In her bedroom, all Elowen could see was the cloud of her breath and her hands in front of her face as the twin suns rose in the sky, slowly illuminating the space around her. The more she could see, the less time she had. The first toll rang as soon as the suns were just above the horizon, signifying the crack of dawn and the near start of the change she was about to go through. All elves were mandated to attend this, but this time would be different. It would help them, all of them, she thought.
She quickly hopped up and out of bed, throwing together whatever made her look strongest and more confident. But as she made her way down the path to the great tree, all she could feel was nervousness, not confidence. Today was meant to be life-changing and perfect, at least that's how she pictured today going.
All she could hear was the sound of the leaves crunching beneath her feet and the melody sung by the birds chirping in the distance. She tried to think about how beautiful the suns looked, the twins, dancing together in the early morning sky, how the morning air was refreshing and soft but noticeable enough to send chills down your spine. She couldn't even appreciate the beauty. She knew she was a nervous wreck.
"Hey, wait for me," a voice called behind her, and she heard the quickened pace of footsteps. "You can't leave me behind, you know." As the figure came into view, the scraggly black hair and welcoming blue eyes were the first things that she noticed.
"Of course I could. I just did, didn't I?" she rolled her eyes, quick to crack a joke. He just chuckled softly and ruffled her hair. She hated when he did that, treating her like a child. She guessed that's what older brothers did, at least, hers did. "You shouldn't worry, you know I can take care of myself." She countered, slightly irritated.
"I know you can, but it's kind of my job to worry, Elowen. Especially right now." As her older brother fell into step with her and mustered up the best reassuring ‘You got this’ that he could, he draped his arm around her shoulder protectively at an instinct. He always did this. Though his presence was calming, all she could think about was the future of their world.
With their magic dying and the life of the forest and animals fleeting their grasp, there was only one alternative. It wasn't the safest or the surest, but someone had to do it. It may as well have been her.
“Hey- Are you ready?” remarked her brother. “This is something very serious. I don't even think the Elventy will permit it.”
“I don't care if they don't permit it, Leo. I’m doing it with or without their approval.” She walked faster, her breath quickening with every step. “It’s our destiny, our family's quest.”
“Ellie, this isn't our family's quest…it was yours. It has always been your destiny to save us.” She stood staring at him in silence for what felt like hours, thinking over his words. Her destiny. It didn't seem very real. For years she had been told it was bound to happen because some prophecy said so, but she had always wanted to be a hero. Long before anyone told her she had to be. Now that some were expecting her to be one made it feel less adventurous and more of a pain.
They continued in silence until the quiet sound of the chatter of elves was heard from the Great Tree. A large room hidden in the trunk of an ancient Oakle tree. The large wooden doors were now their only obstacle. As they swung open the doors to the council room, the elves and Elventy all went quiet. Staring at the Nightshade sibling duo. She felt her hair brush against her back as she walked, but that wasn't what was bothering her. All eyes were on her and at that moment she felt like heaving, but she knew she had to put on a brave face and do this.
Her brother stood closely behind her, almost as if he were her bodyguard. As she stood in the centre of the room, the smell of wood, and fresh morning air filled her nostrils in an overwhelming whoosh. The silence suddenly became pleasing and it did wonders on her nerves. Sadly, something always had to break her little moments of peace.
“You serve no business here. This meeting isn't meant for children,” spat the Head Elf, an old man who looked to be in his 60s who stood on an elevated podium with four chairs to his left and four to his right, forming a curve. He sat in the middle looking sinister and evil. His pointy ears stuck out from his head in an odd and uneven position making his face look crooked. His greying black hair was combed back, and small, silver, half-moon spectacles sat neatly on the man's large nose. For years, she hated this man. In return, he hated her and always made it a point to make her feel like nothing. Even with the few friends she had, nothing compared to the amount of people who followed and adored him. That only meant more people who hated her.
She took a deep breath before speaking, knowing that if she wasnt calm, she would start ranting, only worsening the public view of her. She focused on her feat. Firmly planted on the floor, keeping her steady and grounded. Never once did she remove her eyes from the man, she wanted to seem as confident in herself as Leo was in her.
“How about we focus on what matters, the problem at hand, instead of criticizing me,” she retorted, the words rolling off her tongue easily. At first, she didn't know what to say but it felt easier to speak once she calmed down. She smiled, thinking about how much easier the rest would be. “Plus, what I have to say is much more important than whatever you were going to discuss, I can guarantee that.”
“What would that be?” The accusing tone set the stage for whatever ridiculous thing she would propose. A smirk was plastered across Elowens face and she braced herself for the shouting.
“As you know, the darkness is spreading. Soon it will conquer our forests and kill the creatures…kill us” She paused, letting the stakes of the situation sink in. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that the elder had clenched his jaw and was slightly chewing the inside of his mouth.
“And?” The elder glared. Still not fully aware of her proposition.
“And…I have heard the prophecy of the six. I am here in front of the council to inform you that I am going on this quest.” For what felt like an eternity, the Elventy stared, the people murmured, and I stood silently as they judged me. After all that was their job. I swallowed softly.
"What are we to do with this knowledge? Urge you to stay? I'd rather you leave, you aren't part of the prophecy. You aren't strong enough and because of that, you will die before the first day ends." he snapped. 219Please respect copyright.PENANAPcNXGstRb2
I glared.219Please respect copyright.PENANAMXepTXCQJF
"I never came here for your approval, I came here to ask the people of this village if anyone would like to join me." Silence. Deadly. I almost thought I had one but to break that silence was a sound less familiar. One that surprised me so much so that I took a step back before realising that the Elder was laughing. He was cackling. The sound was evil, cutting the silence like a dagger piercing skin. Instead of the shrieks, the screams were joyful. Maniacal.
I staggered to regain my composure. I hadn't expected to be laughed at. Mocked, yes. Glared, yes. But this? Never.
"Fine. If none of you stand up for your village you are betraying the throne, and the country. For what citizens of Alestari put their selfish wants above the safety of the people below. You are not Alestarian." With my final words ringing in the ears of the council room, I turned on my heel and stormed out of there. Leaving my old life behind and stepping into my true purpose. Saving us from plunging darkness. 219Please respect copyright.PENANAPMYCuzwNLC