Born from vivid, intertwined dreams, this story unveils a servant and king trapped in an obsessive dance of love, power, and infatuation...
In the world of Sylora where power and connections determine your survival, Sehren Holde finds herself thrust into a life of servitude after her father's death. She is determined to endure until a fateful encounter with masked man triggers the avalanche that will bring Sehren to the center of the political conflict.
It is a tale of forbidden love, half truths and unforeseen destiny.
♡♡♡ Looking forward to reading suggestions and comments. ♡♡♡
Once upon a time, in the hills of The Gilded Kingdom, lived a Princess raised with the purpose of one day becoming The Greatest Queen of Aurelia.
As a proper royal, she must dress well, behave well and attain all the knowledge from the piles of books in the shelves of the Great Library and, of course, find her People's future King through a traditional ball hosted in her home as a pretense for a contest among all the nobles that must prove themselves worthy of her hand.
But what happens if the Princess prefers swords rather than dresses, or adventures rather than balls? And one night she wishes not to hold her title anymore.
In the twists and turns of the pretentious aristocrats that now occupy her home, the Princess might find true love or a broken heart. Each way shall guide her to the life she ever craved for - or so she thought.
A new journey begins in a frigid evening of crimson snow when the nine kingdoms rise from all the corners of the world.
#1 of The Gilded Kingdom series
"You," he sighed, "I think you are the one, the incarnation of Divine Ladyship the Courteous Maiden."
Siya was just a simple girl. Her life revolved around homework, parents, school, and friends. That was until she started having strange nightmares about a man. It couldn't be so important. It was just her dream. However, her life takes a whole new turn after she meets the man she saw in her dreams. She discovers she isn't what she thinks she is at all. She is a werewolf. At least, that's what they told her.
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Dante and Enzo wanted to be friends but they met at the wrong place and time.
The planet Midara had never received visitors until the humans arrived. The Midarans welcomed them with open arms, however, the humans were frightened of the Midaran power. Tensions began to rise and neither species was willing to give up. Follow the story of Dante, Prince of Midara, and Enzo Lucifero, a human boy with a mysterious ancestry, try to end the war and uncover the mysteries behind the Lucifero family and the Midaran powers.
feedback is welcome
According to her late grandfather's will, Rhea was to inherit his mansion. She was to live alone in an unfamiliar land. She had always lived with her grandma, two villages from her grandfather, but now that her grandmother had asked her to earn money and stay in what was now her house, she came to Haion. Will this new change be a memory she will run to or something she has to run from?
Die Twice is a short story that narrates the changes Rhea Galanis goes through in her life when she grows and makes her decisions.
Anyone immune to slight mentions of violence, rich brats, marriages, rude people, thugs who break the walls of your home, starving, only one inseparable bond, death, tons of advice, nightmares, a good king, a good heart and a happy ending can read this story.
If you are reading this story, then welcome! Tell me your opinions cuz I would love to hear them. I hope you have a good time!
I love my dad, the king. And I love my mom, the queen. They are so kind and full of love. They are good people. I know that they're good people. So why are all these people against them? Why are all these people saying such provocative things?
Elanor is young, spoiled and sheltered from the world after her mother’s death. That all changes when she’s forced to face the reality of the war her father started and the consequences that came with it.
The seventeen-year old is Queen. She should be happy about that, right? She's not only married but she's married to the king.
She's not only married but she's married to the king. She's got a husband who has money and power and rank. Someone she can honour and obey and give herself to. Someone who will provide for her as long as she stays in line. As long as she stayed quiet, stays submissive, stays without an opinion, stays calm and ladylike and (of course) beautiful. As long as she stays worthy of love, worthy of belonging, worthy of what he gives to her.
The seventeen-year old is Queen.
That means she has giant, ornate palaces, crystal chandeliers, hundreds of dresses, and a bunch of food she can't actually eat but can indeed stare at (fat women aren't attractive after all).
The peasants, the people lower down on the hierarchy, don't have that. They don't have food, often, as the price of bread can soar too high for them to buy it. They don't have warmth in the winter, or medicine for when they're sick. What they do have is hard work. Hard work and calloused palms, calloused fingers, calloused feet.
And her heart reaches out to them. But what does her heart know? It's not her place to have opinions.
She has to be loyal. To her man. ... Unless... unless her loyalty truly belongs with someone else.
Maybe the thing she has to be is brave.