They stayed like that, napping on the bench for quite some time, just basking in each other’s presence like a warm shower. Isis was curled up and leaning into Julius’s chest as he held her close to him. It felt comforting, and despite the chilly winds, they both felt warm in the embrace of the other. Julius stirred awake first, not daring to wake up Isis who he knew was very tired after all the things he pulled with her the past few days, he knew she would scold him for waking her up when she was in such a deep sleep. Even though his arm was going numb, he didn’t stir, only moving to give Isis sweet kisses on her forehead every ten minutes or so. Julius didn’t care about the world around him in that moment, he only cared about Isis, who was breathing softly as she slept. Her long lashes folded over her bottom lid, and her dark curly hair that was tied into a bun earlier had twisted itself out, creating an odd shape at the back of her head. Julius chuckled silently, patting her head affectionately. Isis shivered a bit but eventually settled back down into his embrace, it was mid spring and the world wasn’t quite dethawed completely. Julius didn’t want to move Isis in case she woke up, and he knew that she definitely needed rest with how intimate they had been with each other in the last 48 hours.
Julius smoothed her hair down, brushing away stray hairs that tickled Isis’s nose as she slept. He patted her head like it was the softest thing in the world, so precious to him that he thought if he made one wrong move she would break in millions of little pieces. Julius knew that Isis wasn’t a fragile young girl anymore like when they were kids, she could very easily hold her own against many knights in sparring sessions, though he never knew if the knights were going easy on her or were really bested by her wits and skill. Not that it really mattered to him, he loved Isis just the way she was, flaws and all. He loved her from the top of her head down to the tips of her toes. Her slightly crooked nose, the way her hair never seemed to cooperate with her hairbrush, how short she was, and how introverted she was. He wished he could keep her all to himself until death do them part - No, even after that, he would keep her even after they were gray and old and dead. He would definitely love her till then, and keep loving her even as a spirit. His heart would always beat on for her, and only her.
Isis shivered some in her sleep again and Julius hugged her more tightly this time, almost cradling her in his arms. When he saw her sleeping face; he saw her nose which was bright pink on the tip, and her cheeks had also been kissed by the wind. He unraveled his arms from around her waist and locked one behind her back and the other under her knees. He lifted her up gently with the intention of taking her to bed so she could rest more comfortably. Though he would miss their alone time on the bench, he definitely didn’t want her to catch a cold because he had to go back to work tomorrow, meaning he wouldn’t be able to stick to her side like cement. Julius carried Isis through the gardens and back into the heated corridor, his shoes making distinct echoing sounds with each step he took. Julius looked around the vast hallway, thinking about how nice it would be to fill it with the laughter of children. The thought brought a smile to his face as he continued to carry Isis. He walked the long and vast corridors, up the grand staircases and past several maids who offered to help him carry the sleeping princess.
“Your Majesty, we can take the princess to get washed, changed and put to bed if you would like to sleep first.” Said a younger looking maid. Julius figured that she was probably a new employee as he didn’t get a say on who was hired and who was not unless they were his personal maid or his secretary. The help is usually managed by the head maid Gladis who had been working for the imperial family since her early twenties.
“No thank you, I can take her to bed myself.” He replied with a broad smile. After the maid curtseyed as a goodbye, Julius went back to carrying Isis around like a rare porcelain doll. He finally rounded the last corner and opened the door of their bedroom. As Julius trotted over to the large four poster bed, he checked to make sure that Isis was still asleep before he changed her himself. He pulled off her corset, her dress and her petticoat before slipping her silk nightgown over her pale shoulders. It was a wonder how Isis had been asleep after being handled so much and Julius concluded that she was just an extremely heavy sleeper. He pulled back the covers and tucked her into the bed, giving her a soft peck on the lips that left a sweet, honey-like taste on Isis’s lips. Julius then got himself ready for bed as he slipped on his night wear and climbed into bed next to her, pulling her body close to his as they spooned.
As the night wore on, Juluis didn’t sleep much, his eyes were captivated by his beautiful wife-to-be. His eyes never leaving her sleeping form. On occasion he would place a light kiss on her. Her forehead, her lips, her hand. Anywhere he could without her waking up. Eventually, he did fall asleep while cradling her body against his. They slept intertwined like tangled yarn. The maids that were supposed to wake them the next morning were hesitant to disturb their sleeping forms. Some were glad that the king really loved the princess, others were jealous and only thought the princess brought her family title to the table with this high status marriage. But duty did call louder than their peaceful slumber and a brave maid came in and woke the loving couple from the sweet sleep.
“Good morning, my dear.” Julius greeted Isis as her eyes fluttered open slowly, he gave her a soft kiss on the cheek and the maid gushed silently.
“Ahem, your Majesty, breakfast has been prepared for you and the Princess.” The maid explained, a tad bit embarrassed by the affection Julius had in his eyes when he looked at Isis.
“Yes, very good, we will be down soon.” Julius replied, brushing a strand of hair from Isis’s face as she rolled over to greet him.
