"Weimar, you are forgetting something!"
The newly anointed squire turned to see his mother approach him, holding a bag of his belongings in one hand and a basket full of bread, especially the locally grown Chartreuse and Breabatte, and some pastries that included Weimar's favorite, Wynobrodt. The teenage squire chuckled as he shook his head and turned to face his mom.
"Pardon me, momma, but I was a bit too too eager to reach my post. After all, I am the first of our line to don the position of a squire. Maybe I'll be something more further down the line. I have always mused about becoming an Aislundian knight like Sir Globar. Then again, what would I be if I had forgotten my Wynobrodt portions?"
Madelynn Rice giggled as she handed Weimar his contents. "Aye, on the bright side, you wouldn't neglect the role I play in your life. I ensure that the farm and our house runs smoothly so you can function. You were a great help in the house. You will be sorely missed, but despite that, I want you to go and live your dream and make us proud. That is not to say that you haven't made me and your father proud already."
Madelynn enveloped her son in a tight hug. Taken by surprise, but deciding to weather it since it would be the last time he would feel his mother's embrace in a long while. He felt tears stream down his face as he held his mom tightly. The sound of someone clearing their throat had been the only thing that had drawn his attention away from his mom.
"Good grief, you are so pathetic!" Veerus grumbled, shaking his head. He leaned on the wooden ledge in the corner of the living room of the farm house they lived in.
"Have a little heart, will you?" Weimar smiled a bit through his tears. "I will miss you, too."
"Hmph! Whatever, wanker."
The elder Rice boy turned away from the mother-son duo, but Weimar could see some glistening tears in the his eyes. So behind that rough exterior was some humanity after all.
"Do you really have to go?"
Weimar felt something half his size throw itself into his arms. As small as he was, Little Willy packed quite a punch. Weimar chuckled as he fell onto his back, hugging him tightly. As he gazed down at his younger brother's tear-stained face, he sighed and addressed him in a shaky voice.
"Yes, I do, Will. Don't get me wrong, I will miss you, but I need to live my dream. Besides, I am not going to do this for selfish gains. My position will earn us more coins. Don't you want to move out of this place in the middle of nowhere and move closer to the Kingdom's capital far away from the frontier where there will be less bandit attacks and more people and a better life?"
Willy just nodded. Weimar gently helped him up before turning for the door. Taking a breath to steady his nerves, he turned to address his family one last time.
"Take care of yourselves and pa. I will write whenever I can and I sure as Skam will visit once the opportunity presents itself. No worries, Syras will be accompanying me as well."
Madelynn smiled kindly. "So I heard. I will inform Zama Morrizak of her son's new employment. I am sure she won't object. If she needs help with house chores, I wouldn't object to assisting her as well. Be on your way now. Don't keep your companions waiting much longer."
"Thanks, mom!"
Not wanting to remain in his home for the fear of losing his will to separate from his family, Weimar opened the creaky gray twiggy door that served as an entrance to his home and exited.
"Wait one moment!"
Feeling a hand on his shoulder, the squire turned to see Veerus's shiny brown eyes level with his own.
"Yes? You want to make deprecating comments about my character prior to my departure?"
Veerus threw his head back and laughed. "Getting fancy with words, are we, lad? Nay, I just want to give you a parting gift."
Weimar felt a small blade that glinted in the sunset get thrust into his hand. His eyes grew wide when he recognized the oblong shape with a silver tip that bent on both sides and met in the middle, making 45 degree angles.
"No way! This is a Konnali dagger! Where did you find this? This isn't found far from the Samahan Kingdom!"
Veerus gave him a sly smile that looked even more ominous by the light of the setting sun. "Let's just say I have my sources. It is better for us both if you don't know."
He must have stolen it from either a traveling smith or weapons dealer. Maybe even an antique store.
"Very well, we will leave it at that. I will remember this if things get too dire." Weimar sheathed the small ceremonial blade into the side of his breeches for later use. Against his better judgement, he pulled his brother in for a tight hug. "I will see you around."
"Not for long, you won't," Veerus joked, but Weimar caught the brief choking sound in his older brother's voice. "Just write or else!"
"Understood. May our paths cross once again!"
"Make sure yeh stop by the Backwater or ah pummel yeh to dust once weh meet!"
Weimar chuckled as he and Syras said their farewells to Sangrid, Adel, and Seline. He would surely miss those three despite having a brief misadventure with them for a tourney.
"Oi! Don't forget to stop by the Green Serpent tavern for discounts on pot pies and ale!" Adel piped in.
The five teenagers burst out laughing. This would be the last time in eons that they would laugh together.
"Don't forget about me!" Seline smiled widely.
"Nay, I shan't, my fair woman." Syras made a show of getting on a knee and holding the brunette's hand like a knight. Seline giggled as Adel grinned mischievously at Syras's display.
"Ah thought yer buddy was the knight, not yeh!" Sangrid crossed her arms.
"A lad can dream, lass." Syras rose. He turned to Weimar. "Let's proceed. Sir Globar shouldn't be kept waiting."
"I thought you'd never ask."
The duo turned one last time to say goodbye to their friends, who were silhouetted like wraiths in the setting sun, before heading north to meet their employer.
"Why did you stop here?" Syras frowned. "I thought you said goodbye already to your kin."
"I forgot one."
Outside of the fenced in area of his family's land, Weimar glanced between the grazing Waffulo, Kasawis, and other livestock before whistling. In response, a loud barking tore through the early evening air and a large furry lupine form darted between the oxen and birdlike livestock before appearing at the edge of the fence in front of Weimar.
"Pardon my bad manners, but I returned so you can see me off as well, Runeyohn," Weimar murmured as he rubbed the back of his Wallouf shepherd, a species of herding dog from the far off kingdom of Lamazzu on charge of protecting farms from poachers and predators. Once he finished rubbing the back of the whining hound's ear, Weimar rose and faced Syras. "Let's take a shortcut through the marshland so Sir Globar wouldn't-"
"Wouldn't what?"
The two glanced behind Weimar to see the knight riding toward them on his stallion, who was as black as midnight, while dragging two separate mounts.
"Come on now. Get on your steeds and let's carry on. We need to make it northeast to the town of Fjiarlan where Morghaldt awaits us. It is best not to keep him waiting if his temper is as fiery as it always has been."
The boys wasted no time mounting their horses before they set off northeast to their destination.
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