Tarinelve is a dark, character-driven fantasy set in a fractured peninsula dominated by three warring human kingdoms. The story follows Roderich, a boy of mysterious heritage, as he is torn from his humble origins and thrust into a world of politics, magic, and beasts.
The illusion of life and the desire for power often cloud us. They change our views, bias our hearts, justify our wars. But even though power demands payment, will that stop you from fighting for your dreams?
In a universe where gods run rampant, mages decide the flow of history, and eldritch horrors hide in the darkest crevices of creation. Power and the right to command it and its consequences is earned, bled for, died for. Does the fire of hope shine bright, or does it burn black?
Where evil boasts its name aloud and good slinks away wretchedly in the shadows, will you bend your knee? Or will you ascend and join the mighty legends?
What is a king to a god?
What is a god, to a non-believer?
The Canadian government has been discriminating against First Nations children for many years. Currently, First Nations children, families, and communities don’t get the services they need, including for education. What’s even more horrifying is the fact that many children are being taken from their loving families and put into foster care, which is horrifically traumatic. This is my Have a Heart Day letter to the Canadian government asking them to stop discriminating against First Nations children and to start treating them justly. Please read it, and send one of your own. If you want to do more research, go to http://fncaringsociety.com.
Disclaimer: This book has been re-written!
The story follows the tumultuous lives of its characters as they navigate a web of power struggles, family loyalty, and personal growth. The story centers Kayetana Burchart(Kaye) and her family, as she navigates the treacherous waters of high school dynamics, dealing with past trauma, social scandals, and the power plays of the High Society. Her resilience and determination to reclaim her narrative are central to the plot. The complex family dynamics of the Founding Families and the Burchart's and the dark, vengeful nature of her father, Victor Burchart add layers of intrigue and tension to the personal and political aspect of the plot. Themes of power, revenge, family loyalty, and personal growth are explored, creating a rich and immersive must-read.
The hands of God has always been on my destiny, The plans of God has always beenthe One blessing me, Correct when I’m wrong God, Protect me in a song God,Jesus is our Shepherd, We fighting for you thru our effort, They igniting thebeast for the endeavor.
God put me on high, God so good He won’t lie, God said you shall live and not die,I’m breaking generational curses with the biblical verses, Now they see I’m notbroken, Now I’m free without the token, Now it be that I ain’t joking.
I seen those who smile turn to a wolf in the wild, Only God knows who been in thetruth for a while, Really consecrated in the Lord, They don’t feel me causethey understated in the war, Got to heal to be concentrated when you score.
I ain’t hesitant, I’m heaven sent, Angelic heart, I won’t sell my heart, I knowmy worth, My glow won’t die with earth, Your soul is before the birth, JesusChrist is the key to eternal life, Love will suffice when you free of theinferno jive.
What you living for, Are you giving more, Do you know we’re in a war, Jesus willalways be Lord, Sin is something we can’t afford, That’s what Christ came for,We ain’t watching the final score, Take caution on the vinyl floor, Don’t wantno idol award.
Root branch of Jesse, Truth grants you mercy, I’m in perfect peace, Not with theworship of the beast, God is my provider, Always told me be a fighter, Timeswhere I pulled all nighters, Searching for truth, Purging the sins cause Jesusis the truth.
Pray for peace, Don’t play with the beast, Destruction is tombing, Instruction isbooming, Examine yourself, Why flex to gamble your health, Folks tripping.Yokes gripping, Cast your burdens on the Lord, The past can’t burn the sword.
As believers of Jesus we need to endure until the end to be saved, The deceiverstry to delete us cause we have the seed of the pure to repent to destroy thegrave, Trials and tribulations, They trying to brand the simulation, Stay flyno imitation.
I want to live a blessed life not my best life, Not saying I want the worst, I’m
praying I break the curse, It’s about living fulfilled, It’s about giving morefilled, Thanks where it’s due, God is always new, Ancient of Days, Got tosanction their ways.
