I look at my desk and on it there is a paper with the big words Apply to be an intern for Borg I.N.C. Should I apply? I mean Terrrance is an intern there and we could work there together. I decided not to though, because I have to much going on. So many thoughts are in my head at the monet like where dig the robot guy head to ,or how was the man who called him self rage ? any way I cant answers them cause I have to head to school.
as school ends I chilled in my last class until she come. Blair Alcor, The worst girl in school. She acts so good damn anoying to anyone. anyone expect me. Why you may ask . That because she has a HUUUGGGEEEe crush on me. I known her for a long time. like I knew her before she turns anoying. Anyway she pushes treance and says"Go away you loser" to him. Meanwhile I'm talking to Amelia and she turns green with envy she soves Amelia away and starts to talk to me .
"Hey Owen" She says "I was going to get a burger and I wanted to know if you wanted to come?'.
"No I don't "I grumble to her "Now if you excuse me , I'm going to hang with these so called losers". I grab Terrance and Amelia's hands , which cause Amelia to blush a little.
At night I patrol the city in silence.The city is filled with broght neon lights everywhere. I think this is what makes Rizon a bueatiful city. I sitdown for a while and think about my friend and my life . Then I think of Amelia. I think of her smile, her kindness and how much I want to asked her out. Then I see a man off the corner of my eye. It's him. the robot man. I quitly,but quickly follow him . He runs for about a couple of minutes till I realize where he is going to. He rentrunig to the Borg inc building. I see him smash into the building. And follow him into the build. inside I see people worried and Terrance was there. he wasn't scared. in fact , he looked happy.William Borg is there too. he rushes out of the room.
"Hey Kid"I tell the robot man"Whats your name"
"Tech"He says Which shocks me. thats the first time he had ever talked. then I turn to William Borg.
"Mr Borg ,places evacuate every one" I yell at him"This could get messy."
Me and Tech fight while Will tells everyone to leave . Using is metal arms . Tech attempts to punch me but I keep dodging . i see people still in here worried . I needed to get them out.
I punch the roof to trap tach under the rubble, which works. I help the people leave the building. I here a "Help" and see Terrance falling of the hole in building. And notice teach freed I'm self. He jumps out the same hole.
"Don't worry terance" I yell. I jump of the building to find Terrance on the floor, he had fallen 10 stories to the floor.
Terrance say something "I tell him with my wimpering voices
"Owen" he wimpers "Tech he-"
"I know what he did"I interupt Terrance"And I'll stop him"
The paramedics take trennace away.
"teach, the man who hurt my freind"I says to myself"That son of a Bitch"
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