No Plagiarism!GWEhyBifhz1eprMfJib2posted on PENANA Once I arrived home , my cellphone rang.8964 copyright protection742PENANAOmI3YpEaoa 維尼
"This rington.." I sighed , already knowing where this is going. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAv1zeBgapyN 維尼
" I'm okay Alanka."8964 copyright protection742PENANA4uiIDOqizq 維尼
She was quiet. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAJuajoBbfpu 維尼
" A guy pulled me away from him." 8964 copyright protection742PENANA30594HIlzz 維尼
She squeeled.8964 copyright protection742PENANA6uXMjHNns0 維尼
I knew it.8964 copyright protection742PENANAddQocoPf8W 維尼
" Who is he ? Is he handsome ? Does he have biceps ? Well , duhh , if he pushed you away from Holly." 8964 copyright protection742PENANA2HQFlIj9YB 維尼
" All done ?"8964 copyright protection742PENANAtKo9mLeaky 維尼
She took a deep breath.8964 copyright protection742PENANA2mW5lOWcS8 維尼
" Yeah." 8964 copyright protection742PENANA9ekFNzwnA3 維尼
" I hate him." I said 8964 copyright protection742PENANA6eliAS9XR6 維尼
" Who ?" She asked sounding confused.8964 copyright protection742PENANA7hmfVVvJwx 維尼
" They guy that saved me." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAP1VVweZtuQ 維尼
" Wow , you sound pissed. That's rare." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAhkaCWG7cwr 維尼
" Ugh , you don't wanna know."8964 copyright protection742PENANA2xPQ5Pm0Iv 維尼
" Hmm , the cool and collected Adeline was pissed off." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAtSDhEWGHzd 維尼
" I want to meet him even more now." She continued.8964 copyright protection742PENANAnHfgAzQ75C 維尼
" Alanka!" I said exasperated.8964 copyright protection742PENANA0xcmZI6811 維尼
" Fine , fine. See you on Monday." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAUhE3hEC4bN 維尼
" See you." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAI7AZlG7vIm 維尼
She hung up and I crashed on the sofa.8964 copyright protection742PENANAgiPJjkEu4C 維尼
A movie was showing on the T.v , I had nothing better to do so I ended up watching it. It wasn't very interesting , actually it was obvious she would end up with the bad guy in the end , come on he was hot enough to even melt my grandma.8964 copyright protection742PENANA6hi8zh6rYk 維尼
My phone buzzed.8964 copyright protection742PENANAgeNq4TeUVy 維尼
" Girl are we going tonight?" 8964 copyright protection742PENANADDn7lRpR3h 維尼
I read the message and sighed.8964 copyright protection742PENANAsHw8IFI0CJ 維尼
" I don't know Kelsey , Holly's back." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAGGSIrA5s7V 維尼
I texted her back.8964 copyright protection742PENANA14f8FwVqwq 維尼
Not a second later my phone rang.8964 copyright protection742PENANAlkNWbRSvqk 維尼
" What ? How ? Who?" Kelsey shouted in my ear.8964 copyright protection742PENANASjdRmGXg2l 維尼
Kelsey was my best friend since we were in diapers but , I can never get over how her voice can be a hurricane to the ears.8964 copyright protection742PENANA84GsfsKEUH 維尼
I had to slightly push the phone away from my ear , waiting for her to finish.8964 copyright protection742PENANAWvvgqBLIxh 維尼
" Are you calm enough?" 8964 copyright protection742PENANAtcteN1ddxa 維尼
" Not yet." 8964 copyright protection742PENANA6c7IItmjQP 維尼
Suddenly I recald the song she laughed so stupidly over.8964 copyright protection742PENANAbaS8Uc711x 維尼
" Kelsey got a big big booty with a big big sooki." I sang.8964 copyright protection742PENANADllt7dFp9X 維尼
She laughed immediately.8964 copyright protection742PENANA9K52lWUTZB 維尼
" Fine fine I'm okay." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAZnZe0o5TUt 維尼
