The year is 2102, on a high-tech boat in the middle of the sea. An enormous muscular man with a handlebar mustache contemplates his choices in life that eventually led him on this boat. He talks with the sailor of the boat while they wait to reach their destination. He says,
"T'was different back then.
Survival for me in those days meant using my fists.
At first, t'was just to survive. Then it became a way of life.
I kept fighting to live that life every day and became so good at it that I became invincible in bare knuckle boxing. Then I became the heavyweight champion of the world. And I conquered the gloved era as well. But as I aged my skills began to slip.
I told myself that 25 years in that ring was enough. So I retired and started draining everything in my amassed fortune to selfishly find one thing.
A way towards eternal youth.
You see fighting for glory became my side job once I got into Mythology...
Don't look at me like that. Watch once we head there.
An old friend used to tell me those old myths had to be real in some way because they fueled amazing things humans did for years to come. Explorers, warriors, and scholars. Whatever! They all were inspired by stories.
Anyways it's led me here. On a 25 million dollar boat with the greatest sailor of the Seas. I hope you're ready to be amazed by this Sebastian."
The Sailor controlling the ship looks toward The man who sports the handlebar mustache and says, "Sheesh Bernard I'm already amazed by this boat! Hope you won't change your mind about giving this bad boy to me once this job is over."
Bernard smiles then says, "Aah you've always been a simple man. Of course! You can have it!"
The two laugh in the night as they continue to sail to their destination. Bernard thinks to himself, "Sebastian Caine, the world's greatest explorer. When it comes to the seas. He's found lost pirate treasures, piloted a submarine to the deepest part of the ocean for rare minerals, and found new species of sea life in the process. He's the perfect guy to help me find the fountain of youth."
Time continues to pass while Bernard stares out in the ocean. The sound of the waves calms his impatience and helps him sleep till sunrise.
The sun hits Bernard's eyes waking him up, and as he opens them. The first thing he sees is Sebastian gearing up to go out.
Sebastian notices the man who gave him the job is awake and says, "Ahh we've docked. I was just gonna take a quick look around before we head deeper towards the mountains. Bernard stands up, and cracks his knuckles. Then works out a few kinks in his neck, and says with a look of intensity and focus, "alright let's go."
Sebastian notices Bernard hasn't picked up food for the trip ahead of them and thinks to himself, "He didn't pick up a bag of food or tools...Wow crazy to think that I'll be seeing the legendary Barney Sullivan in action."
Still concerned about his companion's well being sometime down the road. He asks the wealthy pugilist, "Hey not that I'm too concerned but are you gonna pick up some utilities or a bag of food?"
Bernard replies, "Ahh fret not my friend. Every tool I need is with me on my belt or within this vest...As for the food. That won't be a problem either. I've done my research on this place. There's supposed to be food everywhere here. Sustenance more favorable than those granola bars and nuts in your pack."
Sebastian replies, "Sheesh it was just a question! No granola or almonds for you then."
Moments later
Near a field trees, Bernard Sullivan and Sebastian Caine grab a drink of water from a nearby river.
Bernard opens a canteen from his vest and fills it up with fresh water he takes a drink from it while Sebastian says, "This place is beautiful!" Bernard replies telling Sebastian, "It is, untouched by other humans for thousands of years. It can only be seen by satellite in July. And can only be reached if you have the finest sailor of all time with you."
Sebastian laughs and says, "I'm flattered but you're giving me too much credit. C'mon! Ha ha, hey what's this place's name anyway?"
Bernard tells Sebastian, "This place had many names in the years of its legend. " San Juan, St. John some even called this place Atlantis. I don't know what this place's true name is I just know what we're looking for is on here."
Sebastian takes a drink from his canteen and says, "Wow and to think I did not want to head off the boat with you to see if this place was real." Bernard laughs and then tells Sebastian, "Well there are other places like this that you can visit after we're done here. Like I told you before the boat will be yours when we're done." Sebastian replies, "Right!". And they both shake hands.
The two begin to head further down the river until they hear the crack of fallen branches right behind them.
The duo instantly turn around and to their surprise, they both see an enormous red-haired bear with horns that looks to be at least 12 feet tall.
Sebastian yells out, "WHAT THE F@¢K IS THAT!?"
Bernard Sullivan instantly tells his companion, "Get behind me!" He then tells The sailor, "This guy is one of the creatures that live on this island. Every time it surfaces all its inhabitants reappear as if it was from thin air...We find where these guys go before the island vanishes. I bet you we find the fountain!"
Sullivan reaches for the back of his belt and pulls out two knuckle dusters. Sebastian thinks to himself, "The famous knuckle dusters! But that bear is freaking huge! Will that do anything to it!?"
Sullivan pushes a trigger attached to the knuckle dusters and two blades pop out. He takes a few steps towards the bear and says, "You're a mean lookin one ain't cha. Tell ya what buddy. If you let us go. No one will get hurt. What do ya say?."
The pugilist gives the bear a second to decide its next move. Unfortunately, it isn't one of peace. The bear decides to attack Bernard. He swipes at the famous fighter turned explorer but the fighter swiftly takes his knuckle dusters from behind his back with the blades upward stabbing the bear's paw.