Keep your heart fixated on the Lord, It’s deep cause the start was dictated by thewar, Whether it be psychological or biological they aiming the darts, Lifeain't astrological that’s why the world is diabolical in the dark.
I ain’t turning back even when they turned their back, I was lost and now I’mback, I don’t need no back up even when they act up, Christ said Jonah, What’sthe sacrifice of the owner, Have no fear of the devil, The wrath is so near onany level.
Keepyour heart from falsehood, Peep your start in the pulse wood, How is the world world divided, The Word is decided, What God says is valid, They fake like a crouton salad, flexible silence like a futon ballad, Thank You Jesus, They can’t blankyou in Jesus.
Are you turning right or left, The war is to burn the light of breath, We know thedark forces can’t win, I don’t flow with the stark voices cause they sin, I’mstriving for perfection, I’m thriving in protection, No recording me, I’m seenby God accordingly.
Blazing fire, Amazing in the choir, How many chasing the wire, How many facing theliar, Store up cause the score up, Angelic wings so we can soar up, Spiritualwar get your sword up, Metaphorically speaking, They imported the legion.
They say you make yourself a target, Without the Mark of the Beast you can’t buy in the market, Wake up before time’s up, Can’t fake up when time’s up, Took a loss, Cook up the cost, The enemy see the rising, Now my energy is etherizing.
Can’t hesitate in the present state, The frequency is officially shifting, The freecan see eventually the lifting, The veil being torn, All hell will mourn. Atthis new dimension, Only the truth is the pension, Jesus is Lord did I mention.
They say Thursday is the worst day cause no one knows about the first day, They wantyou in the hearse day cause the world coming to a cursed day, Solar eclipse is not a birthday, It's a prophecy to earth day, Jesus Christ will purge the end day.
They want you banned from society cause God’s plan is your priority, Spread the nameJesus, Thread the game due to seizures, Christ is Lord over all, The price Iswhat the devil can’t afford over all, Take heed to the silence, Fake deeds ofbalance.
When you living right you repent so you can live in light, My trajectory is skyhigh, God is protecting me that’s why I still smile, I don’t fake it withfolks, I break all the yokes, Everything ain’t about the riches, My soul inJesus as the world glitches.
The control of life belongs to God, They mock and troll on God, The thirteenbloodlines are in power, Earth’s dream is in our power, Unfortunately it’s anightmare, Most importantly does your light care, Partakers in Christ,Undertakers look for a price.
They can’t JFK me, They can’t MLK me, They can’t break me, They can’t fake me, Theycan’t make me, I ain’t paranoid, I know they got the Polaroid, Watching myevery move in Christ, Take caution cause on my head is a price, Can’t auctionmy slice.
I thank the water then squeeze the lemon, I ain’t with the beast venom, You knowwhat I mean, You know I ain’t mean, Lovingkindness, Southern silence, FEMAcamps ready for the population, Dreamer stamps ready to stop the nations, Weall need salvation.
I can’t retire until I see the saints in the choir, Give thanks you been through thefire, They blanked when I broke the wire, Spiritual rank I’m gettinghigher, The banks took an oath to be a liar to, The clank will soon be dire.
Our Saviour is risen, Our labor ain’t missing, Jesus Christ is the truth, Seizures of thesacrifice is not the fruit, God has to be your main thought, It’s hardbut it must be the sane heart, They can’t bench me, They can’t trench me, Theycan’t drench me.
I’m real no cartoon, The deal is to take your heart soon, I’m going out in a blaze,I’m growing out of that faze, You want to be a gate keeper, You want to be ahate reaper, The enemy can’t haunt me cause the slate deeper, Countdown to thestate sleeper.
God’s love is in every season, The doves don’t bluff for any reason, Justice isalways being served, Above this God’s footstool is earth, Don’t fake it withthe low vibes, They won’t make it with the old pipes, Don’t play with theworld, Pray for the world.