" He came to get me at school." 8964 copyright protection742PENANA2Bu9hoOn4R 維尼
" What?!" She screamed.8964 copyright protection742PENANAlikfSGIwsb 維尼
" Nothing happened , a guy pulled me away from him." I said trying to not scream at her myself.8964 copyright protection742PENANAMOrmi1XA2Q 維尼
She kept quiet for a minute.8964 copyright protection742PENANANaRiMzDKyn 維尼
" Who?" Her voice was low.8964 copyright protection742PENANAqHLozRtwwv 維尼
Somehow I'm gonna regret telling her.8964 copyright protection742PENANADZcZZGK6Xv 維尼
" A guy, I don't know him."8964 copyright protection742PENANAR6HBPCrw7m 維尼
" Was he handsome?" 8964 copyright protection742PENANAFSsTtFjbg1 維尼
I sighed , I knew it.8964 copyright protection742PENANACkiCly6Ap9 維尼
" No , he was a crocodile who had sex with a dolphin."8964 copyright protection742PENANAbKqGhQON4f 維尼
" Ew , Adeline!! " She said.8964 copyright protection742PENANAXaQwQk2wPT 維尼
I couldn't help but laugh. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAfY5aDsioQD 維尼
" He was handsome." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAFLMhiztK68 維尼
" I knew it." She squealed.8964 copyright protection742PENANAlS1Zk5DASN 維尼
" We have to go tonight." She continued , totally changing the subject.8964 copyright protection742PENANAlqrZ1465QF 維尼
" Why should I even be there?" 8964 copyright protection742PENANAGMROJzUtSh 維尼
" Because you are my bestie and I need you."8964 copyright protection742PENANALG5XMC4NCn 維尼
" Don't kiss my ass woman and won't Erik be there?"8964 copyright protection742PENANA1DYrDjSfzR 維尼
" Of course , but who cares."8964 copyright protection742PENANAOfykKqBL0N 維尼
I do.8964 copyright protection742PENANAB4lGezQA8G 維尼
I sighed , I can't keep up with her. A Halloween party sounds good but I'm not really in the mood tonight.8964 copyright protection742PENANA4u3teb5HUr 維尼
" You love to do make up , plus you don't need a costume. Just wear that dress and you will have people licking the floor where you stepped." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAfC10JykWzk 維尼
I rolled my eyes.8964 copyright protection742PENANAjoSLLnK5Z8 維尼
" Why that dress?"8964 copyright protection742PENANAQxUw9BvQVr 維尼
" Cause you look hot in it."8964 copyright protection742PENANASz616C8LAO 維尼
" Fine." 8964 copyright protection742PENANA0eOg6zkv36 維尼
" Pick you up at 9. Cheers."8964 copyright protection742PENANAoAkJNbAl8D 維尼
She hung up.8964 copyright protection742PENANAqhuJ4IIhje 維尼
I sank into the sofa and closed my eyes.8964 copyright protection742PENANAiAtntGBnug 維尼
This better be the best night of my life , cause she will regret it for her whole life.8964 copyright protection742PENANAo87YhcjXQV 維尼
The door closed.8964 copyright protection742PENANArESXmKE30g 維尼
" Little sis?" a voice came from the corridor.8964 copyright protection742PENANAaZzekUlhPz 維尼
" In here Jace." I said.8964 copyright protection742PENANAaaNDO9S92Q 維尼
Jace came in the living room and crashed on the sofa near me.8964 copyright protection742PENANA4e8Gyz6PjX 維尼
He lay down and lay his legs on my lap.8964 copyright protection742PENANA83qB0IZlyQ 維尼
" You seem tired." I said pushing his smelly socks away from my face.8964 copyright protection742PENANAQ2O9OhbnHG 維尼
" That I am." 8964 copyright protection742PENANA4cbnQw1LNL 維尼
" Tough practice?"8964 copyright protection742PENANAYuFn6NcTdy 維尼
My brother was the captain of the basketball team in his school.8964 copyright protection742PENANAU1wuJ7w1Zf 維尼
" Your brother kicked so many balls his life is in danger."8964 copyright protection742PENANAfO20b4WAOe 維尼
