In the world of Drayma, in a place known as the Wintsri forest, a dense place with snow that is everywhere around the forest. The snow is thick and big and it never stops snowing, with dark brown trees with no leafs and snow that covers most of the trees. Icicles hang on the branches of the trees, many sharp. No sun is ever visible here only grey clouds hang above, day and night.
In Wintsri forest two people are running from a group of armed soldiers. The soldiers quickly gain pace and surely catch up, even with the trees snow they hunt the two down. One of the runners quickly spins around and cast an illusion to the soldiers, making it seem a blizzard had just come from nowhere, the soldiers lose vision quickly and try to move forward and see a figure.
One of the soldiers yells out “over there, follow them!” than begins to run, the others shortly and quickly follow.
The two runners hide between a few trees, they sit down breathless and can barely move. Both them remove their armour from thin air one has a hood and takes it off, showing a man named Toqan Jarvala, he has slightly long red hair that hangs to the left side of his head and has yellow-red eyes. Toqan is injured badly and weak, unable to move and barely able to breath.
He begins to speak, almost breathlessly “I think… we lost… them now.” Toqan begins to fall to the floor but the other person catches him.
The person removes the scarf, showing a woman named Enella Starision, she has long dark blue hair with a shorter fringe and green eyes. She is just as badly injured but still has some energy left in her. She is worried for Toqan and begins to carry him.
“come on, we can’t stop now.” Enella addressed. She was struggling to move Toqan and can barely move anymore. Toqan shoves himself off and sits down again.
Toqan ordered “go back… to the guild… don’t risk your life for mine… just go.” He began to stand again and was slowly gaining his energy.
Enella wasn’t moving, she didn’t want to leave without her mentor. “I can’t… they will find and kill you. I’m not going without you.” She objected.
The soldiers came back aware that they fell for an illusion. Their footsteps can be heard with their weapons and armour making noises as rattling. Toqan grabs his heavy sword and got his armour from thin air. The armour looked very knight like with the knee and elbow pads being bigger armour pieces and the chest plate looking more flat and bulk. The head piece having a glowing horizontal lines where his eyes were. The armour is dark grey, with blue and white around it. with light blue looking energy coming from it in the eyes and chest.
Toqan looked at Enella ordering her to go, more loudly “just go now… find the others. Just go!”
Enella wanted to say something, but couldn’t get a word out. She just nodded and trusted Toqan and started running again without him. Toqan hides behind a tree close by the soldiers. He causes another illusion that makes it look like wolves were in front of them. He quickly attacks one of the soldiers by stabbing him through the heart making him gasp, blood already covering the sword and dripping down the soldier’s chest. The other soldiers turn to see Toqan who pulls the sword upwards, causing the gasping soldier’s head to split apart killing him instantly. Almost both parts of the brain falling out with blood splattered all over his face and the floor. The snow is starting to be covered in blood. Toqan readies for another attack but so do the soldiers and prepare for a fight, Toqan watches how the soldiers move than charges ahead at them.
Enella is still running trying to make it out of the forest but she falls from exhaustion and the pain. She pushes herself up to her knees. She starts trying to get up, unable to stand up on her own. She crawls to a tree and grabs a branch and pulls herself to her feet. Enella breaths heavily and can feel the pain on her body, she tries to move with determination in her mind to get back to the camp and slowly begins again, making her way out of Wintsri forest. She can hear soldiers close by and hides again. When they pass she continues again, trying to move quickly.
In a flat grassland called Yequn field. This place has light winds and is very nice and green. With a few trees, bushes and the occasional cave spread across the huge field where the day and night both are amazing to see. The night here has the most stars out.
A man is walking through the Yequn field with his face hidden in a hood, goggles and a scarf. His clothing looking rough and slightly damaged and bloody and carrying a backpack. He walks towards a town close by and can hear the active town. He stops to look around, unsure if anybody is close by, following him.
He breaths in and out and begins to mutter “time to finish this lame request and hopefully not get another annoying one.”
He walks into a building full of people wanting to take request. Each with weapons and armour already up. The man thinks this unnecessary and is more to show off who is stronger. He walks up to a room with the words above reading “missions/request returns” he heads inside and hands in a few damaged swords and gear to a person behind a counter.
He informs the person “the job is taken care of. All of them have been dealt with properly and should not return anytime soon. Keep the gear.”
The person happily replies “thanks for doing this shadow knight. Someone’s got to do it. to be honest everyone is busy showing off who is stronger by what their armour is at, when all they did was buy parts.”
Shadow agreed “to some of these fools. They think just because they get stronger with their armour and magic they think they’re great. It’s pathetic how they always wear their armour to prove something…”
The person laughs and says “that’s true. Considering they get a new piece of armour when they can. Hm, I wonder what yours is like. May I have a look?”
Shadow magically makes his armour appear. Showing a black set of armour with dark red glowing parts. It looks slightly knight like, but more futuristic. The other person is surprised and whistles. Shadow makes his armour disappear. Some other people laugh at shadow for his armour, but shadow doesn’t care.
The person hands shadow the reward money and curiously asks “why do you hide your face and name?”
Shadow doesn’t reply and walks out of the building, making his way out but people start going to one place. Shadow is wondering and starts sneak fully following whatever is going on. He starts to think it’s something bad. When he gets close he can see it’s a person badly hurt, cuts everywhere and missing half an arm. Shadow overhears that there was an attack close to Wintsri forest and heads there. He has a feeling it was a force he has dealt with before.