Study the playbook. It’s muddy if they slay you with the hook, Have no fear, Thewrath is all year, Their craft is ball gear, Focus on God always, That hocus isin them all days, Better repent, Weather is intent, God is King, God is myeverything.
All praises to learn God. All faces need to turn to God, Look within, The book isnot a myth of sin, Biblical power, Spiritual power, All in righteousness, Thefall is the crisis ain't blessed, Cold freezing brains, Gold squeezing grains.
What’s in the Bible is truth not news, What’s in the idol is the fruit of fools, Whocares about the mundane, Who dares about the sun’s pain, Got to see therainbow, Got to free the angels, The world is scripted, The Word is gifted.
God meant every word said, We must repent or live dead, Trust the intent to givebread, Christ came to save, The sacrifice was to defeat the grave, The price todelete me I’m still brave, Perfect peace, I don’t worship the beast.
The Lord's faith defeated the grave, God ain’t stupid, God ain’t cupid, Once you automatic with the heart, Don’t matter how acrobatic the dark, Season ofrepentance, They leasing inventions, Keep living right. Peep the living night,Focused, No hocus.
Get right with the weather, Get light as a feather, We’ve been perplexed by earth’stest, We been bruised but we still didn’t lose, We’ve been crushed but stilldidn’t budge, We’ve been confused but God we choose, We’ve been in despair but westill spared.
Repentance is to your benefit, The entrance is the core element, The exit is also important, They flex it until they lose the fortune, Take care of your healthand wealth, I surrender to God, I’m not a pretender to God.
The flow is God driven, The glow is God given, To know is God living, Keep yourheart detoxed of all evil, Peep their heart in the tv box of the ego, Keep the law of the heart in the hard knocks of the legal, Don’t collide with the wall,God overrides all.
The Word Is power, The world is sour, You stuck on the milk but it’s time for themeat biblically talking, You knuck on the silk but it's time for the heatspiritually talking, Exposure cause the sun getting brighter, Composure causethey getting the spider.
Lovely words of peace, Above me is the words of please, Making sure my ways areblameless before God, Ain’t gon fake it cause I’m pure for the days areshameless before God, Can’t take the cure in the praise for the baseless beforeGod.
I plead the energy of love, I need the energy of the dove, Lord increase ourfaith, Jesus’ heart to save, Believers will defeat the grave, Show the kindnessof peace, I know behind us is the beast, God is our protector, God is ourdirector.
Plant a seed of love in Christ name, They chant a deed of above in the sacrificegame, Just know what happened on the cross wasn't a joke, What I know I ain’tcapping cause without Jesus it’s a loss and yoked, We freeing the pulse, Weseeing the results.
Heal from the past days, Real cause we’re in the last days, Even if it wasn’t stillgot to keep it integretized, Lot of folks leaving the gift to fill the dot tobe incentivized, Today is to do God’s will, They call a new play to make ithard in the real.
I ain’t decaying, my spirit red dot em, They slaying folks saying I got em, Theypreying I hit rock bottom, I ain’t playing got to lock Sodom, Your enemies arereal close, They want your energy sealed closed, The world is sold The Word isgold.
If you love God then you hate evil, If you have the dove it’s hard when your fatethey grieve you, Guard your heart cause they won’t believe you, The joker cardwill try to deceive you, The world is dark they won't receive you, They try tobob and weave you.
The world is going to get flamed up, The Word is going to get blamed up, We gon seewho was selling, We gon see who was telling, The flesh profits nothing, Thefresh stops it punting, We’re in a spiritual war, We’re in a biblical war.
We building, Rebuilding, We in the building, God’s children, All races, All faces,It’s not about flesh and blood, It's about who's fresh in love, Strive to walkthe narrow path, Thrive to talk the marrow raft, Holy spirit, Only the fakefear it.
