No Plagiarism!QYApCRi1DaeEi3fv2zYbposted on PENANA All I can Say8964 copyright protection171PENANAnpKk7Owipd 維尼
Hope is the best thing we can hope for8964 copyright protection171PENANAWLw7NdqyQE 維尼
Sad to say8964 copyright protection171PENANALNHeOGvpd8 維尼
Even the gamblers lose they sight8964 copyright protection171PENANAepgr9Rvoiz 維尼
Seen the red lights8964 copyright protection171PENANAyMdlVTb6Ah 維尼
Proud to say8964 copyright protection171PENANAPnmBbuH7jK 維尼
It took a while to train our minds8964 copyright protection171PENANAVPSf3jcpyi 維尼
To face to the bright light8964 copyright protection171PENANAEUXZWJB3gk 維尼
It’s like8964 copyright protection171PENANAht4KGuCiRW 維尼
Everything takes the time8964 copyright protection171PENANA3qntMZbG7F 維尼
To grow Up8964 copyright protection171PENANAcTflHEtiwV 維尼
It’s the position of the vision8964 copyright protection171PENANABy1amkvXFo 維尼
To light up the Dark8964 copyright protection171PENANAlrpvUnBlHD 維尼