Names & History:
The name of the country is Frakene [pronounced Fr-ack-een], while the capital city’s name is Kingdom of Fosprine [pronounced: Fah-spry-een].
The country was named after its founder, Franklin O’Malley who founded the island country in 1802 after a war between the two neighbouring countries. Refugees from both sides of the war settled on this island and Franklin was elected as the monarch.
The location of Frakene is a large island off the coast of Peru, which is in South America. It’s in the Southern Hemisphere, in the world region most commonly known as Latin America.
People were drawn to this island as a safe haven from the war raging on its neighboring islands. It has lush greenery, plenty of freshwater streams, lakes, and rivers along with the many wild animals that inhabit it that can be used for food, tools, and clothing. Underground are rich mineral laden caves and mines while the sea is full of even more sources of foods and riches. About a hundred yards away from the west coast is a ship graveyard, filled with Spanish trading ships that are full of treasures.
Climate & Geography:
The physical geography of Frakene is a gorgeous, jungle-like landscape with tall mountains to the West and a fertile farmland to the East. Several winding rivers run through this large island, separating the Kingdoms from each other.
This country uses sustainability by not using plastic, or very rarely using plastic, to package foods and other items. This country much prefers wood, or reusable containers. They also are constantly changing up the crops they grow to prevent monocropping and replant the trees they cut down. The Frakene have a water system that pulls water from the ocean and filters it for their use before recycling it back out to the ocean, to restart the process over again.
The Frakene speak a mixture of English, Portuguese, and French which they have named “Frak”, which tourists have noted as a very harsh sounding language. It is the most commonly used language while English, Portuguese, & French make up a much smaller portion. All three of those languages are taught throughout schools, so most children can speak all four languages.
The food is very consist on seasons and what they can farm. Plants, along with fish and wild game make up a majority of their diet. They will occasionally trade for more processed foods from the mainland, but not very often as most people are content with the food they have. Wild fruit, along with orchards, are abundant on this island.
The architecture of the island is very ancient times with stone arches and columns in every house and building. The buildings are very solidly built with heavy oaken doors. They are built for the constant tropical storms that run through this land, along with keeping out wild animals.
[.Holidays & Celebrations.]
The Frakene have several major holidays such as Day of the Boar, in honor of the wild boar that provide them food and believed protection from the more dangerous creatures lurking in the hick jungle. Another important event is Carpe Diem, a week long celebration held at the beginning of each year. It is believed to bring good fortune to those who celebrate in this event.
A vast majority of their music has no lyrics but a lot of the children’s, or lullabies, have short verses in French. The music is very melodic, most styles focusing on more of a lighter song than a brass heavy. It’s very traditional and focuses on themes of harvest, Mother Nature, and the surrounding ocean.
The Frakene clothing is made out of light cloth woven from wool and plant fibers, traditionally died in bright colors, mostly blues and greens, to symbolize the life on the island. During celebrations, cherry red clothing is used to symbolize fortune, luck, and prosperity.
Frakene’s government is a system of six different Kingdoms, each with a monarch and then a overruling monarch. The head monarch has final veto over every decision. It is a democratic monarchy, electing the head monarch every ten years, or when they die.
The cultural boundaries don’t tend to exist on this island, as most of the people on here follow the same religion, as they are closed off of the mainland and haven’t heard of most other religions, but there are a few people are Christians.
The physical boundaries is the Atlantic ocean, and a tall mountain range, called the “les Crêtes de l'Épinesse,” to the West.
The leader, or main leader at least, gets their power by being elected by the people.