We’re at war, You gon hear me roar, I’m gon soar. Been running I ain’t sore, Theytried to put vodou on me cause they seen the guru in me, The light got themnervous, The night they’re at service, Jesus is Lord over all, Increase us thegame over in fall.
I just want to be godly, They playing like it’s oddly, I’m praying even morehardly, I know that they can’t guard me, Energy been on fire, Enemy been aliar, Every nation riddled with skull evil, Innovation griddled with no ego.
They can’t understand me so they try to underhand me, Don’t let anybody faze you,Don’t let anybody maze you, Be right in the heart, It’s always been light in the start, Candle flow, They can’t handle the glow, Faith in God’s power, Grave can’t take my power.
Put his name on the cross, Put the game on pause, I ain’t playing with those who cheat me, Laws written in my heart no man can teach me, I take sound advice if needed, Can’t fake the found when Christ is seeded, Can’t take the ground inany heist deleted.
We headed to the mountain top, They dreaded cause the ocean gon drop, Got thepeople watching, Got the evil at caution, I know they want me on a poster, Theglow certified like kosher, They ball in the dark to the blind, Law written inmy heart and mind.
Get your heart right, Get your heart’s light, Are you filled with the holy spirit,God’s will is for the beast to fear it, Can’t be lukewarm in your mood version,Being only good is not making the cut in the purging, You need Christ, The onlyseed of price.
Only Godcan book you, They can’t rook you, They can’t mook you, They can’t shook you, They try to overlook you, They try to overcook you, They try to hook you,They try to juke you, They can’t nook you, They can’t fluke you, They can’tzook you.
Faith comes first, Saved from the curse, You must not realize that the devil is adeceiver, I only trust God who is wise on every level to the believers, Todayyou can repent and receive Jesus, New day with intent to achieve to free us.
Seek out Jesus Christ this very moment, Meek with no doubt cause they feel merry when they own it, Repentance is vital no matter what you think. Defendants is idols so don't blink, Be original, We live in divisional, God is the invincible.
I announce Jesus, I won't denounce Jesus, No breath is promised, Not even in death will I pay homage. The Lord rebuke you satan, They try to afford to recruit you in the statement, Love is truly refreshing, The dove is purely a new dimension, God I mention.
You will exist on the level when you resist the devil, Repentance is crucial, In this life you can't be neutral, In Jesus we have our being, Increase us we laugh at the demon, I look rugged caused I ain't shook I suffered, Right of truth. Light of truth.
Can't be sad again I'm the salt of the earth, Vatican timed the heart of our birth, Social security, Global impurity, Cellular discretion, Regular deception, Universal conversations, True rehearsal of the song of nations, Lord's choir, Sword's fire.
Ought to be in the fire of grace, Heart to be flyer in space, The Word is the investment, The world is a testament, Don't want material riches cause the video glitches, Peace is bestowed within, The beast is restored in sin, No lease we score to win.
Nothing to be scared of, Everything to be aware of, God said all things are taken care of, E equals MC squared as love, It's illegal to flare the dove, Feel what I'm saying, Heal the heart of praying, Worship the living God, Our purpose is living for God.
Seep the Word in your spirit, Keep the Word in your spirit, Control yourself with practice and discipline, My soul is the breath of justice in the innocent, The secrets of God, There is no regrets in God, Nature is our sanity, Danger is their vanity.
My life turned around now they want my life burned to the ground, The victory is in our Saviour, The mystery is in our labor, Jesus Christ is the one I talk about, Lead us in the rights of the sun so we can walk about, That's for everyone, Stats for everyone.
I care about the next verse in the Bible not the album, Folks aware of the curse of the idol of talcum, Growing in spirit, Glowing in spirit, They test you. They can't bless you, Pay them no mind, Don't play with no mind, Under the sun we're all one.
I just speak truth, It's a must to be meek in truth, When they see you progressing they start to stop you getting more blessings, Ain't gon happen, God told me I was wrong for clapping, Now most songs are for trapping, I don't get along with those mapping.
