Later that morning, Ethan found himself waiting for Jerry outside the building that contained Acamas International's temporary office. It was an old, two story building with windows dotting the bare concrete exterior. The front lobby had large frosted windows and glass double doors, giving the place a slightly more modern look.83Please respect copyright.PENANAcSow7iGzgL
83Please respect copyright.PENANAtiYRxKkAsP
Ethan felt a gust of mild spring air blow across his face. Luckily, the weather was nice today, as it had been all over the place this week. He checked his watch again and when he looked up, he saw Jerry walking across the parking lot. The middle-aged salesman pushed his glasses up his nose as he arrived at a leisurely pace with a coffee and doughnut.83Please respect copyright.PENANAJ0ClaGsjBi
83Please respect copyright.PENANANutQZhE9S5
"You're late," Ethan stated dryly.83Please respect copyright.PENANAek08pHpkXk
83Please respect copyright.PENANAtajqMlr4K6
"No, you're early. I'm on time," Jerry replied, taking a sip of his coffee.83Please respect copyright.PENANAKUzlDmEEKM
83Please respect copyright.PENANAs6zekg4qrY
Ethan ignored the comment, unwilling to start an argument when he was already feeling tired and irritable . He wanted another dose of his medication but couldn't risk pulling the bottle out of his bag here. It had been helping with the symptoms, but only so much and he was already far exceeding the recommended dosage. Unfortunately, Terran drugs simply weren't designed with Charax in mind and Trazinol was the best option available so he was forced to make do.83Please respect copyright.PENANA1bUs54ZNON
83Please respect copyright.PENANAdqcf364PWP
"Ready to go in there?" Ethan asked, gesturing towards the large glass double doors.83Please respect copyright.PENANAJrJHIwf5Ao
83Please respect copyright.PENANAkhHSzu9r8h
"Yeah," Jerry replied, walking towards the building.83Please respect copyright.PENANAeRfJBBtP2f
83Please respect copyright.PENANAhFeOyFOMcH
Ethan followed him into the lobby, which looked normal except for the odd furniture near the door. What he guessed were chairs, actually looked like giant oversized cushions with indents to sit in. They were all covered in polka dots and exclusively primary coloured, as if they purposefully needed to add to the existing decor clash. Further on, he could see the secretary at her desk in front of a long corridor.83Please respect copyright.PENANAmU6tktzqhK
83Please respect copyright.PENANAs0x0YsdGN4
Ethan walked over to speak to the lady at the desk. "Hello, we've got a meeting with Mr. Edbert from Acamas International at ten thirty."83Please respect copyright.PENANATx7x3AmzbC
83Please respect copyright.PENANArOxBtNuTvn
The woman typed something into the computer. "Mr. O'Leary and Mr. Harrow, is it?"83Please respect copyright.PENANAzsdgcA4eG5
83Please respect copyright.PENANAiVMDmyCQTR
"That's us," Ethan replied.83Please respect copyright.PENANABKrECTjwqC
83Please respect copyright.PENANA5huVXihoas
"Good. If you'll wait in the lobby, Mr. Edbert will be right with you." The secretary smiled at them politely.83Please respect copyright.PENANA4NWgzw52Ai
83Please respect copyright.PENANAHesIyClYsy
"Thank you," Ethan replied politely and the two men made their way towards the seating area near the entrance.83Please respect copyright.PENANAIzVGDJv8a2
83Please respect copyright.PENANAnSVDDQYnLO
There's nothing wrong with normal chairs, Ethan thought as he sat down on the piece of furniture that looked most chair-like. He sunk down into the soft fabric, shifting to try to sit properly, getting the idea that he'd never be able to get comfortable in this thing. He looked over at Jerry, who seemed to be settling in just fine and was already on his phone. Ethan picked up on of the pamphlets scattered on the small table in front of him and flipped through it absentmindedly, not really interested in the material.83Please respect copyright.PENANA8h2XOrVfFf
83Please respect copyright.PENANAcmrtey9JBn
A few minutes later, the secretary left her desk. Ethan kept flipping through the pamphlets pages. Jerry kept his attention on his phone, pushing his glasses back up his nose every so often. The two salesman continued waiting.83Please respect copyright.PENANAJxAH5nO49b
83Please respect copyright.PENANANKSCC5L94e
Ethan checked his watch, they'd been there for ten minutes. He noticed the secretary wasn't back yet. He also realized they were the only two people in the room. There were other businesses in the building, it seemed like there should be other people at least coming and going. He turned to Jerry, who still looked preoccupied. "Don't you think it's a little empty in here?"83Please respect copyright.PENANABbJ4QhPSIs
83Please respect copyright.PENANAOOo9LIv0oQ
"Must have caught them on a coffee break," Jerry replied without looking up from his phone.83Please respect copyright.PENANA99EMjTDGbz
83Please respect copyright.PENANA2ySsbXRaTy
Ethan let the matter drop, ignoring the nagging feeling in the back of his mind. The room was still empty a few minutes later when he heard footsteps. He couldn't see anyone yet but it sounded like they were getting louder, coming towards them.83Please respect copyright.PENANARpX3rnSI2C
83Please respect copyright.PENANAQwOWU0mwhx
