In the heart of the storm, the light of your promise fades, like dawn that never arrived. No word can describe the pain of betrayal, like a starless night where I now wander senselessly. Our love was once as solid as a rock, now it has become sand slipping through fingers, lost in the whirlpool of deceit.
Your lies are like a spider’s web, carefully woven to catch my trust. Eyes that once shone with honesty now conceal secrets that sting like salt on an open wound.
Every step in the shadow of deceit is like walking through an unknown landscape, where promises have become empty phrases, and love has lost its meaning.
Your touch, once a secure anchor, now carries the weight of doubt. And as the heart breaks under the burden of betrayal, I remain lonely in a space that was once filled with love.
Our story is now just a chapter in the book of betrayal, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth like the last page of a book, read with tears in the eyes.
We have been betrayed by what we thought was indestructible, and we remain only a shadow of what we once were.