It sit in a waiting room.Alone. Terrance in the hospital. I Couldn,t believe it. Terrance was tough and strong. I hurts to think that the strong man Terrance was was know in the hospital.And a to think about the will man who did , was a whole nother story
"Mr Owen"The nurse says looking at me"You may see Terrance in his room"
I open the door . To see Terrance in casts. He's fine though .
"Hey Owen "he said"its good to see you"
"Yeah"I told him"How did you survive that fall with only a few casts"
"Some one "he says"Some one saved me"
"who"I ask him
"I don't know but , I need to ask you to do something."
"Yeah what is it"
"I need you to cover me for my intern ship"
"Fine, I will"
After that conversation it was silence
"Owen I can't lie to you"Terrance says to break the silence"I know who saved me its-"
Before he can says who saved him the nurse says I need to go because Terrance need x rays. Don't worry Terrance, I'll find out who did it
The next Day I start my intership for Borg inc. I go to the building and there to meet me is none other than Mr Borg himself.
"Ah , hello Owen Miguel "he says while putting his hand out ,which I shake. "I understand you will be our replacment for Terrance." He shows me to my desk and start to work. I file papers,make coffee orders and make calls. while I use terrances computer, I see a file called FILE X which I take a look at it. In it is see blue prints of robots. Robots the looked like they could fight. Before I could looked further is see William in the corner of my eye and click off.
After 5 long hard hours, I am free. I heard to an alleyway and put on my mask. I the climb up a building and search. I search for Tech, The man who made Terrance in pain. I search long and hard for him but after 3 hours , it seems like all hope is lost then I see him. He climbs on a building and is just standing there.I run towards him. I run like lighting. I activate my power or to shout at him.
"Hey tech"I Yell"Take this" I rush towards him and unleash my power orb It hits him like a boulder. The power orb activates my power fists and I punch many times.He counters with a bast and it gets me to stop my punches
"Oh I'm not done with you " I say"You will pay for hurting Terrance"
"I didn't hurt him "Tech yells. he then stops his attacks."I saved him"
"How can I trust you"I growl at him.
"You want proof "he says "here" He takes of is mask and combs how wild hair.I gasp to see he isn't a random man,He Cye Borg, Williams son
"Cye"I Yell"why would you be trying to ruin your dad's plans?"
"Because his plans are lies. he wants to rule Rizon " He expalains"If you don't trust me, the follow me.
He runs and I follow him we head towards the Borg INC HQ. At the roof he opens an Ac duct and we hop in.
"So"I say"When did you know your dad was... you know evil"
"I knew when he talked to aymaris "He explains"She helps my dad with his work"
Finally we reach the room of the safe with the Borg chip.
"only a code can open this safe"Cye tells me"Luckily I know the code".he enters the code and it opens. I grab it of the pedestal and look for a computer . I insert the chip in it and open the file. in it is robot blue prints, not ones to help Rizon . but ones to harm the city. and the largest one has blasters.
"These robots"I say"They'll destroy rizon city"
"Yeah"Cye said"Only me an Terrance knew. But once my father found out Terrance knew his plan, he wanted to make sure Terrance was out of the picture.
Then sirens blast out loud noises and robots rush towards and blast beams at us.121Please respect copyright.PENANA614YopIY3l
"Run"I yell to Cye . We rush out of the room with the Borg chip in my hand. we navigate through the hallways a look for exit.
"There getting close"Cye informs me. We continue running the we turn towards a hallway the notice its a dead end. We're done for. When the robots were about to baslt us in to pieces and green none sword cuts one of the robots. another sword hits a different bot and a guy , around our age ruchs and kick the robots. Thecye and I realize who it is. It's Terrance. Cye then to help Terrance beat up the robots and I do too.121Please respect copyright.PENANAjcbUSuRaOx
"Thanks Terrance"I tell him121Please respect copyright.PENANAhCOhmalDyB
"No problem"Terance smiles"I'm guessing Cye told you about all of this stuff."
"Yeah"Cye says"I have informed Owen obout Wills plan."
"Oh on more thing"terances says."William borg will unleash his plan on the reveal day in 3 days. Im sure William will have a backup plan"121Please respect copyright.PENANAhlaJAU0mEQ
"alright"I tell him.121Please respect copyright.PENANA4hwGJLrNXj
After all the robots are beat up we find the exit and leave the building.
Well,It looks like I have a new mission
They cye files NO.3121Please respect copyright.PENANAg1BhQTdA1v
I finally have Owen on my side. this will help fight dad and his plan.terrance still need a check up before he needs to back to school. so he wont be chere for a while.
from121Please respect copyright.PENANA4pPbuwYG1q
Cye borg121Please respect copyright.PENANAr7deqK0AqY
_______________________________________________________________121Please respect copyright.PENANAwgZIJX7o1F
3 DAY TILL REVEAL DAY 121Please respect copyright.PENANA2J6mJ9qBVp
121Please respect copyright.PENANAsXgmE4lvid