The beast roars in pain as the blades slip out of its paw.
Sullivan maneuvers himself to the bear's side and tells him, "Don't blame ya for choosin a fight! Beasts gotta eat!" Sullivan then takes an offensive stance and said, "Man's gotta eat too!"
As the bear makes its next move Sullivan slashes the bear's front leg making it stumble. The bear then tries to gore the pugilist but his horn is missed and Sullivan lands a blade on its cheek. The bear stands up furious. While Bernard remains focused with an intense look on his face.
What happens next would be described later as a symphony of violence beautifully put on display by Sullivan. Bernard has Sebastian in awe as he witnessed The fighter take on the beast by himself. The slashes, punches, and kicks all led up to a finishing blow which took the bear out for good. Slightly tired Bernard Sullivan drops the knuckle dusters into the water. He turns over to his companion and says, "Got anything to start a fire?"
10 minutes later
Sebastian Caine: Oh wow this is better than the almonds and granola I have in my backpack!
Bernard laughs and tells the sailor, "What'd I tell you? Food everywhere! Haha!"
While holding cooked bear meat in his hands Sebastian asks, "So where do we start after this?"
Bernard replies, "we can try and trace this bear's tracks. Maybe there's a hidden cave or something that houses all its inhabitants when it vanishes.
As the two ponder their next move other rare and unusual animals begin to pop up. Some are even thought to be extinct.
"Amazing", is all that Sebastian could reply.
The animals all start to scatter and go about their business. They drink from the river, play, and gather food from the trees.
Bernard takes a look around the landscape and says, "The coast is clear for them."
Then Sebastian replies, "But where did they come from though?"
Bernard scans the scene and to his surprise, he feels as if someone is watching him.
He finds this strange as he looks around because all the other animals were ignoring them.
He thought to himself, "Could it be a person? Maybe another predator? Or maybe a camera? A drone?
It was neither. Bernard notices from distance a turtle sitting cross legged in a robe staring right back at them.
Sebastian says, "hmmm are there any kinds of turtle species that live in trees?...and also wear clothing?"
Sullivan stands up and says, "live, no but they can climb."
The turtle stands just like Bernard. Then nods to him and motions for him to, "Come."
The turtle jumps from the tree and lands on the ground. Then dashes up north. Sullivan grins and says, "Oh it's gonna be one of these chases I see!" Bernard hands Sebastian a device from his vest and tells him, "Here try to go keep up!" And instantly goes after the robed turtle.
Left befuddled Sebastian says, "Okay the world's greatest fighter and explorer just chased after a robed turtle running on its 2 legs. And left me this square thing?.."
Sebastian examines the object a little bit more and notices a button on it which he pushes. The square opens and creates a hoverboard type tech for a person to ride on. There's a screen showing where Bernard and the turtle ran off to. Sebastian starts the hoverboard and follows without hesitation.
Miles ahead of Sebastian
Bernard is still on the robed shelled runner's trail. Almost losing him for a couple of moments. Then the turtle runs into a cave. Bernard hesitates for a moment then runs in.
Inside the cave, the path is a straight shot. The pugilist follows this route and is met with a purple glowing pit. Bernard pauses then catches his breath. He then asks, "What the hell could this be? Did he run in here?"
As the man with the handlebar mustache leans a bit more forward to analyze the Pit. Two green arms reach out from it and pull him in.
An echoing scream from the fighter within the pit follows...
Back to Sebastian
As Sebastian follows Bernard he vanishes off the screen when he's pulled into the pit.
Sebastian tells himself, "Wow okay...That can't be good. I'm headed that way man! Hold on! I need my boat!!"
Sebastian marks where Bernard vanished on the map then turns the speed up on the vehicle as fast as it's able to go.
Back to the cave
As the screaming continues Bernards's eyes begin to see multiple colors. Some colors his eyes couldn't even explain. At the same time, he could not feel the ground beneath his feet for quite some time. A feeling of falling which lasted 20 minutes finally stopped with Bernard Sullivan on the ground on 1 knee. He says to himself, "What was that? Where am I??"
A voice echoing through the cave says, "Ahh you caught up? No one usually catches up to me!"
Sullivan says, "Who are you? Was that your turtle? Huh, fast guy!?"
The voice replies with laughter leaving the pugilist uneasy.
Bernard then says, "If you're trying to set me up! I'll let you know right now I can handle what you bring to me! C'mon!! Bring it on!!"
The laughter stops. Bernard sees a figure above him. It drops down on his two feet. And takes off its hood. He's the turtle that Sullivan was chasing! He tells his mustached racing partner, "Relax I don't want to fight. And first of all. I'm not a turtle. I'm what you people would call a tortoise. And second I wanted to show you what you came here for. It's the fountain, right? Well, it's just over there. Sullivan turns his head noticing a glowing blue and white color just below them. He heads over to take a look. At first he's to shocked to say it. Then he say, " Oh my gosh!...the fountain of youth!"