Thinking about it , it wasn't anything exceptional at first. In fact the hate between us was well known around school. Being like this I couldn't admit it to him or to myself. It's strange really , I don't know how to handle this and that's rare. I always have composure , I do. But when he's around it's like with every single word he is hitting my head to the wall and let me tell you it's not a nice feeling. In fact he can actually bring up the worst in me and it's not a pretty sight. I hated how he could spin me around his fingers. It all started on a very ugly day.
" What do we have next?" Alanka asked me. I sighed and looked at my timetable.
" Can't you just look at yours instead?"
She giggled and flipped her blond hair away from her face. Her green eyes twinkling and her freckled face looked more beautiful than usual. No wonder guys run after her all the time.
" Adeline , come on it's time for Economics!" She skipped and ran.
" So much for checking the time table." I sighed to myself.
I walked behind her . my energy resources fail during the day. It was the last lesson for today and I'm pretty sure I'll fall asleep any time soon.
Guys walking by stopped to stare at Alanka , I'm not sure if it was for her beauty or because she was jumping around like a total idiot.
People always compare me to her , they say: " Why can't you be a little more joyful like her."
Okay, I guess I'm a little down the drain for power but who really cares. I'm like this , like it or not. I'm tired to try and be someone I'm not.
When we arrived , no one was there yet and we just sat down randomly.
After a while people filled the class and I just sat there head low , looking at my phone.
Alanka smiled to everyone that entered the class, I'm pretty sure she already won some hearts.
When the teacher finally arrived , I only spoke when asked and nothing more. Groups already have formed. They must have known each other before.
Being older then them puts me at a disadvantage. Or at least that's what I feel.
I felt like a pedophile when a cute guy walked past me the other day. School just started for fuck's sake.
The lesson went by quietly and it wasn't that bad.
" Phew what a day." Alanka said while stretching.
" Adeline ?" A voice behind me startled me.
When I turned around I almost choked in my own spit.
" W-What are you doing here?"
A tall handsome guy looked down to me. His brown eyes looking into mine, without a single trace of guilt.
The school was already quiet , everyone must have gone home already.
" Holly." Alanka said , with a hint of anger.
I grabbed her hand and stopped her before she said something stupid.
" Alanka , see you tomorrow?"
She knew that being here will only make things worse, so she left without another word.
I turned my attention to the guy behind me , who I'm pretty sure is looking at my ass.
" What the hell do you want?"
" Nothing much , just came to pick you up from school." He said smirking.
" There is no need for that."
I backed away from him , he grabbed my arm.
" Why are you scared of me ?"
I tried to free myself but his grip was too strong.
" I'm not."
I tried to sound brave but it wasn't working.
He pulled me to him and grabbed my jaw, his hand resting on my lower back.
" Yes you are. Is it because I broke your little heart ? So pitiful."
Tears stung my eyes but I wasn't going to let them fall in front of him . Never again.
Suddenly a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him away from me.
" Dude , we are at a school. Restrain yourself."
A guy pulled me with him and let Holly gazing back at us.
He kept pulling me , his grip was stronger than Holly's.
" Um-" I said.
" Your stupid. Letting a guy touch you like that."
His voice sounded like a growl.
I shivered.
Stopping in my tracks I pulled my hand away.
" What?" He said.
When he turned around , I couldn't deny that he was madly handsome.
" Who the hell do you think you are?" I said almost shouting.
He may be handsome but he was pissing me off.
He inched closer. His piercing green eyes looking at me.
I hated it, they looked like they are looking deep into my soul.
" Fine , next time I'll let you get raped."
He turned into his heels and started to walk away.
" He wasn't gonna rape me , plus I can defend myself bastard!" I yelled.
He just waved back.
Ugh , he pissed me off. I hope I don't see him again.