A soft voice came from behind me.8964 copyright protection742PENANAfeJ5lSOvBi 維尼
" Andy , you're here too."8964 copyright protection742PENANAZSQkdF8wo9 維尼
He smiled at me and leaned his muscular bicep on the door frame.8964 copyright protection742PENANAQsIwedCalL 維尼
Suddenly a pillow was thrown at his face.8964 copyright protection742PENANAG3xRJiKXqB 維尼
" How many times do I have to tell you , to not speak like that when my sister is around. Asshole."8964 copyright protection742PENANAkMzRWT7GDQ 維尼
Look who's talking.8964 copyright protection742PENANAMFUkG9nb3y 維尼
My brothers hands flew on my ears , hurting me. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAGPf5ZDqOMv 維尼
But I am already used to this.8964 copyright protection742PENANAMMGgveRKx2 維尼
I fought , trying to get myself free.8964 copyright protection742PENANAlTeboRLdXW 維尼
When I did, I ran into Andy's arms.8964 copyright protection742PENANAqH2pFnK9S5 維尼
" Daddy , big brother is mean." I cried.8964 copyright protection742PENANAEWnoejAvdG 維尼
" Don't worry , my darling. He will pay." Andy said stroking my hair.8964 copyright protection742PENANAi3yYvdM9Hy 維尼
" What the hell ? " Jace shouted.8964 copyright protection742PENANAOs1Yi5sm6t 維尼
I winked at him and we cracked up. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAHMFpNbgNRS 維尼
My brother is always over protective , when it comes to me. Our parents died when we were very young and he took care of me all on his own. One time he was being so stubborn I turned to Andy for help.8964 copyright protection742PENANAjJ56Ng2WUc 維尼
He told me that if I really wanted to piss him off I should act as his lover.8964 copyright protection742PENANA46cW7K6keH 維尼
And it worked. Oh it worked so good.8964 copyright protection742PENANAol37ly5b6T 維尼
We have been teasing him for years and it's still good. Although one time we ended up kissing and he was so pissed that Andy wasn't allowed in the house for a month and he got punched. Me ? Well I was locked inside my room for a week and couldn't see any T.v. Just like a little kid. But I love my brother. 8964 copyright protection742PENANASdScIALvqU 維尼
One day Andy told me that if I was a couple of years older , I would have been fucked ages ago.8964 copyright protection742PENANAr91JsqqK3y 維尼
By him.8964 copyright protection742PENANA6NtYEh2IDZ 維尼
But then he told me I was like family and it would be weird but hinted that he likes me.8964 copyright protection742PENANAI9JwE59d50 維尼
Thank heavens his girlfriend is not jealous.8964 copyright protection742PENANADQWiaEKNzk 維尼
" How about we order out?" I said crashing on the sofa once again.8964 copyright protection742PENANAlPkkq8rfwO 維尼
I pat the sofa near me telling Andy to sit down.8964 copyright protection742PENANAgwQ4igoiKD 維尼
He sat near me and put his arms around me.8964 copyright protection742PENANAo23lFqgUYK 維尼
" Sure." He shrugged 8964 copyright protection742PENANAucJW4Ereje 維尼
Jace looked pissed but he just glared at Andy and pushed his hand away from me.8964 copyright protection742PENANAJE5FYTrHKW 維尼
After Jace calmed down we ordered food and watched a movie all together.8964 copyright protection742PENANArB5owRsvyZ 維尼
At around 7 pm my phone buzzed. This meant I had to get ready. 8964 copyright protection742PENANABuGunaqxnK 維尼
I pushed myself from the sofa and went to hop in the shower.8964 copyright protection742PENANAjW9KTRNwqk 維尼
After I got ready I came into my room.8964 copyright protection742PENANAe3VSzVpOpt 維尼
When I turned around I found Jace standing in the door frame.8964 copyright protection742PENANA4j2iAxpRB2 維尼