"Someone's coming," Ethan told Jerry.83Please respect copyright.PENANASqM8UO0biz
83Please respect copyright.PENANAyd2vZSk0Lq
"Probably just the secretary," Jerry mumbled, still fixated on the mesmerizing electronic device.83Please respect copyright.PENANAx40J3Mc6al
83Please respect copyright.PENANACOqVjG7GLs
Ethan got up to get a better look at who was coming around the corner. He saw two men, neither of them anyone he recognized. They were walking towards the two coworkers casually.83Please respect copyright.PENANAwNuVM3pGai
83Please respect copyright.PENANA3RkerzyZIC
That feeling was nagging at Ethan again, that there was something off about all this. He didn't like that the place was empty. He knew the heat was starting to mess with his head again, but he hadn't had a chance to sneak away and take another dose. He just couldn't figure out what was up with this place.83Please respect copyright.PENANA3RPVBlMXOi
83Please respect copyright.PENANA7LsTalpQc1
Ethan spotted the muzzle of the gun too late and reacted too slowly. He felt the dart hit him as he ducked behind one of the oversized chairs. He desperately hoped the ridiculously thick cushion would stop a bullet.83Please respect copyright.PENANAvsljm0mwfu
83Please respect copyright.PENANAsFURVPWgIR
Ethan took a deep breath and looked at the dart that had hit him. He fought down a wave of nausea at the sight of the foreign object embedded in his arm. He pulled it out quickly and let it drop on the ground with a tiny clatter. Although he didn't notice any effects at the moment, he had no clue how long it would be before he started to feel whatever was in there.83Please respect copyright.PENANAouMMbLlrAX
83Please respect copyright.PENANASVhLoMUDUV
Ethan peeked around the chair to see two men approaching them at a leisurely pace. One large one and one of average build . Both in black. Both armed. He hid back behind his cover quickly.83Please respect copyright.PENANAAV28N2jzFT
83Please respect copyright.PENANAj6eUuSeAUR
Ethan looked around for Jerry, only to find him already passed out cold on the floor a few feet away. He swore under his breath. They were after him, not Jerry, and he didn't have any chance of fighting them.83Please respect copyright.PENANAPzVnhAXfOD
83Please respect copyright.PENANALndV32Cs8k
Ethan needed to get out of there. The exit was close. He was starting to feel a little dizzy but decided he could make it anyways. He dashed towards the door.83Please respect copyright.PENANA79eH6hC5lF
83Please respect copyright.PENANArcTbhgx49u
Ethan easily made it the ten feet to the entrance. He pushed on the door. It wouldn't open. The light next to it was red. An electronic lock. He pushed again, harder.83Please respect copyright.PENANAG3iISBx14J
83Please respect copyright.PENANAio4GfqNgVX
Ethan was trying to shove the door open when felt someone grab him from behind. He turned around quickly to punch his assailant. His attack was panicked and aimed low. The man was taken by surprise as Ethan hit him as hard as he could . His assailant grunted in pain from the blow to his stomach.83Please respect copyright.PENANAAGVJa6G9ul
83Please respect copyright.PENANAW2pGs0XKnd
Ethan shoved his attacker back as he made a run for it. He made a beeline back the way the men had come in, to the corridor. He'd only gotten a few paces when the other one tackled him to the ground.83Please respect copyright.PENANAfvzSo6TtVw
83Please respect copyright.PENANAdrBBckXlkY
Ethan tried to scramble away but the larger man got a hold on him. He fought back but the drug from the dart was working against him, weakening him. He ignored the sensation and kept wrestling ineffectively with the attacker who had over fifty pounds on him.83Please respect copyright.PENANA8OjQd7ebDJ
83Please respect copyright.PENANA3eNS23RVGX
It wasn't long before Ethan ended up on his stomach with the large man pressing him into the floor, the cool tile touching his forehead. Ethan was starting to notice the significant weakness in his muscles, on top of feeling the overwhelming urge to sleep. Still, he kept struggling, trying to get the man off of him, even as it seemed pointless.83Please respect copyright.PENANAwcZ3zJDz9d
83Please respect copyright.PENANAP5Jyd6V8ZN
The man holding him kept a tight hold on him. "Why isn't the stuff working? Shoot him again!"83Please respect copyright.PENANAUrDq6mJcS8
83Please respect copyright.PENANAUkGc1BfgvK
"Quit whining. It'll work. This just means our intel was good," the other man responded calmly. "Try not to damage the goods too much."83Please respect copyright.PENANAIYgLQvzsEt
83Please respect copyright.PENANAdDJUxuJWHZ
Ethan tried to keep up his struggle but the dart had done it's job. He could feel himself beginning to lose consciousness.83Please respect copyright.PENANAavhW76IbOI
83Please respect copyright.PENANAJd5bCSjbJt
"If he'd gotten the good tranqs then we wouldn't have this problem," the man over him grumbled quietly, just loud enough for Ethan to hear.83Please respect copyright.PENANAK0jwj6M5zF
83Please respect copyright.PENANAkV7ppx8fSR
Ethan felt something hard and small press into his back. He felt the sting of another dart and soon after, his vision finally went dark.83Please respect copyright.PENANARp2idRkJkU