The prince does not ask for his crown. The damsel does not need to be rescued. The king does not rule from his throne. The princess does not want a prince charming. The pirate does not enjoy his plunder. The assassin does not kill out of bloodlust.
Seek neither a crown nor a war, for Captain Kilyan knows not what he is in for.
{ a Legend of Luven // the Corrupt Crown Chronicles, book one }
{ r e m a r k s }
Yes, this story will eventually return, hopefully by the end of 2019. However, it is not the same as it was before. I have changed names and certain details because I want this story to be as strong as I possibly can make it. If you've read an earlier version, I hope you think this one improves upon the last greatly. If you're new to this story, welcome. I hope I do not disappoint.