Bernard Sullivan approaches the fountain of youth slowly. His face clenches in anticipation. He exhausted his fortune looking for the fountain and its fabled waters for decades Him seeing it in front of him was hard to believe. Especially since it was a giant talking tortoise that guided him there.
Bernard takes another step forward and is stopped by his new tortoise friend. He places a staff to his chest and tells him, "I have to ask you. What do you plan on doing after you drink the fountain's waters?"
Bernard smiles at the tortoise and replies, "Why? Gonna stop me from cultivating a fortune in my world? Why should you care?"
The tortoise replies, "Just trying to give you a warning because you killed that troublesome bear that was overeating throughout these lands."
Bernard Sullivan replies, "Warning?"
The tortoise elaborates further by saying, "Yes the fountain's waters only bless those with a good heart. If the waters feel even a bit of evil within you, you die instantly."
Bernard takes another look at the fountain then the tortoise gestures for him to walk to another area within the cave. He tells the pugilist, "Let's move here. You'll still drink from the fountain if you want. Just let me show you something first."
He complies and follows the tortoise to a different room within the cave and ends up shocked at what he sees in front of him.
For as far as the eye could see there were headstones set up seemingly confirming the tortoises warning.
Bernard asks the tortoise in a calm voice, "Did you bury them all yourself?" Then stares at his shelled companion waiting for his answer.
The tortoise tells him, "Yes, some died before they could get to the fountain. Others maneuvered around the Beast King who you defeated and saw their end once they tasted the fountain's waters. Either way, I did not think it was right to leave them out like that. Nature can be cruel, whether it be human, beast, or the nature of our surroundings. It's the individuals who live within nature that can decide if they want to be merciful in this cruel world or add to its already brutish nature."
The pugilist stares at the hall of headstones and then looks toward the tortoise. He says, "I've been alive for a while my reptilian friend. So long I can sense if a person is lying, Or a beast. You can say I can sense their true nature of intentions...I can tell you're telling the truth. Thanks for the warning." He then turns to the tortoise and extends his hand for a handshake then asks, "Got a name tortoise?"
The reptile looks at his companion's hand and then accepts the handshake. He tells the pugilist, "My name's Kapurma, yours?" The pugilist smiles then tells the talking tortoise, "Bernard Sullivan, greatest fighter throwing two hands! I can kick and choke a bloke out as well but throwing hands is what got me my notoriety."
Kapurma says, "Oh so you're a warrior?" He then asks the pugilist, "So why do you want to drink from the fountain? You want to keep conquering your opponents and revel in the glory and adulation for many years to come?"
The fighter laughs at the tortoise's assumption and tells him, "Believe it or not Kap, No I've already traveled that road. And believe me, it was a selfish and lonely one that I traveled. This time I have no interest in such trivial things."
Kapurma now confused asks, "This time? I didn't know when you said you lived a long time you meant that you had eternal youth before. What happened?"
Sullivan tells Kapurma, "Eternal youth? No. I was immortal." Kapurma's eyes widen and he asks again, "What happened?"
Bernard furrows his brow in anger then tells his new friend, "I had the gift taken away from me when the person who gave it to me wanted me to allow thousands of deaths to happen under my name. I refused. I can't live knowing that, that person is making deals with other people and potentially accepting those deals and killing thousands of people on down the road."
Kapurma asks, "Where'd you meet this person?"
The fighter replies, "t'was the last time I captured the bare knuckle title. We crossed paths after a hard grueling match. I see him the next day. He sells me a dream of extending my career further beyond my imagination. He even brings up how in my younger days I was poor fighting for food and water then brings up that accepting this 'gift' can set me and my future family members up for life. So I jokingly accept. In the next match, I steamrolled my opponent. And in the next 45, I even captured the gloved title in the long run. But it was during that time fighting for glory became an outlet I lost passion in. I wanted to explore the world and help expand on its technological advances. However, the giver of this gift of immortality said I had to live up to my end of the deal. I accepted until I found out what he was expecting me to do."
Kap asks, "What was it?" Sullivan tells him, "During my first defense of my gloved title I was getting ready to defend it in front of a sea of people totaling 115 thousand. In an exchange for 41 thousand souls, I was to allow a tragedy to happen during my fight. An entire seating area was made to collapse onto civilians during my fight killing 41 thousand...the 41 was to match my age when I agreed to this deal...At 222 years old I couldn't agree to do that. Selfishly I realized killing those who adore me would defeat the purpose of why I agreed to this deal."
Kapurma asks, "So that's when he took it away from you right?"
The fighter replies, "Yep, It made me realize how much time I wasted selfishly living for myself. To this day I still hear the haunting threats the giver of immortality told me..." He said, "It doesn't matter. I'll find someone to agree to my contract. Someone will do what's necessary to satisfy their greed." To this day I do not know his name but him telling me people other than me will agree to his end of the deal for eternal life haunts me. I feel a sense of duty to handle this."
Kapurma puts his hands on his knees then stands up. He says, "Well. I have an idea who that could be. Good chance that might've Belial the angel of lies." Shocked Bernard says, "Angel!?" Kapurma says, "Yes before I can explain I gotta know where's your friend. He should've been here by now?"