“Good morning, Julius…” She said groggily, her eyes half closed. Julius chuckled, he never knew that his fiance would have such cute bed head. Her hair was all over the place, curly and bouncy like rubber balls and slinkys. He straightened out one of the curls with his finger, watching it recoil and bounce back as he released the strand.
Clover got out of bed first, she got dressed in a casual red dress with a high waistline, puffed sleeves and golden trim. He admired how good she looked in any kind of clothing, he would be willing to bet money that she would even look good in a knight’s uniform. But, he doubted he would ever see her in one. He watched as she followed a maid out of the room and into the corridor. He knew she would be back before breakfast. Gladis was just informing her about her duties for the day. Likely just going through financial reports and reading the letters some congressmen would write. Julius hated the idea of Isis getting letters from other men, even if they were only talking about business or reports regarding the kingdom. He knew it was a problem to try and keep her from her work as it would likely lead towards an economic recession. Julius had read about economic recession and he didn’t want his people to suffer like that. Well, he also really didn’t want to deal with the social backlash from not only the nobles but other common folk too. Julius shivered while thinking about the last economic recession their kingdom had, it resulted in the execution of king Argress II via hanging. Julius didn’t want to think about being hanged anymore and he decided to get ready for the day too. He threw on a high collared white shirt with bishop sleeves. He pulled on a pair of black dress pants and some leather shoes before heading down to the dining hall.
Julius refused to touch his food until Isis came back. He waited for a good twenty minutes for her to arrive. She came down from the stairs and sat next to Julius. The both of them smiling at each other. They started eating the breakfast prepared for them, pancakes, juice, toast, and various fresh fruits picked from the palace orchard. Julius hoped that the food was to her liking, but Isis was never picky about the food she ate. Isis always believed that as long as it tasted good, it didn’t matter whether the dish was 3 pounds or 400 pounds. It was all the same to her. They shared their meal with light conversation about how they slept last night, what they dreamed about and what they should do for their break together in the evening.
“We could drink tea in the gardens.” Julius suggested, taking his fork to his mouth for another bite. Isis thought about it for a second before replying.
“Isn’t it supposed to be a bit chilly today?” She asked. “The weather was a little cold yesterday, what if we drink in the tea room today.” She proposed. Julius nodded enthusiastically.
“That sounds good, my dear.” Julius replied, taking her hand and holding it under the table.
“Yes, shall I see you at noon?”
“Yes, I will be waiting for you.”
After breakfast concluded, Julius and Isis parted ways to go to their respective studies. Isis was to go over the financial reports and reply to various letters that had gone unanswered since the previous queen’s passing two years ago. Her study was left virtually untouched aside from the light dusting the maids did to keep the room clean. Not one book, quill or piece of parchment had been disturbed in two whole years. When Isis arrived at the study, she was met with piles upon piles of letters and papers she needed to sort through, reply to, and check math. She felt like she would never get all of it done in at least a month, but you always have to start somewhere.
Isis picked up one letter that had been addressed to the previous queen; Catherine Briddleton. Isis opened it and read the contents;
To the queen Catherine Briddleton, I have come to inform you of your son; Prince Johnathon, has been interested in irregular activities, including; sewing, cooking, and refusing to participate in swordsmanship training like you have instructed him to do in our curriculum. Lady Dumpfrey would like to enforce disciplinary action for his unwillingness to participate in his studies.
Lewis Donavertte.
Isis paused for a moment. She would have to take this letter to Julius later in the evening so she could reply. Not that she thought it was that big of a deal that Prince Johnathon was participating in women’s activities. She thought that it was just fine for a man to use a sewing needle, just as her father thought it was fine for her to learn the sword. A rounded means of studies is good for a young person like Prince Johnathon. She set the letter aside and sifted through the rest one by one, from oldest to newest so she could reply promptly. A few hours had gone by as Isis was answering the letters as best she could. Invitations to parties that had happened months ago, marriage proposals for her sons. Even one that wanted the queen to invest in a voyage. Isis was glad that she never invested, the voyage had been a complete failure, with most of the crew dying from yellow fever on the boat to the new lands and they would never even land foot on the ground again. Isis shivered while thinking about how grizzly a death that would be; alone, no friends or family, on the water- and once you died they would throw the dead off ship to conserve space. Isis was happy that she had never even stepped foot on a boat.
Finally after many letters and documents, noon had arrived and it brought Isis comfort that she could take a break with Julius in the tea room. She stood up from her desk and stretched her firm limbs, a few pops and cracks came from her stiff bones. She began walking towards the tea room by herself. She didn’t need a maid to guid her around the palace. She had basically grown up here, being the favored friend of the crown prince and all had its perks. As she made her way down the stairs and passed the ball room and through the many wide and expertly decorated corridors until she reached the tea room. She poked her head in to see Julius sitting at the table, staring out the window into the palace gardens. Isis blushed, remembering their encounter in the gardens not too long ago.
“Julius, how has work been so far?” She asked, with a big smile on her face, trying to forget about the unsultry memory. Julius turned towards her, beckoning for her to sit down across from him.