Folks don't get me cause they tried to bet me, Only if God let me, Now they realize since they met me, Watch for the flies they can't sweat me, Starch the lies they can't set me, They launch the skies to jet me, They crunch the cries to net me.
Heal from the sickness of false witness, People try to drive you crazy, The evil is to drive you swayze, Be a warrior not poorer, Rich in faith, They glitch cause I'm saved, Endure until the end, Ensure the sun is still to repent.
Been through the struggle, Sins I used to juggle, Now I repented is the time all the evil being invented, I have no part in the wicked, I can't laugh in my heart if you wicked, We're under Christ not Moses, There's thunder in the lights of roses.
You see people's true character when you win, You see evil's true character when you sin, We ought to be blameless before God, The heart is same bless before God. They try to downplay your light, Only God crowned you in the day of the night.
Raise the hertz cause it hurts that they want to see me in a hearse, Not new age, Now they got new rage, Same plans cause of the game plans, Born again cause they raise the horns again, Jonah is this generation's only sign, Owner of preparation is all grind.
Words seasoned with grace of no grumbling, Birds reasoned with space no tumbling, Stop cussing. Stop fussing, Take control of your reality with the love of God, Don't fake control of your reality with the made up odd, Last rodeo, Last holy road.
Couldn't brainwash me, Couldn't pain squash me, They added heaps of garbage, But I was steeped in knowledge, Knew my God, True to my God. Realize my faith got to get built up, Revitalize my faith to get the filth off.
The Rock of our salvation a lot of people don't rock with it, The stock of the generation is unlocking the myth in it, Just know Jesus is the real deal, You must know Jesus to heal in the zeal, God's hands on our life, God's plans in our life.
My trust is in God not the beast, I must listen to God in peace, The message is to everyone, Don't guess it when the enemy blitz everyone, God wants you to make it, God doesn't want you to fake it, Repent and receive Jesus cause they invent new seasons.
Radio frequency, Last rodeo we can see, No need to stockpile, The seed on the rock mile, I'm on solid ground, I'm on that olive sound, Running with overflow, They fronting like they over know, Trust in God, It's a must in God, We're the dust of God.
Lamenting, Repenting, Spirit can't be shook, They fear it cause of the book, Biblical scriptures, Spiritual riches, Love and peace, Doves won't beast, It's made up in that lease, Speaking to all people, Folks tweaking cause of all evils, Pins and needles.
Forever indebted to God, Morever I said it to God, The enemy will attack your mind, My energy attract the score sign, They know I'm real but I ain't with no deal, Still my concern to feel one hundred, Still on my journey to heal the flooded.
Ain't no switching in the holy spirit, Folks glitching cause they fear it, Pray you don't lose it, Don't pay for the music, Not saying to steal, Just let it be revealed, It must be healed, Sing praise unto God, Bring the grace unto God, Make space unto God.
Advance the movement, Add sense to improvement, Talking about removing the veil, I ain't walking assuming what you tell, Don't grieve the holy spirit, Don't leave the holy spirit, They fear your energy, Stay clear of the enemy, Last year for the remedy.
No middle ground. They wired the metal for sound, Fire petal in her crown, Tried to kettle me couldn't drown, I don't meddle in the mound, Won't settle for the bound, Can't nettle me I was found, No fear if you fettle the round, I'm here for a special noun.
The Lord made the day, You can't afford to fade in that day, Folks under a strong delusion, That yoke make them wonder in the song of confusion, Break chains and bonds, Can't fake the pain in the rounds, Jesus is my Guardian, Believers we know God again.
Got me feeling invincible, Got me healing in principle, I'm talking about that grace, I'm walking without a shadow of a doubt in new space, They act weird cause they truly fear, Karma is not a joke, That trauma made me woke, Spiritual mind, Biblical grind.
Views from my eyes, The news is for the lies, Go within to not sin, The world is grieving, The world is leaving, This is all temporary, The fall is legendary, Be lawful. The game is awful, Each soul has their own story, Beseech Jesus who is your glory.