Sullivan replies, "Oh he's on his way. He might take a little longer because he's not enhanced like us." The fighter then asks, "What about you? How are you able to run as quickly as I? And talk?!"
Kapurma replies, "Well I drank from the fountain when I was young."
The fighter is shocked and asks for an explanation. He tells him, "Well let me explain."
Back to Sebastian Caine
The sailor parks his bike in front of the cave entrance. He stands with both hands on his hips telling himself, "This terrain isn't fit for this bike. Grabbed the wrong device."
The cave's entrance can be seen on a mile long hill. Sebastian begins to head up the path until he notices an apple tree. Sebastian tells himself, "I am feeling kind of hungry." He approaches the tree and grabs an apple. Sebastian takes a bite and says, "Hmm spreaking Delishish."
As the sailor chews on his apple he looks at the scenery in front of him. All of a sudden the air becomes clearer to breathe. The scenery becomes more vivid. Sebastian begins to hear everything around him much clearer. He hears everything from the fishes in the water, The birds in the air, to the ants burrowing underground.
Sebastian looks at the apple and says, "Sheeeesh, what kinda apple is this?!"
Then Sebastian collapses to the floor.
Back to Kapurma and Bernard Sullivan
Bernard again asks Kap, "So what led you to drink the fountain's waters?"
Kapurma tells Bernard, "My friend Adam. Generations ago when I was still a child I was attacked by a predator. My mother and father tried their best to protect me but ended up dying at the hands of the predators...hours later Adam found me and took me to this cave to patch me up. I wasn't meant to take a drink from the fountain but I took a sip while he was away gathering the needed tools to help heal me. The waters didn't keep me from aging like how some of your translated lore of the fountain says. Instead, it just ages me extremely slowly. I don't know if that's a different rule for beasts since I've never seen a human survivor who drank the waters. Well except for Adam, but even with him, he was already blessed with immortality by this dimensions creator. Instead, he promised Adam's children eternal youth if he taught them in the creator's ways and raised his children to be pure of heart."
The fighter asks the old tortoise, "What happened after that?" He replies, "My friend and his entire family were banished from these lands. They settled somewhere outside of this dimension and made a life of their own."
Before Kapurma could continue Sullivan stands up and says, "Okay this story is getting too familiar. It's kind of creeping me out. No offense my friend." The tortoise replies, "none taken. "
Sullivan replies, "Let's head out. Sebastian could be outside looking for us now."
The two get up and head out of the cave and begin to look for Sebastian. As they scan the area Bernard tells Kapurma, "You know what Kap. This place is pretty beautiful. You can count on me on keeping this place secret.
Kapurma tells Sullivan, "I appreciate it. Where could your friend be though? I see he parked his vehicle down there but he's nowhere to be found?"
Nervous now Bernard yells, "SEBASTIAN!!!"
There's no answer. Then to his surprise, he looks to his feet and notices footprints. They lead to the roof of the cave. Bernard sees a figure laying face flat on the floor. He points above Kapurma to signal he may have found his friend. So they both head up towards the fallen figure.
Once at the top Kapurma says, "Oh no!" Nervously the fighter asks, "What's wrong with him!?"
Kapurma tells Bernard, "Looks like he ate from the tree of knowledge." Shocked Bernard can only say, "What!?"
Kapurma tells him, "It'll be okay, he'll just be knocked out for an hour or so. The properties of these fruits are powerful. They bless you with knowledge beyond your comprehension. During ancient times it was forbidden to eat from this tree it was said man was not ready to consume its fruits yet, but when Bilal deceived Adam's wife it sped up the process of man's growth sometimes for the best but also for the worst. With knowledge also comes other intentions in life. Like greed and jealousy. During the infancy of man, some of Adam's children who were born from his wife Eve were able to handle the knowledge the fruit gave to their parents and passed on to them. Some used the knowledge for their own personal gain not caring who they hurt in the process. Others collaborate with their fellow man building great societies. Tell me Sullivan, in your time knowing this Sebastian Caine could you tell me what kind of man he is?"
Bernard replies, "What does that have to do with how he is right now."
The old tortoise replies, "Similar to the fountain, but with the fruit of the tree. This is opinion, not fact. I believe whoever consumes the fruit and obtains this knowledge will help society progress if the bearer knows the value in his companions. And also sees value in helping others who aren't his companions yet. Also, the properties of the fruit pass down to the consumer's children. If this man or woman is a good person we will reap the benefits of them and their children's knowledge for generations to come."
Bernard tells Kap, "Sebastian's a nice guy. He has his desires like everyone else. One of his main reasons for going on this trip with me was so he could have my boat and see things no other man has seen in thousands of years. He also is a man of nature which is why I asked him to come with me. He never overfishes. We only take what we need to. I've seen him give his last few dollars to the homeless whenever we'd dock. Bottom line I think when it comes down to it he's a good person.
Kapurma tells Bernard, "Okay, let's bring him in it's going to get dark soon. Looks like wherever you came from that world will be getting a bearer who ate from the tree of knowledge and another who drank from the fountain of youth.
End of Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Knowledge