Shadow wonders how he ended up doing a quest to helping an entire guild. He's unsure what to think about it. The two Phoenix arms soldiers that are walking ahead are talking about the ambush. The knight wants to know what made the Arts use the entire South-tier for such an attack and what gain they hoped to achieve.
Soon the Captain and two swordsman's stop and listen carefully, hearing something out of the ordinary. As the wind blows between the trees and grass, they can hear footsteps. One of the swordsman's pulls out his sword and takes a guarding position as he walks to the noise, preparing for what could be another fight they could facing, soon he can see it was only more members of Phoenix Arms with injured teammates. he puts away his sword and gestures the other to come over as he helps support a badly hurt soldier. Ryaiio gets more strength to lift his head and see more are back, though not a lot. He is happy to see more came out alive and tries to smile but cant, he just feels pain in his arm and body, clenching his teeth together trying not to whine as he moves. The young scout begins to see the guild hall at a distance and begins to lose the strength to the pain and constant moving. Soon he passes out, the knight catches him and begins to carry him to the hall he spotted. He notices more showing up to the wounded and giving aid.
The Captain enters inside away from his remaining squad. He isn't impressed by the situation and soon enters into a medical hallway and begins to read the room signs. Soon he enters a room to see one of the people in the ambush.
Shadow hands Ryaiio to two people in uniforms who asked to take the scout. He checks out the guild, he nods and is slightly amazed how big it is. The knight never imagined who big the Phoenix Arms's place was, he checks a map and sees they are not far from Seymeya, a big town that is the closest to one of the Capitals. He inspects the layout and sees drawings for an extension to the place. Shadow then spots the medical rooms and main assembly hall, he moves to check on Ryaiio and Enella. After moving past other people with equipment and even some magical items, he makes it to the side wing where people are being treated. He looks at the signs with names and sees "Enella" written on one, he enters quietly and notices she is awake and reading a book called "The Formal Castles" which details how the Capitals had castles at one point and their history. The mercenary knocks on the door to get the thoughtful scout's attention. She lowers the book and her expression of annoyance turned into a smile and happy to see that it wasn't the old man trying to ask more questions.
"Twice you have been injured, luck does not like you for the past two days." Shadow joked.
Enella smiles but is surprised and chuckled "I didn't think someone like you would try to make a joke."
the knight responded with a hint of seriousness "I'm not always a serious person, sometime it's better to use a joke."
The scout just giggles and offers a sit by patting a spot next to her. The knight shakes his head for a moment. Then he looks at the floor. The thoughtful scout wasn't sure what might be wrong with the knight, still hiding his face with goggles and a scarf. She thinks about asking, but doesn't talk about it yet.
Shadow thinks about what he said, how someone before had said the exact same words, he sighs and looks around. Enella wants to ask, the knight can see this.
He answers in a semi-quiet voice "Its nothing, just remembered something... From a long time ago. I'll go see how Ryaiio is."
"Is he alright?" The scout speaks up, remaining calm.
"Yes, just needs rest, many others will be here too. Some are going to be fine... The noise has lowered, guess they got everyone they can. Speaking of rest, i think you need it as well." Shadow replies, starting in a serious tone, then becoming more relaxed.
"Fair call. Bye." Enella yawns and she lays her head on the pillow.
The black haired man waves his hand to say bye, the scout sees it and continues with her book, wondering a little more about the knight rather then reading.
The knight walks pass the rooms to see where Ryaiio is. He sees some rooms covered with a doctor and blood, or none at all. The mercenary just stares into the rooms till he spots the young scouts room with his name on it. He steps inside to see the red eyed boy is asleep with the blanket half on, showing his chest and arm covered in bandages. Drops of blood can be seen through the wraps. The knight can see that he will be alright. Then he hears footsteps behind him, Shadow only turns slowly and sees its the older brown haired man.
"hope your proud of dragging those heavily armed units along, bet you got the ambush too." The captain exclaimed in a semi-quiet voice.
The black haired man only shakes his head and sighs "Will you calm down."