“Well, work was work. But how are you? I can only imagine how many letters and papers have been piling up in the queen dowager’s office.” He told her, pouring her a cup of rooibos tea. He offered her sugar and milk but she rejected the offer, claiming that it tasted more robust without any additives.
“You could only imagine how many letters I already read before coming here.” She said with a sigh, sipping on her own cup of steaming tea.”Oh, that does remind me,” She handed him the letter from count Lewis Donavertte.”This came about a year and a half ago, I figured you’d want to see it.” Julius took the letter from her and read it. He snickered silently as the letter concluded.
“Oh Johnny, always sticking out like a sore thumb. It’s good for a boy to learn more ‘feminine’ tasks, he’ll learn how to properly treat a wife.” He said, putting down the letter. Isis nodded in agreement.
“It never hurt anyone to learn such tasks.” She replied. “Should I reply that you don’t want any discipline to be instilled? Or would you like to reply?” She asked, taking back the letter.
“Well, it was addressed to the queen and since you're soon to be my queen, I think you should answer it.” He said with a big grin. Isis blushed deeply at the thought of being his queen. She really didn’t think much about the title she was about to receive.
“V-very well then, Julius.” She stuttered, a bit embarrassed about the conversation. She took another long sip of her tea before they continued their conversation.
The rest of their break consisted of mundane conversation. ‘How are you?’ ‘How are you feeling?’ ‘How is your first day of work going?’, very simple and lighthearted conversation between the two. Julius was the first to get up after he finished his cup of tea.
“Well my dear Isis, I do believe that it is time for us to go back to work. Unfortunately, a country doesn’t stop needing things.” Julius jokes.
“Yes, it does seem that way, Julius.” Isis agreed, taking one last sip of her tea before her cup was completely empty, the only reminisce was a few stray tea pulp at the bottom of the cup. Isis followed Julius out of the tea room, Julius gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before they parted ways. Julius went back to his study, and Isis went back to hers. Isis began writing out a reply to the count.
Dear Count Lewis Donavertte, thank you for your concern regarding Prince Johnathon’s interests. However, his Majesty, King Julius Briddleton II has requested that no disciplinary action be taken. Please write back to us with any further queries.
Isis Boyavard.
Isis hoped that they didn’t take matters into their own hands and punish the poor boy before somebody had written back. She hoped that all they did was put him into detention for skipping classes and nothing more. Isis never knew why many men her age and older disliked their sons being ‘feminine”. Isis’s father had never believed in the feminization of certain tasks and vice versa. This is why Isis had learned the sword, not only to protect herself, but to show that her family was so great that even their daughters could wield a sword. Isis knew it was an iffy publicity stunt to raise her family's reputation. But it wasn’t like she cared all that much. She got to express herself in ways that most women her age and of identical status could never. She did feel a bit sorry for those women who had to pretend to be someone they were not, she had even heard rumors about a Princess running away and disguising herself as a man so she could go to war with her brothers. But it was all just hear-say. Isis didn’t know if it was really true or not, but either way, the unknown Princess was a hell of a lot stronger than Isis ever could be. Heck, Isis was scared to leave her family for marriage, let alone run away to be a mercenary.
Isis continued to work diligently for hours, responding to letters and important documents. Once late evening had approached, she had already made a good dent in the papers. Isis grinned at how much work she was able to accomplish, proud to tell Julius that all three-thousand letters should be completed in three or four days. A maid named Hanna had knocked on the door to her study.
“My lady, dinner has been prepared for you and his Majesty in your quarters.” Hanna said, giving Isis a respectful bow. Isis nodded.
“Thank you Hanna.” She said gratefully, standing up and venturing back to her and Julius’s shared quarters. Once she arrived, Julius was waiting by the door for her. He ambushed her and gave her a big hug as she entered the room.
“Oh, I’ve missed you so much.” He whined, planting several sloppy kisses on her cheeks and forehead. Isis returned the gesture with another few chaste kisses of her own. Julius smiled, happy to be near her again. He took her hand in his and motioned for her to join him at the small table that had a few plates of food and water. Julius pulled her chair out for her and pushed her seat in as she sat down before he followed suit in his own chair.
They both ate together, their meal uneventful aside from some jokes that Julius said that made Isis laugh so hard she cried. She wondered how her mother would feel if she saw her daughter act like this infront of the emperor. Isis knew that she would be disappointed, her mother expected nothing but perfection from her daughter. Though she was more lenient with her sister, Eleanor, but that was because she was only fourteen. Isis had always longed for the same kind of treatment her sister received from their mother, but she would never dare to say it aloud. As they ate their meal of soup and meat, Isis couldn’t help but wonder what the future had in store for them both. How their wedding would go, how their marriage would fair, would Julius get a concubine when or if she was no longer enough to satisfy him. Isis shivered at the thought of being casted aside. But she trusted Julius not to break her heart. They had known eachother since they were in diapers, Isis trusted him more than she trusted any living being on this earth, and she knew she had nothing to worry about. But as the night wore on and the two went to bed, Isis’s mind began to wander and overthink the situation before finally drifting off into a fitful sleep just before daybreak.