounds) walks in. He has a scar running down his face (heh-, I did that last time), and tattoos. LOTS of tattoos. He's wearing a tight black shirt that shows his muscles, and army pants.
"Hello, Ace," I say with a dark tone. I wobble over to him and hug him, running my arms along his chest and up to his neck. "Miss me?" I lean in close to his face, almost as though I was going to kiss him. He pushes me down on the bed. "Nice try," he says, "but I'm not falling for that again."