"How much farther, Sir? We've been riding all night and I really need to rest my aching bum. I bet that the legs of these horses will wear out any moment."
As the early dawn sky, dotted with twinkling stars, started to lighten its shade of blue, Weimar glanced over at his friend and companion Syras as they rode after his mentor, Sir Robin Globar, the dark outline of him and his horse visible against the gloom of the pre-dawn morning. He had to agree on his fellow villager on the importance of taking a break, even for a precious five minutes. Surely, the beasts of burden they were riding were reaching their limits and it wouldn't be long they bucked their occupants off their back. Weimar had seen it happen to Veerus once when he had taken his Dolan Trotter to visit the ruins of the Wessyk settlement and back without stopping to let his mount feed or drink. That was a funny sight to see his older brother covered in muck, but the last thing he needed was for it to happen far from home. The squire wouldn't be able to bear the shame of looking like a swamp beast before strangers.
The Aislundian knight turned his head before addressing them. "Hang tight, boys. There is no point in stopping now that we are almost upon our destination. I promised our host Morghaldt that we'd arrive first thing in the morning and I don't intend to keep him waiting. After all, despite his skills with fire manipulation, he is short on temper. I'd rather not tempt his fiery character. " The man of honor chuckled at the last bit. "Pardon the pun. I couldn't resist."
"I wouldn't have minded walking the rest of the way on foot," Syras grumbled. "We would still make it before sun up minus the sore arses. I could bloody well use a bath as well."
"What we all really require is a hot meal and sleep," Weimar spoke for the first time. "Once we acquire both, I will be eager to learn of the purpose of our visit to your old friend."
"I wouldn't necessarily call him a friend," Sir Globar replied. "As for why we are paying him a visit, it is a formal courtesy to check on how an old acquaintance is doing for one. Plus, he owes me a favor."
"So that's why we are heading off on this perilous adventure to Fjarlan," Syras sarcastically grumbled. "You want to have some buddy time with this More Halt lad while we tend to the horses and do some busy work. Ask us to serve you wine while we are at it."
"I assure you I have no such intentions," Their mentor responded, glancing back at them , his maroon cloak flapping in the wind. "Besides, you will have your bed and breakfast once we arrive. We are only a couple leagues away from the town of Fjarlan. It is an important trade hub as it is nestled between the mountain roads of the Kingdoms of Ruslan and Nokkiev. "
Syras moaned. "Please spare us the geography lesson. I want to wait until I reach Mr. Morgan's to crash. "
As the knight and stable hand bickered amongst themselves, Weimar decided to stay out of it and ruminate with his own thoughts as company. Ever since they left his village all those weeks ago after the bandit attack, Sir Globar and Weimar had only sparred a few times with each other. The very first lesson he received was a breathing technique. Admittedly, that was his least favorite exercise, but he had to do it as part of his training. Syras, despite not being a squire, was given to the same regimen. Possibly due to the groom needing to be fit enough to hold his own should they face a surprise ambush from outlaws, enemy soldiers, or even the creatures of the dark. From what he had seen, Weimar was aware of Syras's prowess in battle. Though some other aspects needed significant improvement.
"Alright lads, you will receive your first exercise as squires or in your case, a warrior in training." The acclaimed night glanced over at Syras as the boys rested in on straw beds of a stable in the town of Kattgaard, known for providing lumber.
Both boys groaned as they sat across from each other. Weimar preferred to sleep in the Bear Claw in itself, but Sir Globar insisted that should they just settle here with their charges instead.
"Should any spies, assassins, or typical gutter rat cutthroats be lurking about or on our trail, the last place they will expect us to bed for the night would be some place as humble as this." The Aislundian knight motioned around them. "It is good practice for you to shun all comforts whenever possible in order to condition yourself for the hardships that knighthood requires. There is no easy path to becoming a gallant paladin in service of the kingdom of Aislundia, which I can attest to, and it takes great discipline! Now let's begin. Sit up straight, close your eyes, and breath in!"
Weimar crossed his legs, closed his eyes, and held his breath. It wasn't even two seconds when he heard a whack and Syras yowl in pain.
"Oi! Not so hard , Sir Knight. That Alderwood branch really hurts like ten hells. "
Weimar opened an eye to see Sir Globar holding a branch and his best friend rubbing his back.
"You need to sit up straighter for all the energy to flow to your brain," the knight informed the groom. "That way, your concentration will increase as will your prowess. It could save your life one day in battle."
After what felt like hours of holding their breaths and breathing in and out like Shaokuni peacekeepers, a high-pitched whinny was heard from the stable room to Weimar's righthand side. The red avian knight himself glanced over at the stable, stroking his beard before he smiled.
"Well Syras, it appears you get a break. Twilight needs tending to, but for good measure, please check on Midnight as well."
"Aye Aye, Sir Knight!"
Syras saluted and ran off to tend to his duties as a groom.
Then came the grueling training sessions. Waking up before cock crow, the boys were to do crunches, sit-ups, and some aerobic exercises done by Xylian monks before their two league run. Afterwards, it was back to physical conditioning.
At least we have been through the crucible, tested by true battle itself. We held our own against bandits and marauding tribes. It won't be long until I will take part in a cavalry charge against the kingdom's enemies or against a beast that would terrorize hapless citizens. Now that would be a living dream.