" Where are you going ?" He said.8964 copyright protection742PENANAiTkTn6hkqi 維尼
I put the dress on the bed and got the bag ready.8964 copyright protection742PENANAlYs3pDObt0 維尼
" A stupid Halloween party." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAzsl6vYdgJ7 維尼
" You're gonna wear that dress?"8964 copyright protection742PENANAcYg48l5cg3 維尼
" Seems so. Why ?"8964 copyright protection742PENANAAsRvfVs2FW 維尼
He sighed and shook his head.8964 copyright protection742PENANADMNOc14Vy1 維尼
" Is she gonna wear that dress ?" I heard Andy say from behind him.8964 copyright protection742PENANATndI9AP03H 維尼
He nodded.8964 copyright protection742PENANABntD4lBz4o 維尼
" Fuck." Andy said.8964 copyright protection742PENANA6FIjvTojCz 維尼
My mouth flew open.8964 copyright protection742PENANAnwVLSAqpTs 維尼
" What the hell guys?"8964 copyright protection742PENANAOwCTzqmbjs 維尼
" Gear up Andy. We have a party to go to." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAcHKL9SvCAS 維尼
My brother closed the door.8964 copyright protection742PENANAl2tiw9svpG 維尼
What?8964 copyright protection742PENANA2oqTQ6nBoa 維尼
WHAT?8964 copyright protection742PENANA6Kas1QK8tL 維尼
" JACE , YOU ASSHOLE." I yelled and kicked the door.8964 copyright protection742PENANARaipnEQisf 維尼
I will definitely regret it later.8964 copyright protection742PENANAJyFMcyMV5s 維尼
Grabbing the phone I punched the message angrily.8964 copyright protection742PENANAH3NLXVMhIV 維尼
" Guess who's joining the party? Brother and Andy are coming with." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAcJEqfl0MkV 維尼
She replied almost immediately.8964 copyright protection742PENANAgI9XMmIfF4 維尼
" Stupid possessive brother. But Andy is just fine."8964 copyright protection742PENANAMzTFaezDig 維尼
" So , Fun fact, we have a ride."8964 copyright protection742PENANAv0jaOgSr97 維尼
" Roger that."8964 copyright protection742PENANAbFxmM2Z0lQ 維尼
I laid my phone on the sofa and started to get ready.8964 copyright protection742PENANAQQQOooZJi1 維尼
Curling my short hair was fast and easy. I gave it volume and it came messy , just the way I like it.8964 copyright protection742PENANAKiG9gAlwwB 維尼
The dress was red velvet. It brings out my curves. It's not that I hate my body but when people see me walk they tend too look into my breasts not my face which kinda pissed me off. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAK5BKm0UaZo 維尼
A soft knock came on my door. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAM40SAb3obx 維尼
" Come in Andy." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAviFV6aq7Wx 維尼
" You knew it was me from a knock huh?"8964 copyright protection742PENANA0Fw0Cr5aMF 維尼
" Well my brother doesn't knock so." 8964 copyright protection742PENANA8LzDV77JCJ 維尼
When I turned to him , his eyes went wide. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAoOK95XPuws 維尼
" What ?" I said looking down at myself.8964 copyright protection742PENANA6B5osf3RlB 維尼
" Remember when I told you that I can't control myself around you sometimes ?" 8964 copyright protection742PENANAPyzSgeXXmG 維尼
I chucked.8964 copyright protection742PENANABg5Nmm3O4x 維尼
" And?" 8964 copyright protection742PENANAoHYO6UNibX 維尼
" It's one of those moments."8964 copyright protection742PENANAIr2xgL6R9A 維尼
He walked towards me and cornered me to the wall.8964 copyright protection742PENANASkbyrs6wP4 維尼
" Andy, Jessica , remember Jessica." My voice almost sounded breathless.8964 copyright protection742PENANAT6O1QLQDlp 維尼
He was like a brother to me , but when he is near me like this , I can't see straight.8964 copyright protection742PENANA7t2hO0Xrwg 維尼