The right strategy, The night tragedy, The light prodigy, Name the Majesty, The game is magic street, Got you at crossroads, I ain't locked at the lost codes, They mock at the cost of modes, The victory is Jesus Christ, The mystery increased us in the heist.
I don't flex cause I'm blessed, The next won't come in a text, Stop lagging and boasting, Why you tagging and toasting, Why you bragging and coasting, They know when your vibes are low, Please repent so your lives can glow, The intent is pure for your soul.
They want you to walk aimlessly, I'm surprised cause you the same as me, The sunrise melt the game as tea, Their enterprise is dealt the fee, Talking about the cabal, Unlocking what's in the wall, The world tryna fake you, God won't leave you or forsake you.
Build up your faith, N.W.O. is filth make sure you're saved, The world is turning over, The world is burning over, Not a front, Ain't no time to stunt, Order out of chaos, Won't flip a quarter for the playoffs, Endure until the end, Stay pure until the end.
Remain tapped in with Christ, Abstain from the trapped in the myth of the spiced, See the spirits roaming wild, The tea is spearmint chroming mild, The light is power. Be right in this hour, Her kiss is like a flower, The blur blitz is to devour.
Let folks see the results, The yoke is cause you are the salt, Break the chains. Don't mistake the gains, Mountaintop flow, They hunting cause I copped the glow, Gift of God with the love of God, The fruits of the spirit, The truth is they fear it.
Truth ain't lukewarm, You been warned, Feel like a newborn, See the beast with a new horn, Oxen, gold and corn, I'm unboxing the scroll it ain't torn, Reading the original form, Greeting in the subliminal storm, Now we meeting they know I transformed.
The truth is the air I see, I don't even pay no mind to no pharisee, They got the nerve to act like how dare I see, Only God I serve that's why they scared I see, Got the energy that's why they stare at me, Blot out the enemy love is the air I breathe.
Look what flew in, In the book I'm fluent, Biblical vibe, Spiritual tribe. Repentance is not the beast inventions, Stay present in God, Pray for the blessing of God, I know Jesus, The flow increased us, They showed who the real believers.
Truth been here, They soothe sin with fear, I reject the beast with authority, They reject peace that's why they have no loyalty, This ain't about flesh and blood, Don't faint when you fresh in love, Keep striving in faith, Endure until the end to be saved.
Don't judge a book by it's cover, Don't grudge life if you love her, Light heart makes for a right start, Be truthful with your soul, Free all the beautiful souls, The revelation is real, The elevation is for the real, Repent and represent.
The real is here. Heal from the fear, Nobody faking anymore, Nobody caking anymore, People want to control, They won't receive you cause the sun taking a toll, No matter who it is, I don't flatter no matter who it is.
The fruits speak for itself, My roots is meek in it's wealth, Strapped my boots to glitch death. No fear on my part, They know it's the year where it start, The glow is dear to my heart, Can't play games with people, Got to slay the game in all it's evil.
Folks expect you to know rocket science, That yoke tryna stop you by the lock of violence, So many gatekeepers, So many fate sleepers, Vibrate on the frequency of love, You can't hide hate when the free can see what you're made of.
I need a new jersey, The seed is truth's mercy, Biblical vest, Spiritual test, Jesus got the gift. The believers know they can't stop the shift, Many want knowledge not love, Many want homage not love, You can't finesse God, Give thanks and bless God.
My heart is a canvas of love, Don't be anxious just keep your thoughts on what's above, I don't need you to acknowledge me, Rather eat seeds than to be injected by technology, Know the exact truth, Society don't know how to act in the truth.
Since the battle soared, I now battle with the sword, Been in combat, Now old folks want to come back, Christ woke me up, The spice couldn't choke me up, They see a new star is emerging, The truth got me in a new heart of version.