As his thoughts wandered upon the menial chores he had to do upon all the rigorous exercises like washing the mounts and clearing out the chamber pots, Weimar spotted several yellow and orange glows in the distance that reminded him of lightbugs. After a few more feet of riding, the windows and roofs of buildings materialized. His heart started to feel warm with relief from seeing their destination appear and with the knowledge that they will soon halt their long trek from the other end of the kingdom.
That must be Fjarlan! We have finally arrived. Just a few more leagues and we will have food in our bellies and a bed to sleep in. Hopefully no more straw beds and we will have those yak fiber blankets to keep out the usual early air chill - Oi! Was that my sleep deprived mind fooling me or did that shadow actually move?
Blinking his eyes, Weimar scanned the pre-dawn shadows and noticed that they were slithering across the trees, the couple boulders before and beside them, and the grass moist with the morning dew and straight toward them. They eerily reminded him of shadowy people sneaking up on them. Wait, that must be what was happening at that moment! Glancing over at his companions, he shouted a warning.
"Sir Weimar! Syras! We are being ambushed by shadow creatures!"
Both the knight and the young groom glanced around their vicinity to see that under the sky full of twinkling stars, turning a lighter blue as the morning hours approached, black shadows were surrounding them. Drawing his sword, Sir Globar prepared to face down the beings of darkness as Syras drew a mini-sickle as well. Seeing as he needed a weapon to take on the hostile creatures, he drew his Konnali dagger, the parting gift form his older brother, while his eyes darted from side to side. Apprehension took hold of his as he awaited the shadow people's strike.
"I can't believe what I am seeing!" Sir Globar shouted, looking warily at the nearest shadow people slithering toward him like Zaffar Panthers sizing up their prey. "The Darklings are back! We don't stand much of a chance without fire or light on our side. The best we can do is keep them at bay until we can get out of the open field. Now on guard!" He prepared his stance with his left foot ahead, both hands gripping the glowing amethyst hilt of Talon.
"No worries, we can dodge these shady freaks and get out these woods if things go south, can't we?" Syras smirked, his hands both occupying miniature sickles. "But we must at least try to be a hornet at their sides. That will give them something to think about."
"Syras, now is not the time to goof off!" Weimar groaned. "We are under attack again, this time by shadow people. We need to focus on getting out of here alive."
"Head's up, mate!" Syras shouted. "Two incoming freaks of darkness!"
Gazing up, the squire noticed two of the shades hiss like shadowcats, crouch, and leap at their prey. What made his blood run as cold as EverWinter Lodge was the fact that these beings lacked eyes but had a maw full of pointed fangs. The two boys stood their ground to meet these wraiths as they commenced their attack. Gritting his teeth in concentration, Weimar reviewed what his mentor taught him about prepping for a battle and reading their opponent and field. Once one of the phantoms was over him, he let out a cry of determination and swung his weapon. To his surprise and horror, the blade phased through the darkling like it was liquid as it came down for its attack. Thinking quickly, the aspiring knight dove out of the way of those dark wolf claws.
Despite his best efforts to evade the blow from the creature of the night, the claws had raked across Weimar's abdomen, cutting through the orange tunic and leaving three red scratch marks.
"Oh Cripe no!"
Syras, seeing his pal injured, hurled one of his weapons at the darkling which ended up phasing through it like a mirage. The ghoul turned its eyeless face toward the young boy, sniffed the air, and let out a snarl. Several more snarls greeted it as around a dozen of the ghoulish beast's kin started to circle the boys like hungry megalodons. It occurred to Weimar that these outlandish beings were sizing up their prey before they zeroed in on their kill. Back to back with Syras, the two knew they only could delay the darkling attack
Pippin's Helmet! There is too many of them. How do we slay these fiends?
As the the first dark humanoid started its approach to finish off its breakfast, -or was it dinnertime for these creatures of the night? Weimar thought-, the boys tensely braced themselves for the blow that would cut them into patties. As the knight initiate closed his eyes, keeping his back pressed to his bestie's, a flash, bright enough to disorient him through his eyelids, permeated through the vicinity. Staggering back, young Weimar fell on top of Syras, tumbling to the ground. Laying on the cool dirt, he blinked several times before the pale blue of dawn greeted him, complete with a few twinkling stars. Lifting his head, he spotted the darklings bounding away save for a few who rounded on a figure wrapped in a red cloak with yellow trimmings. Weimar sat up and narrowed his eyes.
Is that Morghaldt the fire mage?
As the remaining wraiths got within leaping distance of the mage perched upon the rocky fence that came upon Weimar's neck, the magician pointed a finger and a fireball the size of a Varagorse pirate's head shot from it, incinerating the three darklings on the attack. Shakily, Weimar rose and glanced to where Sir Robin rose, his dark red cloak cut and bleeding all over his torso, his lips set in a painful grimace. The cloaked figure turned to the three travelers and motioned for them to follow.
"Follow me. It is high time you have arrived. You will need to have your injuries inspected by Donchaddine. You will be needing warm beds and breakfast as well. Now make haste before those vile apparitions return. There is enough darkness for them to hunt in these grounds. "
"Finally! "Syras breathed out as if they were rescued from the Tai-Pan whirlpools of Kai Tu. "My stomach is grumbling and my eyes can barely stay open, though the magic man's fire really is burned into my eyes. He could do less with showing off next time. Weimar, help me up please."
The young farmer reached out and helped the bronze boy up before they turned to go after who they assumed was Sir Globar's contact Morghaldt. The wounded knight gripped his side before motioning to the boys to follow them as the hooded mage stood perched upon the rocky fence like Mai-To condor. This was one of the few moments the boys were glad to follow Globar's orders.
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