“Its been 7 days since the king realized the city was gone. So he fled to his castle up in the hills.” Said a knight, sitting on a rock on the edge of the hill, watching the sun set, the sky turning orange.
“Just be happy he let you come.” A Spartan said as he crouched by the edge beside the knight and looked out down the hill, making sure there were no enemies.
“The Athens drove us out of our city because they had the bigger force.” An archer said as she sat down in the dirt, all muddy from the recent battle down there. Her name was Liqia (lick-qy-uh) and she was among the best archers in the city.
“Sad that we lost the city?” Asked the king as he walked towards them, the sun light reflecting off his golden yellow crown.
“No. More..MAD.” Said the knight, obviously angry and wanting revenge. This man was name Richard.
“Come. It’s going to get dark soon. We MUST fortify this castle before they think to check up here.” Said the King as he walked towards the castle gate.
The two men and woman followed him inside the building.