A young woman - in her late teens or early 20s - is hunched over a keyboard, typing something. She makes happy squirming noises and smiles constantly. Her name is Emilia Mayflower - screen name @LiaLove - and she's writing to her online lover - screen name @NinnyBunny - who she met on an internet site a few months ago. They've been chatting every day since then and recently confessed to each other and found out that their feelings are mutual. They don't know much about each others' real life information, just that apparently "NinnyBunny" is a about the same age as "LiaLove," give or take a couple of years. They share interests and loves, hobbies and worries. They met in an internet forum aimed at LGBT people and somehow started messaging each other.
In real life, Emilia is a well-behaving daughter who goes to college and works part-time in a daycare center for toddlers and babies. She only knows that "NinnyBunny" is still in school - probably high school, but doesn't even know if she's on her second or third year. She does know it's not her first, since she has talked about "her first year in high school" as a past reference. Nobody in real life knows Emilia is lesbian, let alone that she as a love interest. For her classmates in college, Emilia is a quiet girl who isn't interested in drinking and boys and prefers to read and to be left alone. She has a couple of good friends though, but even none of them knows. Emilia has never told about her sexual orientation to anyone in her life, save for "NinnyBunny".
"... I love you, wish we could meet." Emilia says and sends the message, then squeals happily. Aagh! I did it! she thinks, I finally said I wanted to meet her in real life! She leans back on her chair and watches her laptop’s screen glowing in the dim light of her room. It’s almost 2am and it has been hours since Emilia should have been asleep, but she couldn’t. Not after she decided to write to NinnyBunny about wanting to meet her. I wish I could tell someone about this, I’m so excited! She thinks. But Emilia isn’t "out" to anyone she knows. Her two best friends who she might consider coming out to, are Rebecca West and Victoria Dawson. Becca and Vic. She has known Vic for the better part of their lives, having met her in junior high, and Becca is a new friend from college that shares her love for nerdy things and not wanting to drink booze ever Friday night. She and Vic are not especially close, not in the "bff" category, but good friends nonetheless. Vic’s still in high school - in her third year and also more active and outgoing than Emilia, but they share a few nerdy interests, mainly video and roleplaying games. Vic’s been at Emilia’s gaming group ever since they started. The other people change periodically when people get married or move around or start jobs. Vic’s been in every game so far and they share memories on those. But outside of those, they are not that close. They didn’t do sleepovers while they were in school or spent summers together. Becca, Becca she knows only from school, but they are together practically every day and chat about things. They are the same age and Becca’s been onto one or two games that Emilia has ran. All other Emilia’s friends are more acquaintances and less friends. Emilia’s games have always been inclusive and have featured LGBT characters in the past and neither Vic or Becca has ever said anything against them, on the contrary they seemed to like the additions.
Emilia considers again coming out to them, but decides against it, once again. It’s an entirely different thing having an imaginary character be gay, than to tell your real-life friend that you’re in love with another girl. It would be nice to have someone to talk to and gush about feelings though, so Emilia considers telling some one.. in the future. Not now, not tomorrow, but… maybe some day. Maybe. For now, she closes the laptop lid and hops onto her bed and squirms herself under her blankets.
The next morning, Emilia wakes up, does her morning routine and heads to lessons. She bumps into Becca when she makes it to school. "Becca! Good morning!" Emilia shouts at her and waves her hand in the air. Becca seems a bit out of it and just nods and her. Emilia tilts her head slightly sideways and shrugs. She makes her way to Becca’s side and asks "What’s going on, Becca?"
Becca looks at Emilia and drops her gaze, blushing slightly. "I, erm. Uh.. Well, it’s kinda embarrassing.. would you mind joining me after lessons for a cup of coffee or two? I’m going to clear out my head first." She says and rises her head and looks at Emilia again. Her cheeks are slightly blushed and her eyes are smiling. Something nice must have happened to Becca, and Emilia is actually happy about that. "Sure!" She says. "let’s meet at the corner cafe after lessons then!" Becca nods and walks away. They don’t have all the same classes, so Emilia won’t see Becca today at all in school aside from this or lunchtime. She wonders what could have happened to Becca to get that reaction out of her.
After school is over, Emilia heads to the corner cafe, orders a cup of hot cocoa and sits down. She waits for a bit for Becca to arrive and when she does, she looks anxious and awkward. Becca orders a cappuccino and sits next to Emilia. "Emi… " she says and draws a deep breath. "I know we’ve not know each other for that long, but I consider you one of my closest friends. Please, don’t say anything. I’ve had to psych myself for this, if you say anything I’ll just crumble and not do anything." Emilia takes a sip from her now-cold cocoa and just nods and Becca. Becca takes another deep breath. "Emilia. I’m gay." She says and shakes visibly. Emilia takes a double take and gasps involuntarily. Wait, what?! Becca’s gay too!? I could’ve come out to her all this time and…! "I know, I know, shocking. But yes, I’m gay, and I’m in love with another girl that I met online a few months ago…" Becca watches the color drain from Emilia’s face as she makes one too many conclusions that make sense to her. At this same moment, Vic steps into the cafe too and hollers at them "Oh! Emi! And Rebecca! Hello! What’s cooking?"241Please respect copyright.PENANAfq2cHDOUXU
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