His dirt blond hair was messy but made him more handsome then ever. His brown eyes looking down to my lips with such lust , I couldn't endure it.8964 copyright protection742PENANAvbKadKHo26 維尼
His lips went down to my neck and I shivered.8964 copyright protection742PENANAWoRabUGTiO 維尼
" How old are you?" He asked licking just behind me ear.8964 copyright protection742PENANAHJD5MGTfpI 維尼
He is good at this.8964 copyright protection742PENANAZJ7irhYj76 維尼
" 20. Andy please-" It came out as a whimper. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAV0yQcM6eC7 維尼
Fuck.8964 copyright protection742PENANAA7HE9uaUAY 維尼
" Hmm." He said. 8964 copyright protection742PENANA6R7KpgPEZg 維尼
His hands went behind my back and pulled me to him.8964 copyright protection742PENANA4EcrJdaBbE 維尼
I could feel him smiling on my neck. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAsEFmisDaxM 維尼
He knows I'm reacting to his touch.8964 copyright protection742PENANAqQUgP3r482 維尼
" Do you think we could actually have a chance ?" He asked.8964 copyright protection742PENANAfAWhKLzgAi 維尼
He started kissing his was up my face.8964 copyright protection742PENANAMWGAbUtO8h 維尼
I hummed in pleasure.8964 copyright protection742PENANA6vIKlCG9oa 維尼
" No." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAH6heuR32LM 維尼
He chuckled.8964 copyright protection742PENANALMNcqnfagS 維尼
" Why not?"8964 copyright protection742PENANAhTNGGv4Dav 維尼
" Cause you only want me for my body."8964 copyright protection742PENANAKL1QGJJLvn 維尼
He stopped and I was about to plead him not to.8964 copyright protection742PENANA28Y6GzrImd 維尼
Control yourself Adeline.8964 copyright protection742PENANA4IpxBQsjM4 維尼
" You are wrong."8964 copyright protection742PENANAeAIHQkwCaa 維尼
He cupped my face and stroked my lips with his thumb.8964 copyright protection742PENANAWsv42L4akq 維尼
" I want all of you."8964 copyright protection742PENANAkRijxfjbKG 維尼
" Then what's stopping you?" 8964 copyright protection742PENANANjbYDF7nvN 維尼
His eye's twinkled and his lips crashed onto mine. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAnSAgzJdmJP 維尼
He kissed me roughly.8964 copyright protection742PENANAM6B9Hzopi4 維尼
So passionate and hungry.8964 copyright protection742PENANAj3UFRMLtf5 維尼
This side of Andy is totally new to me.8964 copyright protection742PENANAHf40nC7MlU 維尼
" What the hell is taking you so long people!" Jace shouted from downstairs.8964 copyright protection742PENANAm3yBvjJJTP 維尼
Andy stopped and put his fore head with mind.8964 copyright protection742PENANAlQGjSJE9FX 維尼
" Him."8964 copyright protection742PENANAf64D8Enp0c 維尼
I almost didn't get him but then I remembered asking him what's stopping him.8964 copyright protection742PENANATTloUl6s9T 維尼
" Don't wear this dress in front of me." He continued.8964 copyright protection742PENANAg8qwsaWGTT 維尼
" Why not ?"8964 copyright protection742PENANAqIXfooczFw 維尼
" I can't control myself Adeline!" He said almost painfully. 8964 copyright protection742PENANAOY0T0guVuA 維尼
Somehow the way he said it turned me on.8964 copyright protection742PENANAZiwztuCCMD 維尼
" I have to control myself everyday around you but with this-" He touched my breasts.8964 copyright protection742PENANAff1KjwL6QK 維尼
" It's too hard." 8964 copyright protection742PENANAlOeEXscZo6 維尼
He kissed me softly and left me alone.8964 copyright protection742PENANAs5jsq8FMqs 維尼
I slide down to the floor.8964 copyright protection742PENANAFJwUOaspqP 維尼
What the hell just happened?8964 copyright protection742PENANAuPvwyMrSvw 維尼
God.8964 copyright protection742PENANAlMNyBFlGn3 維尼