And then he continues crossing his arms "I didn't mean to get them to you or your men, they would have seen you guys and gone for it regardless. Pointing fingers isn't going to change what happened regardless."
"If your not the enemy then why do you hide your identity?" The brown haired man accused with a louder tone, pointing at his scarf and goggles.
Shadow is silent for a second then he answers "From what i was... From my past." The knight walks off finding someone to check if he can use some bandages and a herbal aid to treat his wounds.
The suspicious captain thinks the mercenary isn't good and after something, whatever it may be, he doesn't trust Shadow. He heads down the hallway and upstairs. He walks into a medium sized room with a board full of quests and a couple of tables with chairs. The Brown haired man looks at the board, seeing only a few posters up.
The knight follows a nurse into a room, He asks "May i treat my own wounds? Not the first time doing so."
The nurse nods and leaves some equipment and leaves the room, Shadow shuts the door and sits on the medical bed. He takes a look at his arms first, rolling up the sleeves. He looks at what he was given, and uses a herbal water to keep the wounds from bleeding anymore and remove any infections. The knight doesn't feel the stinging that it causes and grabs a bandage wrap and covers the arms in the damaged spots. He removes the rest of the top to deal with his chest and stomach. He looks for a mirror and sees one in the corner of the room, he checks his back. Damaged as well he tries to get the spots he can reach. After bandaging them up as best as he can, The knight puts on the top again and starts to think about what he said to the angered older man.
He thinks to himself "From my past... What a hell to get through." The knight then shakes his head to try to not think about it more.
A knock can be heard on the door. "It's open." The mercenary answers not focusing on the knocking.
A doctor opens the door and insisted "Let me check the wounds, i figure you can get them, but i have some extra equipment and a few ways to heal better."
Shadow nodded "Fine, but i'll handle any head injuries."
The doctor grabs a set of bandages and a potion and takes a look at the arms first.
The dragon form is in a small room, leaning on a wall and staring out a window near him. Wondering what is going to happen next. He over hears a conversation between a few others apart of Ancient Arts. Hearing that Rowsla took out a hideout where a few guilds were planing to unite by the Vast Lands.
The silent one heard his name being called from a distance "Kylin! We need you here!"
He heads to his group and leans on a wall again. While the water user comes by with a map.
Kylin quieting asks "What's going on, Falliq?"
Falliq moves the map out of his face, showing bright yellow, short, spiky hair with green eyes.
"I was thinking we can go to Liibewn town, its slightly longer to where we are going but i think we need a place to talk." Suggested Falliq with a happy tone.
The dragon form agreed quietly "Not a bad idea."
"Also I hear you can get some good meals and other stuff." Ended Falliq with a smile.
Kylin laughs as he shakes his head. He smiled "Your funny sometimes, you know that?"
Falliq just laughs. Then the leader comes by laughing too. Overhearing what Falliq and Kylin said.
He claps his hands with a joyful expression and decided "I think we should do that. We need some space to be able to... Discuss."
The water user smiles with happiness while the dragon form only pulls a minor happy look. They head out the door and walk towards Liibewn town. They run into a few people from guilds, which turn to see the three walking. Kylin stares at Falliq thinking how Falliq tends to start fights. The water user nods and puts his hands behind his back. The three Arts move pass being unrecognized and not look behind them to make sure.
"So Reii. I've noticed some others questioning the Council lately. Not bad for us isn't it?" Falliq begins with a board look to him.
The leader replies "People tend to for a lot of things. Even the Phoenix arms. Look at us, after many years helping the Arts, we've seen and done some... Stuff that doesn't really benefit the goal."
"True... True." Falliq sighs. Looking very bored. Kylin notices and just thinks it won't be too long to the town. Hoping the water user won't do anything.
Kylin is surprise when Falliq only starts to hum and not do any spells. He enjoys the more restful moment with no noise or water splashing all over the place. Soon the three spot the town up ahead, just below the hill they are on.
