A brown-skinned, dark-haired beautiful young woman walks towards her home and her heart is in her throat. She successfully came out to her friend, no friends today and accidentally found out that they too were gay! There was never any reason to panic in the first place. For that reason. But now there’s the other one… They all have apparently met a person they liked, on the same dating site, at approximately the same time. I mean I don’t know Emilia that well that I’d have developed romantic feelings towards her, but if it IS her, I.. I don’t think I’d mind. She’s pretty, smart and funny. Vic, however, I don’t really know her at all, but.. but if she is my online match, then I know a lot about her and I’m willing to learn more.
She walks lazily towards home and thinks how she met her fated person and how they have been keeping in touch via the website ever since. Well, her age and interests match with both of them really. If it ends up being that none of us were matched, at least we could get together and have a really fun friend group, Emilia could run us a bigger campaign with six people! I wonder.. now that we’re all out to each other, how much will that make a difference? At least all the awkward hiding will be gone and we can tell stupid jokes among ourselves… If nothing else works, at least this brings us closer as friends, she thinks and heads home.
Rebecca walks home and sits in front of her computer and fires it up. She logs in to the website and starts looking who is online. She goes and opens the real-time chat with her friend… "Were you at the Corner Cafe today?" she writes, hits send and prepares to wait for a couple of hours, but the instant *ping* from the computer almost stops her heart. "Well, I was at Corner Cafe…" the message stars and Rebecca gasps aloud ".. but I was there in the morning. I’ve been at home the last few hours as I’m helping my mom cook for tomorrow. What about that? Did you think you saw me? ;) ;) ;) Are you that thirsty? :P" Becca smiles and sighs. "Nevermind, false alarm. So how was your day…?" she writes, hits send and leans back. I wonder if it was Emi and Vic then, she thinks as she continues to chat with her online friend, Bucket_OfRoses…