Called, chosen and faithful, You can't ball in the closing when you not grateful, We not supposed to be splurging. We supposed to be purging, The crows circling is urgent, The heart that grows is heavenly discernment, The world is spiritually burning.
The heart is being tested, Where do we start if the world ain't rested, We got to change our capacity of compassion, Why act strange when you have the audacity to come blasting, Out of their range cause of my tenacity in the action.
I ain't counting the minutes, I'm free of the haunting spirits, How many warnings do you need, How many torments did I plead, Had to get my soul right, They mad cause they couldn't get my soul at night, I don't need no wishes, Life is full of kisses.
Military turning to police, Auxiliary burning the lease, You can't save earth, They try to enslave you at birth, Don't sleep on the world powers, Steep in the Word for hours, The beast system is being activated, The peace of my vision is why they hate it.
We know the circumstances, I glow when the earth advances, Pay them no mind when they bring low vibes, Pray for them cause you don't know where the soul resides, They try to slay the flow cause they sow the lies, You ain't got to cry when the rose dies.
I love God with all my heart, Cry with a dove cause the end is the start, Just know your mourning will turn to joy, The glow is warning the learnt not to get destroyed, All that clever talk, With Jesus I forever walk, The night will sin, The light will win.
The world mixing spiritual and technology, The Word is biblical psychology, Free your mind of the clutches, The key to unlock the crutches, God orders my steps, Brick and mortar to build the steps, Now it clicks cause you a warrior unto death.
There's no such thing as living how you want then repent after, There's much I know to sing giving praise to the One who told me to read the chapter, Biblical verses keep me in peace mode, Spiritual curses keep them in beast mode, We broke the disease code.
Your thoughts should be obedient to Christ, Your hearts should tapped into the ingredient of Christ, That of course is love, The only force is love, It's a thundering hug of peace, If you wondering they dug up the beast, Suffering cause the plug on the lease.
They had joy when I was down, Now they want me destroyed cause they feel the crown, They set a decoy so I would drown. I'm not a toy I can't be clowned, No soy in my blood I feel the sound, They can't employ love to burn to the ground, The envoy is now found.
Ain't no coincidence, The saints glow with innocence, The banks steal the currency from Genesis, Give thanks to God cause we know the emergency of the nemesis, But I ain't saving the beast, They plugged trying to enslave my peace, Don't hug the grave's lease.
The only atonement is Jesus, The holy component is the lost needs us, The Great Tribulation, The state of this simulation, Repent and receive Christ, Don't invent to deceive the sacrifice, Walk in integrity, Can't talk to the entity, Unlocking my identity.
A long time ago, there was a planet on the surface of which a real living Heart was beating. Each of its beat gave life to many wonderful creatures, and humans were no exception. Once, during a mountain collapse, they became afraid that something might happen to the Heart, and built a fence around it. And they started arguing about who is the worthiest defender of the Heart. The fence turned into a wall, and the city rose very quickly around it. Everything that people came up with was immediately brought to life by the love of the Heart. So, they created dolls to help themselves, which significantly accelerated the construction. In the time that was freed up, people took up the war. One day they closed the Heart completely, erecting a dome over it. Miracles stopped happening, and the dolls stopped coming to life. People blamed magical creatures for this and began hunting them. And in order not to stop the construction, they began to chip off pieces of the Heart and insert them into their mechanisms. The city continued to grow. Centuries have passed. The city has propped up the sky with towers. Only fragments of the Heart remained, saturating the black smoke with its breath. Factories that produce nightmarish monsters fed on it. With their help, people continue to wage war with each other for the title of the worthiest defender of the Heart. While it is dying. This is where our story begins...
This is a translation in process. So I am open for suggestions and comments on what to improve in the flow of the text.
This is a letter I wrote to the Canadian government asking them to try their best to prevent Azerbaijan from invading Armenia.
This is my letter I wrote to the Canadian government asking them to send troops to Ukraine in order to help the Ukrainian people as they fight for freedom.