Reii heads down first with the rest following behind, carefully making it past the guards at the front gate. They sneak in between the busy crowds of people and blend in, making it inside without any of the guards noticing them. Once they are out of sight of the main entrance they move away from the busy crowd. Soon after the yellowed hair man takes the lead, bringing his map up. With a look of hunger and excitement Falliq moves forward. After walking for a few minutes he locates a place to go eat. The leader just shrugs and leads the way, the others follow behind. They see the place the water user is going, "The Silver-Dine" is placed on a hanging sign, slightly scratched up and chipped.
They enter inside, seeing a clean place that looks nice but not too fancy, while people inside enjoy a meal or drink. The three find an empty table nearby and take a second to look before sitting down. They become more relaxed and calm as they rest, being out of sight of any local guardsman's roaming around.
Reii sands up to order drinks as Kylin leans to Falliq to discuss, with a look of seriousness and trying to be quiet they begin to talk quietly.
"I wonder what the Art's are actually after?" The water user whispers.
"Only the higher ranks will know, but i'm unsure what rank." The dragon form replies in quiet.
Back in the Phoenix Arms guild, Shadow is on the medical bed, and wakes from sleeping. He hears his stomach growling. The knight puts on fresh, new clothing that was left for him. A black sleeve top with a button, sleeveless, dark blue jacket and black pants. The knight puts them on. He is surprise to see a fresh scarf and goggles left underneath the jacket as he picks it up. He leaves the goggles but takes the scarf, he changes the old one for the newer scarf. Knocking can be heard as Shadow puts on his scarf, he opens the door.
Its the doctor that helped him earlier, a girl named Oveya, with pale green, neat, long hair and green eyes.
"There is a meal going on if you want to eat, its in the dining hall. Also we sharpened your sword while you were asleep, that's in the armory." The doctor informs in a relaxed voice.
Shadow nods and stretches. The doctor leaves the room, shutting the door. The mercenary grabs his bag and heads towards the armory. Wanting to make sure he isn't without a weapon. He walks down the hall into a bigger room, he looks around for signs, but nothing is there. He sees two people come past one hallway with daggers and a sword. Shadow goes in and sees another room ahead.
"Never seen a guild so big before. I might have to remember the routes though. Luckily enough, there is my sword." He thinks to himself, relieved his sword is not missing.
The knight takes his sword and sees the Captain being called as Jeima Prefsu. He is checking his equipment, seeing some of it damaged from earlier at the ambush. He looks to where the knight is, giving him an stare of distrust. Shadow shakes his head and walks back the way he came to find the cafeteria. After finding his way there he spots the place and heads in. He checks how many people are around and quickly dodges any crowds as he walks by towards a few quieter seats and tables in the back. He sits down and waits for the crowd to settle before grabbing something to eat.
Enella is at the end of the line, taking some bread, cooked potatoes and utensils. She is wearing nicer cloths as well. A green and blue sturdy top with armor on the elbows and shoulders. With a dark brown tight pants with armor on the knees and green and white boots. She smells the meal on her plate, happy to have a nice lunch. She looks for a place to sit and a few of the guild members ask her to sit with them. She thinks about it but then sees the knight in the back.
The scout politely replies "No, thanks. I'll sit at the back." and heads to the knight.
Enella sits down with the knight and notices he has no food and is looking around.
She curiously commented "Why do you look around a lot?"
He quickly stated "I'm not for crowds. I prefer less around."
"Paranoia huh. Well i won't go on about it." The thoughtful scout told. Then she curiously continued "May i ask, what is your real name?"
Shadow doesn't speak for a second then answers "I rather not..."
Enella just feels bugged she didn't get a proper name, but dismisses it and begins to eat. The line begins to be less occupied, The knight goes to the the short line and picks the food he wants. The scout thinks about what name the knight might have and why he would hide it. She then also remembers many of the guild members are still out cold and wonders when they will wake. The mercenary returns and carefully eats while not showing part of his face. The scout sees how silly it is to her and can only laugh very quietly.
Shadow can read the agility user and told her "I already have my hair shown, not gonna lose part of my identity either."
"It is a bit funny though." The scout replied cheerfully.
Enella can sees a glimpse of the knight's smile form on his partly shown face, before he has any food in his mouth. She just smiles and continues eating knowing the knight might be more then a lone wolf and quest dealer.