So there I am, playing the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game - But with holograms, shadow magic, the whole ordeal like in the anime.
Anyway, I play Pot of Greed, but when I go to draw my 2 cards, there's a bright white flash, & I'm teleported to a strange place covered in gray fog.
I hear what sounds like a baby cooing, & see a girl holding a bundle swaddled in a blanket. She hands me 2 cards; The very cards I was about to draw using Pot of Greed.
A second white flash, & I'm back in the duel. Turns out I drew Dark Magician Girl & The Eye of Timaeus. So, naturally, I use them to fusion summon Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight.
Well, safe to say I sent my enemy slinking out of there.